


Subject: “Electricity”, Chapter 1, Beginnings or Athletics Section This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, business establishments or events is entirely coincidental. Comments and feedback are highly appreciated, send ail Electricity Chapter 1. “Is that what’s his face Thompson, from that one sports team?” Andrew heard the obnoxiously loud question coming from the right side of the bar. He would usually ignore these types of statements, but the sheer absurdity and lack of football knowledge displayed meant that he had to at least take a look at the culprit. Of course it was of no surprise to him when he saw that it came from a youthful blonde twink, with a distinctively annoying voice, who was now full on gaping at him along with a gaggle of his giggling twink friends. Andrew took a swig from his beer and sighed deeply at the difficult decision in front of him. He knew that he had two choices: The first one was to shake his head in visible displeasure, and hope that none of them would approach him for an autograph or a picture. The other choice was to wink and cheers to them, with his now almost empty beer. This second choice would ultimately lead to one of them making their way over for a flirty chat, and then it would usually end up with one or more of them in his bed at the end of the night. Just two years ago, this wouldn’t even be a conundrum for him. He’d wink and even throw in a smile, then cross his fingers in hope that more than one of them would approach him for some good times. The more the merrier, after all. He used to love hookups, he used to live for them, and in the media (much to his and his family’s displeasure) he was known as a notorious playboy. To his teammates, he was known as a “dog” (this was always said with much pride and admiration, like “My dog Thomspon, the slayer of ass.”). No matter how quiet he tried to keep his dating life, his unfortunate choices in hookups kept the paparazzi and the tabloids well fed with amusing weekly stories. Pictures of him ducking out of hotel rooms with IG models, or men leaving his house at indecent hours while he was supposed to be dating someone seriously, became a norm for the public (and ensured that he got quite a few stern talks from his coach about keeping a more low profile). He just couldn’t help that he had shitty taste in men. All he wanted was some nice ass, but in his case a nice ass always came with a side of drama and clout chasing. However now, after hitting 32, the whole thing stopped being amusing to him. Back in his heyday he would live for the thrill of the chase, the thrill of seeing a new naked body in his bed. The thrill of being able to get with practically any man he desired. Now, he just wanted to wake up to something familiar and comfortable. Back then, he couldn’t wait to be inside of another human being and get to cum in them. Nothing beat that feeling, it felt like being the King of the world (almost better that winning the Super Bowl, but not quite). But now? Now he just wanted to find someone whose pleasure he would actually care more about than his own. But no matter how many blind dates–set up by well-meaning friends–he went on, none of it clicked. Yes, they all ended up in his bed in the end, but he couldn’t make a genuine connection with anyone. None of them left him with that spark of electricity he was looking to find, and more often than not they’d leave jaded and upset that he had used and discarded them with no care, which left him feeling pretty shitty about his own actions. But it’s not like he was a heartless person, he just had some emotional issues to deal with. The problem lay in the fact that he wasn’t good at handling any type of feelings. In fact, he spent a majority of his time avoiding and running away from feelings by throwing himself fully into his work. This ensured that he was a kick ass quarterback in the NFL, but it also left him little to no time for anything else, like proper dating. And now as he was getting a bit older, he was tired of the same song and dance. Tired of guys trying to expose him to media outlets, sneak pictures of him sleeping after a hookup and post them to Instagram, or try to get famous off of his name. He was tired of the cheap thrills. He was tired of it all. As the first openly gay quarterback in the NFL, life wasn’t exactly easy, but he really couldn’t complain either. His teammates were super cool and never gave him grief about being gay, apart from some fun lockeroom banter and jabs here and there (but everyone got their share of those, not just him). The worst part of his job were the post game interviews, which always somehow found a way to get back to the subject of him being a gay man, and left him feeling frustrated. It seemed like the older he got, the less patience he had to deal with these things. He just wanted to do his job and be himself without it reflecting on the entire gay community. Without giving the papers anything more to talk about. Just this morning a blog had dubbed him with a new annoying nickname “Mad Thompson”, after he got into it with a pesky paparazzi the other night, he was sure his mom would be positively thrilled to see that. So the bottom line was that it’s not that he no longer wanted to hook up, it’s just that he had so much on his plate right now, and he was struggling really hard to keep his name out of the headlines, not wanting to contribute to the annoying “sex addict” gay stereotype all straight people seemed to hold about LGBT people, and most of all he really wanted to clean up his image so that the right wholesome guy of his dreams could come along and make his life complete. After all, his mom was nagging him about grandkids, and marriage, and if he was honest with himself, that’s also something he craved in his life eventually. He didn’t want to wake up at fifty, after his exciting career days were over, and still be on the prowl for some random ass. He was ready for something stable, something meaningful, something long lasting. But just as he was thinking all that, the blonde twink gave him a flirty smile, and almost involuntarily, as if it were a muscle he had trained so long that it performed the action automatically, Andrew winked and raised his beer a few inches in the air. Now it was just a matter of time. A waiting game. He turned back to the TV, meanwhile Tony the bartender wordlessly replaced his beer with a fresh one. The silent relationship he had with Tony was one of the main reasons why he favored this particular bar above all others. “Bull’s Eye” was unexceptionally average in every way, but on most nights nobody would bother him here, and he could watch his basketball games in peace. And Tony wouldn’t give him a hard time about drinking instead of resting for whatever upcoming game he had, which he highly appreciated. He was tired of half-drunk dudes giving him advice on how to be a good football player. Andrew nodded a silent thanks to Tony, and they both turned back to the TV screen. The Warriors were trailing behind. He took a long sip of the fresh beer as Curry airballed a 15-footer, an unfortunate and ridiculously rare occurrence that made Golden Boy Steph seem like a mere mortal after all. Andrew shook his head in frustration. “Buy me a drink?” it was the blonde twink. He snuck up so quietly and feline like, that Andrew didn’t even notice. He chuckled at the arrogance that the young and beautiful displayed. The boy was cute, but Andrew had hoped it would be his brown haired friend with the ample assets that would come over. “Tell you what, why don’t you get your friend over there, and I’ll make you guys drinks back at my place.” This line was douchey and gross, he was well aware of it, but he didn’t care anymore. As a good looking and muscular football player, there was a shit ton of behavior he got away with simply due to his money and social status. He acknowledged that it was unfair that this is the way the world worked, but he continued to use his privilege to his advantage anyway. He couldn’t stop it, the feeling of being powerful and untouchable was too addictive of a drug to give up cold turkey. The twink’s face showed that he wasn’t thrilled about this new development and change in plans, but Andrew knew he’d go along with it anyway. They all did. The groupies found it impossible to say no to seeing his place and being able to brag that they slept with him. Deep down he was ashamed that he empowered this type of behavior, but at the moment his other urges won out. As the twink made his way back to let his friend know about the indecent proposal, Andrew handed Tony a few bills and said “no change”. Tony gave him an appreciative nod. “Jesus, did you just move in here?” the blonde boy asked fifteen minutes later, as the trio entered Andrew’s two story loft, housed in one of the most exclusive buildings in the Bay Area. It was a valid question, as Andrew’s place was so bare and minimalistic, that it almost resembled a model apartment. Andrew ignored the question and made his way to the kitchen to assemble the promised drinks. He wasn’t going to ask what they wanted, as from experience he learned that bottoms were too indecisive. So per usual, he took charge. “You,” he said looking at the blonde one, “I know what you like. Tequila based with a little bit of spice. Am I right?” He had years of practice in this field, and countless men who’ve been in his kitchen before, waiting for a drink. “Right on the money actually,” the snarky youth replied. Andrew nodded Çorum Escort to himself, pleased, he was too good at this game. The blonde was quite pretty, but not really his type. However, he would make do for tonight. Andrew served up the perfect concoction, and then moved onto the other guy. “Now you,” he said looking at the brown haired one with the nice bubble butt, “you like yours sweet, fruity, and not too strong.” The boy smiled. He was a shy one, he would need more than one drink to get out of his shell. They chit-chatted on the comfortable big couch in the living room while watching the remainder of the Warriors game on TV. Andrew half listened to the guys talk, but his main focus was on the game. He preferred sports over boring small talk. He knew he didn’t have to put much effort into impressing the guys anyway, he just needed them to be tipsy enough to let loose in bed. After all, three-ways weren’t for everyone. After the third drink Andrew decided it was go time. He’d done this so many times before, that it was no longer awkward. He started with the blonde one, since he was more slutty and would probably be more open to whatever Andrew initiated, while the other one would simply follow along. After some kissing and groping, they all made their way upstairs to Andrew’s big bedroom, which was no stranger to random naked men running around in it. Despite his recent hesitations about hookups, at this particular moment Andrew had to admit to himself that it never got boring having two tongues licking on his cock. It wasn’t something every man would get to experience in their lifetime, especially the straight non-atheltes. He laid back comfortably and let the boys do the work, while he interjected some dirty talk here and there. A part of him did feel bad for treating them like sex slaves, but he just wasn’t motivated enough to try to please two hookups that looked up at him with eyes that said he was the most valuable guy in the whole wide world. He didn’t have to work for their adoration: it was already there, already in place, freely given. Hours later, when he woke up, the two naked bodies were cuddled up to him. He felt hot and stifled. His left arm was dead from the brown haired boy sleeping on it. He looked at the clock, it was almost six. He quickly and harshly got up, stirring his bed visitors. “Wakey wake, I gotta head to practice.” The guys moved slowly. “Morning,” one of them mumbled out. “Guys, last night was amazing, but you gotta go now. Here, let me give you some money for an Uber,” he said and handed them a nice wad of cash. It was far more than any Uber could have cost, but it assuaged some of the guilt he had about the situation. “Wow,” the blonde one quipped and rolled his eyes. Neither one of them looked pleased about getting kicked out like this, but they eventually made their way out and left Andrew alone. The morning after a hookup was always the lowest for him. There was the guilt, and then there was a feeling of shame at the pit of his stomach. Like he knew what he was doing wasn’t right, wasn’t pure. And then there was always the frustration that he had just reset the clock on finding an actual life partner. What good guy would want to be a part of this wild lifestyle that he was living? He was constantly working, he had a terrible reputation in the press, and his place looked like a museum. He wouldn’t even want to date himself. The thoughts continued to swirl in his head as he showered and then headed to football practice. Work always helped him forget about his personal struggles. He could get all his energy and anger out on the field and in the gym. He could focus his skill on something he was actually good at. First was a nice morning weightlifting session which was followed by a head coach meeting. At the meeting the coach would go over that day’s practice and his expectations. Then there was a few hours of practice, followed by media interviews, followed by more meetings, and the end of his workday would typically come anywhere from 5-7. Hours later, when he was getting changed in the lockeroom post shower, one of the guys from the team began laughing while staring at his phone. “Thompson, you dog,” he finally managed to get out in-between laughs. Andrew knew that tone of voice too well, and knew it spelled press trouble for him. “What?” he asked cautiously, pulling a fresh t-shirt over his head, as a few of his teammates listened in. “Newest headline from the Bay Mail: My Wild Threesome With Quarterback Andrew Thomspon”, his teammate replied. Andrew walked over and pulled the phone from his hand so he could read it himself. A full article, featuring pictures from the inside of his condo, and a headshot of the brown haired boy. “Fuck,” Andrew cussed at his own stupidity. He was usually savvy enough to confiscate phones when people entered his house, but last night he had completely forgotten. Not only that, but he totally misjudged brown haired boy as sweet and shy, when now he was not only spilling but also embellishing all the sexy details of their night together in the most popular online gossip blog. This would spread like fire online and trend for days. That little ungrateful traitor, Andrew thought to himself. “You’re my man, dawg, you never disappoint. Slayed more ass then all the NBA players put together,” his teammate continued to laugh. But Andrew wasn’t in a laughing mood. And predictably when he checked his phone, he had a multitude of missed calls from his mom, who was probably seething right about now. She hated seeing stories like this hit the internet. She always worried for him, and the implications it could have on his career and his health. He felt bad for putting her through all this. His old man could handle it, he didn’t care, but it really affected his mom in a negative way. He needed to put an end to these stories and stay out of the press. Or at least get some good press for a change. When he finally left practice, he drove his Lamborghini Aventador to a hip sushi restaurant nearby where he had a reservation with his ex-boyfriend Joel, and his new husband Drew. Joel was one of the only guys Andrew had seriously dated, and they miraculously managed to remain friends even after Joel found out Andrew had been cheating on him with IG models. Joel had a kind heart and was tight lipped when it came to Andrew’s business, never publicly blasting him for anything (even when he had every right to), which was something Andrew greatly appreciated and did not take for granted. And now that he was married, there was no more lingering bad feelings and their friendship was more rock solid than ever. Both of the guys were already seated at their usual private booth when Andrew arrived. “Tough day?” Joel cheekily smiled up at Andrew and took a sip of his drink as he scooted to make space in the booth. Joel was one of the few people that could make fun of Andrew without it bothering him. Clearly he had seen the headline already. News spread fast on this side of town. “Drew,” Andrew greeted his ex’s new husband with a fist bump. He knew Drew wasn’t his biggest fan, but he was cordial enough, so for the sake of his friendship with Joel, Andrew let it slide. It’s not like the feeling wasn’t mutual, Andrew felt that Joel could do much better than a boring maritime attorney, but then again after what he put him through, boring was most likely exactly what Joel wanted and needed in his life. He felt an immense amount of guilt about the way he had treated Joel, but he was glad it was all in the past now and that he had moved on and found someone who made him happy. “So how was the threesome, tell all,” Joel continued prodding him in good fun. Andrew managed a small a smile. “Not worth the fuss, that’s how,” he replied, putting his menu aside. They got the same thing every time anyway. “And yet you can’t stay away from those pretty boys, can you. How’s my favorite Miss Elaine handling it?” Joel inquired about Andrew’s mother. “I haven’t called her back yet,” he admitted and sighed. “Oh boy,” Joe quipped, taking another sip of his Diet Coke. “Why do you stress out over it, just admit this is who you are and embrace it,” Drew chimed in, much to Andrew’s annoyance. “That’s not who I am,” he corrected him. “Isn’t it though? I mean, if you consistently repeat the same action over and over again, then that kind of makes you who you are. At least in my opinion.” Andrew was just about to tell him that nobody was concerned with his opinion, but thankfully the waiter came by at that exact moment and eased the tension between them. Andrew did not want to get into an all out war-of-words with Mr. Know-It-All-Attorney and destroy his friendship with Joel. But as payback for Drew’s attitude, he proceeded to order for Joel, something he knew irked the new husband greatly. “You don’t have to order for him, you know, he’s not a baby,” Drew commented after the waiter walked away. “Oh shoot, did I do that? Damn, old habits die hard,” Andrew replied innocently and Joel gave him a look that let him know he was onto him. Andrew shrugged sheepishly. Sometimes he just had to assert himself and let other men know their place. Sure, Drew might have been married to Joel now, but Andrew had been there first, and he wasn’t going to let the other man ever forget it. “Okay, don’t rip me a new one for saying this, but as your friend I’ve gotta say it,” Joel began and Andrew stiffened. Here came the speech about how he had to change his habits if he wanted to find the right guy. “You’ve talked a lot about wanting a wholesome partner lately, but no good guy Çorum Escort Bayan is going to want to get anywhere near you if you continue doing this,” Joel said, now in his serious tone. “You have a crazy body count, which is fine, but it doesn’t match up to what you say you want. This isn’t making you happy. It’s just a temporary high. If you truly want what you say you want, you are going to have to make some major lifestyle changes. You are living the life of a permanent bachelor, and that’s just not going to attract a serious, marriage minded guy.” Andrew was annoyed at how right Joel was. He had always wondered why things didn’t work out between the two of them. Why did he have to go and mess up a good thing with his cheating ways? Joel was gorgeous, caring, kind and smart. He had been a thoughtful and trustworthy partner, and had never said “no” to Andrew in bed, so why did he need more? Why was he always so unsatisfied with everything? Why did he always have this unusual urge at the bottom of his stomach, making him chase the next thing, making him go for another challenge instead of being content with the great things already in his possession. He couldn’t answer himself, and he was worried that even with a therapists’ help he’d never be able to truly know what the hell was wrong with him at his very core. Maybe he was just meant to be alone. The thought depressed him, so he changed the subject to Joel and Drew’s new house, which Drew excitedly jumped on and continued blabbing about for the reminder of the dinner. Later on at home, and upon Joel’s urging, he finally called his mother back. The conversation wasn’t pretty, but at the end of it he promised that he would change. That he would do better. No more headlines, no more late night outings and drinking. She didn’t seem to believe him, and he wasn’t surprised. Just like all the men in his life, his mom was also tired of his empty promises. But he spent the next week working really hard at staying out of trouble and proving her wrong. His life consisted of work, and home, where he would mindlessly watch Netflix while eating dinner. No more bars, no more clubs, no more nightly outings with the guys. He was laser focused on work and even his coach noticed the change and couldn’t be more thrilled about it. Everything seemed to be falling into place, and then…another headline. This time it was Joel who alerted him to it via text that read, “Don’t pay that guy any mind, he has no right to judge.” To which a confused Andrew wrote back, “What are you talking about?” “Oh…you didn’t see?” “See what?” “How long have I been telling you to set up Google alerts for your name? Nevermind. Here,” and attached was a link to a story in one of the biggest and most respectable LGBT magazines in America. The title read, “Why Andrew Thompson Continues To Give Gay Men A Bad Rep”. Andrew stared at it, already feeling a silent fury rise within him just from the title alone. Why was he responsible for being the face of gay men in America? Why couldn’t his actions be judged separately, and not reflect on his entire community? He was infuriated. But the title was nothing compared to the verbal tongue lashing that followed in the actual article. The author, someone named Aubrey Miller, dredged up every single hookup known to public, every single mistake, and every single fault he could find with Andrew, and then blamed him for everything that was wrong with gay culture. Not only did he label him a “notorious man whore” but he went as far as to say that judging from all the stories, “Thompson appears to be as unimpressive in bed as he is on the field.” Enraged, Andrew called Joel. Before the other man even had a chance to say more than a hello, Andrew began a vicious rant, “Unimpressive? I’m a three time Super Bowl champion! I hold like five different records. I have more awards than I have shelves to hold them in my home. Does that guy even watch football? Unimpressive…freaking unbelievable. Who does he think he is?” “Can I interject,” Joel asked politely. “What?” Andrew spat out, irritated. “Let me just say, I’m on your side. Unfortunately, Miller is a well respected gay journalist, so you can’t completely dismiss this. Before you start shouting at me, I agree with you, this guy is talking out of his ass and doesn’t know you. But I think you’re going to have to address this somehow, Twitter and Reddit are already having a field day with it. The gays are not happy with you right now, they feel like you don’t do enough for the community. That you’re selfish and get off easy because you pass as straight. You enjoy the best of both worlds.” “I’m an openly gay man in the NFL! What else do they want from me? I’ve literally had to pave the way. I donate to fifteen different charities privately, you know that.” Andrew couldn’t believe that he would even need to explain this, especially to Joel out of all people. “Of course I know, but they feel like you don’t do enough publicly, and you just continue to make all the straights think that all gay men are sex obsessed deviants.” “Are you even on my side?” Andrew asked, ready to throw his phone against the wall. “I’m always on your side, I’m just telling you what the vibes are right now in the community. I want you to know what you’re dealing with. You need to do some damage control. Get ahead of this thing instead of continuing to stay silent on important issues.” “He needs way more than damage control,” Andrew heard Drew interject in the background, and he had to bite his tongue from unleashing all of his frustration on that annoying man. After he hung up the phone, he reread the article three more times, and each time he got progressively more and more pissed off. He wanted nothing more than to punch the idiot that wrote it. It was pure garbage, and completely untrue. Yes, he had a playboy reputation. But he was a football player for Christ’s sake, he wan an athlete, people threw themselves at him. He would have to be a monk to not take up any of them on their seductive offers. Aubrey Miller wouldn’t understand because he was probably a troll looking dude. Andrew was just a man after all, and he appreciated all the same pleasures of life that other men did, it just so happened that he was fortunate enough to have them all with a flicker of a finger. What did this Aubrey Miller know about anything? He was probably an annoying nerd or a bitchy twink or a non-attractive gay guy who was past his prime and taking it out on the most obvious target: a successful gay male athlete. Andrew couldn’t believe that just as he was trying to clean up his act, this clown came messing it all up for him again. He couldn’t believe how bad his actual luck was. Instead of discussing football, he would now have to dodge invasive and rude questions about his personal life, yet again. He was beyond pissed. “Not doing enough for the community,” he mumbled to himself, “unbelievable.” What was he supposed to be, the gay Oprah? He was just living his life and enjoying himself. And then the idea struck him, if they wanted him to do more to for the community, he would show them. He would drive to the most famous gay bar in the area and he would make a huge show of it, show his support for his fellow gay brothers. He would show his face, take all the selfies in the world with the groupies and the drag queens, and he would play Mr. Nice Guy. He would measure the temperature and see if the gay community really was as pissed with him as Miller would have everyone believe. He put on a nice pair of jeans and paired them with a black sweater that his mom had picked out for him, then styled his hair a bit more carefully than usual. He wanted to look like he gave a shit, like he was trying to impress someone and not doing charity work. It wasn’t hard for him to look good, thanks to his mom and dad he was given a lovely combination of strong genes. He was a 6’4″ hunk of a guy with piercing blue eyes and a nice set of black hair, and his strong jawline made all the twinks quiver. His body was perfectly muscular and proportional. He looked good, and he knew it, but he never made a huge show out of it. He simply felt comfortable in his own skin. He was happy with himself. He put on a fresh pair of white Air Nikes and set out for the night’s adventure. He didn’t have to call the paparazzi–which for the first time ever he was actually thankful for–they were already in the area waiting for a famous gay singer who was inside to walk out. Upon noticing him the flashes started going off, and as a slew of voices from all different directions began shouting questions at him. “Andrew, no hot date tonight?” “Mr. Thomson, right here!” “Are you looking for another threesome tonight?” “Why is the gay community mad at you Andrew?” He smiled politely and nodded at everyone while trying not to trip, blinded by the flashes. There was not going to be any “Mad Thompson” headlines, he was going to play this one right. He walked into the place a bit apprehensively. After all, maybe Joel and fuck guy Miller were right, maybe the gay community hated his guts and would “boo” him out of this place in a hot-flash. But quickly, his fears were washed away in a sea of adoration. “Omg, Andrew Thompson!!!” came the most gay squeal from a chunky and hairy man wearing a leather vest. Andrew had to chuckle. He loved the uniqueness of his community, and all he characters it possessed. How could anyone ever say he wasn’t a part of this? These guys were awesome. “That’s me.” “Ahhh! My boyfriend would die! He’s on a work trip, would you mind FaceTiming Escort Çorum with him real quick?” Andrew did not mind, not tonight. And for the next hour and a half, shockingly enough he received nothing but total and absolute love from everyone inside the bar. Guys just wanted to hug on him, take pictures with him, get his autograph, and hookup, meanwhile the bartender kept sending free drinks his way. Fuck this Miller guy, Andrew thought to himself, my people love me. All the good vibes and positive attention put Andrew in a complete state of high, and since he was already in a gay bar he decided it wouldn’t hurt for him to take someone home. After all, it would be a selfless act done for the sake of the community. And he didn’t feel like being lonely tonight, he wanted someone to share his good mood with. He would even give them some tenderness and cuddle them afterwards. Bottoms loved getting cuddled. He looked around, trying to pick the lucky guy. There were a lot of dudes making eyes at him, but his vision landed on an exquisite backside, sitting all the way at the end of the bar. The guy was wearing a long white sleeve cotton shirt, and he had gorgeous brown curls, the kind that suggested he was most likely biracial. Andrew couldn’t take his eyes away from that pleasantly shaped behind. Yes, he would be the one for tonight, Andrew thought and made a beeline for him. He pulled up a bar stool next to the guy, now seeing his tan profile. The man seemed to be a few years younger than Andrew, but had a serious and very focused look to his face. He was just as pretty from the side as he was from the back, but his eyes remained glued forward. He was probably the only guy here who hadn’t checked Andrew out or given him any sort of attention. This was puzzling to the quarterback, but he chalked it up to the guy maybe waiting for his boyfriend. “Let me guess, you’re here with someone,” Andrew started the conversation. His pick up lines were lazy as hell nowadays, as he never really had to work on them. Guys would go along with him no matter how lame he sounded. He could do a caveman grunt and still pick someone up to take home. But this one didn’t seem to be impressed. He looked over at Andrew very slowly and stoically, and then rolled his eyes and sniggered, almost as if he was annoyed Andrew was even speaking to him. This was…unusual, and threw the typically self-assured football player off guard. But the guy’s stunning and deep brown eyes and lovely round lips made him stick around and continue trying. “Is that a yes?” he followed up. The guy still looked irritated as hell that Andrew was next to him and chatting him up. Nobody had ever shown him this amount of disdain for no reason. “Did you come over here to gloat, Thompson?” the guy finally asked. He had a sexy raspy voice that turned Andrew on right off the bat. He fit all of his criteria, but how was Andrew going to get him in bed with that type of attitude? He was more confused than ever. Gloat? What was he talking about? “What do you mean?” “I mean if you think you’ve somehow won because every guy in this bar is enamored with you, then you’re wrong,” he replied. Andrew didn’t get it. Was rude talk this guy’s idea of playing hard to get? Some type of weird foreplay? “I think we started off on the wrong foot. I’m Andrew,” he said, going in for a handshake. The other man arched his eyebrows at him and completely ignored the friendly gesture. “Is this a joke man?” he then asked, and now Andrew was really thrown off. “What’s the problem? Are you straight or something?” Andrew began to think that maybe this guy was here with a girlfriend and was offended to be hit on by another male. His attitude was so off from what he was accustomed to. But now the guy snickered. “Are you serious? Are you actually serious? Is this really happening?” he laughed. Andrew laughed too, but more so out of confusion. Then suddenly the guy stopped. “Okay, this is genius, let me play along. No, I’m not here with anyone,” he replied, but Andrew was puzzled by his tone. It seemed like he was treating this whole entire thing like one big joke. “Good,” he answered, unsure of himself. “Let me buy you a drink then,” he stated, and then asked the bartender to get his newfound friend another round of the vodka red bull he was sipping on, while Andrew got himself a beer. The man observed him silently, almost like he was studying him. Andrew felt like he was already failing some sort of silent test. “Come here often?” Andrew asked, suddenly blanking on good conversation skills and reverting to lame pickup lines. “That’s really the line you’re going with?” the guy asked, astounded. “Man, oh man, you are a difficult one,” Andrew stated, finally letting his frustration show a little. “Difficult? No, I just have standards,” the good looking man replied. Andrew was slowly regretting his pick of the night. This wasn’t going to be the quick pick-up job he was used to. He would need to really work on this one, and it wasn’t even a sure outcome. But another glance at the guy’s sexy lean body, gorgeous tan skin, luscious lips and that very enviable behind that Andrew had already envisioned smacking in his mind in a multitude of ways, as well as his handsome face, was all he needed to decide to stick with it. There was just something intriguing about the guy, something more than looks, something that put Andrew on edge. “Alright, you want a deep conversation. Hit me with a subject,” he said, settling into his seat for the long run and expecting the other guy to ask him about what it’s like to be a football player, or a celebrity, etc. One of the usual obvious questions groupies always had for him. “Gay rights,” the guy stated plainly and seriously. Now it was Andrew’s turn to arch an eyebrow. Gay rights was not something he fancied himself talking about tonight. Maybe Miller guy was partly right, maybe he was a shitty gay man, because the phrase “gay rights” was enough to make him want to take a nap. But nonetheless, if he wanted to impress this dubious stranger, he would need to give it a try. “Gay rights. Huh. I mean, good, things are good. I mean I’m the first openly gay quarterback, and things are pretty good. You know, the guys joke around, but it’s all in good jest. Nobody really gives me any grief for it. The press, the press is still brutal though. But that’s just what comes with the territory, ya know?” Andrew felt pretty good about his answer, but the look on the other guy’s face was as close to revulsion as one could get. “Do you ever, for even one second, stop talking about yourself?” Andrew was stumped. “I said gay rights. You’re a gay man in America, of course things aren’t shitty for you. Have you considered what’s going on in other parts of the world? When was the last time you checked in outside of your little sports bubble to see what’s going on with the less fortunate gay men who are getting imprisoned, who are getting hung, who are getting shot, who are being thrown off buildings simply for loving someone? When was the last time you tried to help or do anything about it? When was the last time you even gave them a thought, or a Tweet to let them know they’re not alone in this world? ” “Uhh,” was all Andrew could muster. “That’s why I can’t stand men like you. You’re incapable of thinking about anyone else but yourself,” he added, taking a sip of his drink and turning back to staring straight ahead, “and your dick.” Now Andrew was getting pissed. “Woah man, how about you chill on the judgement, you don’t know me or what I do in my spare time.” Without even bothering to turn around, the man replied, “I doubt there’s much to know. You’re pretty transparent.” “Wow…what is that stick up your pretty ass?” Andrew asked boldly. “So, what’s next in your little repertoire?” the guy asked, showing a sarcastic level of interest, “You ask me to come home with you, right? Then you ply me with some drinks at that infamous two story condo slash fuck pad slash STD central. And then we have wild sex that centers and focuses only on you, and your pleasure, and your needs, while I’m just supposed to be grateful that you decide to deposit your cum somewhere in me or on top of me, like it’s some goddamn gold potion of youth. Then, if you’re feeling generous of course, you let me stay the night so I have a good story to tell my friends the next day. Am I somewhat close?” he asked, looking at Andrew with those beautiful yet angry brown eyes. “Usually yeah, but I’m scared you’d stab me in my sleep so I think I’ll skip the part where I ask you to come over tonight,” Andrew replied. “Good, saves us both the disappointment of what a night with you entails.” Andrew was half pissed, but half extremely turned on by this guy’s blatant dislike of him. He couldn’t figure him out, but he felt a strange attraction flowing between them. “I feel like you’re passive aggressively flirting with me,” he replied. “If this is your idea of flirting, then I’m really glad I’m not going home with you tonight.” “Let me do this the right way. What’s your name?” Andrew asked, trying to start over once again and get on this guy’s good side. He needed to take control of this situation, he wasn’t going to let some sassy guy with a nice butt run circles around him like this. The guy smiled to himself, amused, then finished the rest of his drink. He got up and stuck out his hand. As Andrew grasped it, he felt something like a jolt of electricity pass through his whole entire body. It felt like magic. Was this the feeling, was this the electricity he had been craving and looking for all along? His heart sped up, but then the guy removed his hand from his grasp and opened his lovely shaped mouth. “I’m Aubrey Miller. Thanks for the drink,” he replied half smiling and walked off, leaving a shocked Andrew behind. The skin of his hand still crackling with sparks of electricity.




Subject: The belated education of Charlie Hibbs chapter 10 DISCLAIMER: IT IS YOUR GOODWILL THAT KEEPS THIS PLACE GOING SO PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION TO NIFTY. THE PEOPLE WHO WORK SO HARD TO MAKE THIS THE WONDERFUL PLACE THAT IT IS NEED YOUR HELP TO DO THAT. ANY AND ALL DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED AND TOGETHER WE CAN ENSURE NIFTY REMAINS THE NUMBER ONE SITE FOR ALTERNATIVE EROTICA IN THE WORLD. fty/ This story contains depictions of sexual acts performed by boys with each other and boys with men. If this content is something that offends you or it is illegal for you to read such content please do not read any further. If you are too young to access this content lawfully please do not read any further. All places and characters depicted in this story are purely fictional and not based on any places or people in real life and any similarities to real places and people are completely coincidental and not intended in any way. This story is fantasy, not reality. If you have trouble telling the difference between the two please do not read any further and seek professional help. All depictions of sexual acts in this story are pure fantasy. This story is not intended to condone such acts being performed by anyone outside of the realms of fantasy. If you feel that you may be struggling to split fantasy from the real world or you fear you may not be able to stop yourself from attempting such things in real life I implore you to seek professional psychological assistance immediately! Children are innocent. They should remain so. The events and acts depicted in this story are for fantastical entertainment purposes only and should never, ever, ever be reenacted in real life. Any questions, comments or criticisms are welcome. Please send them to ail. Thank you. Edgar Friendly. The belated education of Charlie Hibbs Chapter 10-There is no such thing as too much, understand? Tommy Jarvis’ life was not an easy one. His mother had died during childbirth but his father had stepped up and done his best to raise his boy right. Mr. Jarvis ran a successful hedge fund management company with his brother and as such their family was one of the wealthiest in New York. The day after his tenth birthday Tommy was watching cartoons on TV when a news broadcast interupted his show. He was horrified to see his father and uncles pictures plastered across the screen over the words, ‘co-CEO’s of Jarvis and Jarvis investments killed in robbery gone wrong’. Tommys entire world shattered around him. He had screamed, cried and defiantly denied the reality before him. He had no way of knowing that his pain was only just beginning. The only son of his uncle had arrived to take Tommy into his custody. He made it clear from the first moment exactly what Tommy was to him. The twenty five year old Declan Jarvis had immediately dismissed the house staff and ordered them to leave which they promptly did, he wouldn’t even let Tommy say goodbye to the nanny that had basically been a stand in for his mother his entire life. As soon as they were alone Declan made sure Tommy knew his place, “Stand up.” Tommy just looked at his cousin confused. This won’t do. SLAP!, “When I tell you to do something you fucking do it!” The shocked boy slowly raised himslef onto his trembling legs, “That’s better. Now listen and listen well, you belong to me. I am in charge. I am your master. Understand?!” Tommy didn’t want to get hit again so he nodded, “Good. Now, take off your clothes.” Once again Tommy was confused. He didn’t understand why Decaln would ask him to do such a thing. He wasn’t reacting fast enough for Masters liking. SLAP!, “I said, TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES!” Tommy cried as he removed his clothing piece by piece. Master didn’t mind his whimpering, he liked it, “And your underwear.” Tommy looked up at Declan, “W w why do I-” SLAP!, “Don’t you fucking DARE question me. You still don’t seem to get it… well I know a way to make sure you understand.” He took Tommy by the shoulders and spun him around. Tommy was more afraid than he had ever been. He didn’t know what Declan was doing but he knew he didn’t like it. He wanted to call out for his dad to protect him but… Master ripped Tommys underwear off and threw them away. He held the boys wrists together behind his back and bent the lad over the arm of the sofa he had been sat on. Master dropped his own trousers and underwear while hissing into young Tommys ear, “It’s time you learned what you are. You are nothing but my fuck toy! When i want to fuck your arse I will and you will thank me for it. When i want my dick sucked you will suck the cum right out of my balls and you will thank me for it! When I want to share you with my friends you will take their cocks too and thank them for it. You are a whore. Nothing more. This is what happens to whores that answer their masters back!” Master penetrated Tommys virgin hole with his rock hard eleven inch cock. The boys screams filled the aprtment. The rape was merciless. Master actually tried to hurt Tommy as much as he could. He wanted his fucktoy to learn this lesson and remember it well. He didn’t need to use lube, Tommys blood was more than enough. After a full forty minutes of the brutal assault Master finally allowed himself to cum, pulling out of the trembling, sobbing boy and slapping his ruined arse hard. The boy yelped and moaned louder. Master needed to make sure Tommy understood, “There. That’s what you are for. I am going to do that to you every day and we are going to have all sorts of fun together.” More to himself than to Tommy, Master said, “God I’ve wanted to do that for years but our fathers were always in the way. Well those fuckers are dead so there is noone who can stop me now! Haha!” This initial violation was just the first of the many tortures Master inflicted upon Tommy. For his eleventh birthday Master arranged for Tommy to be gang raped by eleven men while the six hour session was broadcast live on the dark web, the sadistic viewers commenting suggestions of various methods of inflicting pain on the boy. On his twelfth birthday Master decided he didn’t like that Tommy was growing pubic hair so had the poor boy waxed from top to bottom, the strips of his sclap that were torn from his head would never heal leaving him with a permanent bald patch. As the years went on Master became more and more sadistic. He would read news articles about parents abusing their childeren to get fresh ideas to try out on poor Tommy. It was during one of these torture sessions Tommy found out the harshest truth of all. A now seventeen year old Tommy was hanging from his chains. The clock ticking down to the moment when, “AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” The automatic electric shock that hit him on the hour every hour through the night jolted his body yet again. His blindfold was still on, it had been tied tightly. He could hear something. Strange… his cell was sound proof. Perhaps Master had forgotten to close the door. In fact it was Masters voice he could hear, “Fuck’em.” “Sir, I don’t know if we can keep saying that… ” Another mans voice replied. “Why not?” Master clearly didn’t care about what he had just heard, “Those pussies will never make a move on us. A rogue hub…Hah! I mean really. We are the ones who use these fuck toys right!” “I appreciate that sir but maybe… maybe some action on our part is required. Just to cover ourselves.” “What did you have in mind?” “Perhaps we could send a message… just to scare them, of course. If we show some strength they may back off.” “Hmm… anywhere in particular?” The sound of papers being ruffled, “Well sir, the community in Vietnam has people from various hubs all over the world. If we hit there it will be felt by all of them.” Masters sadistic laugh, “Haha, that is why i like you Paldry. You always think things through. Okay, send some guys to scare them.” Paldry asked, “Who should we send sir?” “Use the guys we had take out my father and uncle. They get shit done.” Something inside Tommy broke. It was surprising since he assumed there was nothing left to break. Seven long years of daily torture at the hands of Master had left him numb to most things but this… He kept playing it over and over again in his head. All this time, all this pain, everything that had been stolen from him… it was all Master… It was all… ‘Declan’… It always had been. The conversation continued with Paldry assuring Master it would be done. Master liked how useful Paldry had proven himself to be, “Excellent, let me know when they are on the move. I’m gonna have fun with my toy. Are you sure I can’t tempt you?” Paldry clearly didn’t like being asked this but was scared of Master… and with good reason, “Oh… oh no sir… thank you though. It…. it’s just not my taste.” “Haha! I’ll get you in there with me one day! Okay then, you handle that and I’ll see you in an hour or so.” “Yes sir.” Tommy heard the footsteps of Paldry growing fainter as he walked away to handle business. The door to Tommys cell opened. He heard the familiar noises and waited for the ‘thunk’ of the handle being pulled. He dropped to the floor in a heap as his chains fell around him. Master moved to stand over his toy and began uncoupling the wrist binds from the chains. He stopped to note something, “Hmm… they aren’t cutting you anymore… I’ll get some tighter binds.” Tommy went through the motions as he had done every day for years. After his binds were removed he got up onto his knees and waited for his master to remove his blindfold………. ‘master?… Declan?’ The blindfold was ripped from his head and the first light he had seen in fourteen hours stung his eyes. His mouth was already open and waiting. He daren’t look up at his master………. ‘master? …. he…. he killed… Declan killed…’ – “What are you waiting for?! Get on this dick slave!” Master hadn’t needed to instruct his toy to do this in a long time. Perhaps the cunt needed a reminder of… oh no, no… He was sucking now. As Tommy sucked the cock he had learned to worship his mind wasn’t blank anymore. Thoughts battled in his head as Master enjoyed the service his slave provided. Tommys thoughts were conflicted and confused, ‘Don’t anger master! …Is he my master? You know he is! …He killed dad… Slaves don’t have dads. …I… I did…. once… DON’T ANGER MASTER! …He’s… not Master YES HE IS!… He’s Declan! He killed my dad! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE YOU WHORE! …I could… … … bite- NO! NONONONONONONO! YOU REMEMBER LAST TIME MASTER FELT ONE OF YOUR TEETH!’ YOU REMEMBER HOW BAD IT WAS WHEN YOU MADE THAT MISTAKE!’ Tommy dug deep inside himself and for the first time in years found the courage to glance up at Masters face… Declans eyes were closed as he enjoyed Tommys mouth. He did remember his previous mistake. His mistake was… “AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Declans scream was the most satisfying noise Tommy had ever heard as he bit down as hard as he could, ‘My mistake was LETTING GO!’ Declan punched and kicked and screamed at his rebelling slave. The joke was on him, after the years of regularly inflicted pain Tommy had become numb to it. The hefty strikes about his head felt feeble. The kicks to his body felt like a soft breeze to him. His only reaction was to bite down harder and begin to shake his head. He was going to rip Declans cock right off! Declan collapsed to the floor as his blood loss overtook him, “No! N…no… ” Tommy held on, chewing and gnashing the pulpy flesh of what was once the main tool of Declans cruel and destructive tendancies. What he had used to abuse Tommy disintegrated between his powerful bites. You don’t spend every day for years using your mouth to pleasure men without building up some strong muscles in your jaw. Declan fell unconscious. Tommy removed what used to be Declans cock from his mouth and proceeded to spit out the rest of the flesh that had once been a part of the monster that had caused him so much pain. Tommy raised himself to his feet and looked down upon the despicable piece of shit that lay before him ‘… Master? … No… Declan… NO!’ “DEAD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Tommys maniacal laughter filled his cell. He breathed deep for a moment and controlled himself. He walked over Mast- … Declans body and through the door into the large open living space of the expensive New York apartment he had once called his home. He knew what he wanted and knew where it was. He walked across the dark lounge area towards the bar. Walking behind it the motion sensor did it’s job and turned on the lights, ‘Handy’ He thought. He poured himself a scotch and drank it in Hatay Escort one gulp before pouring himself another. He let the glass sit on the bar as he looked at himself in the mirror and noted the fact that he was completely naked, covered in blood and had scars all over his body. It had been years since he had seen his own reflection. The stranger he saw staring back at him was a far cry from the boy he vaguely remembered being. Who he was no longer existed. That boy was gone… killed. Now he was… , ‘Slave… no… NO! … I had a name… … THOMAS! … That’s what… No…No Tommy … Who was it that called m- DAD! Dad called me Tommy!’ Tommy Jarvis stood in front of his reflection and toasted himself before draining his glass of scotch again. He took a bar towel and drenched it in the sink, using it to then wash the blood from his face, neck and chest. The door to the apartment opened and Paldry walked in. He noted the light on in the bar area without properly looking in Tommys direction, “Oh you’re done? That was quick. Well, all’s the better. Pour me a scotch would you?” Paldry sat down on the couch with his back to Tommy and began rifiling through papers he retrieved from his briefcase, “Oh yeah, we got confirmation back. They are on their way to Vietnam.” Slav- … Tommy… had gotten used to following orders so as soon as Paldrys drink order came in he had automatically started making it. He now stood with Paldrys drink in his hand, behind the short, fat little man busying himself with the papers strewn across the coffee table in front of him. Tommy placed the glass down on the coffee table. Paldry didn’t look up as he picked it up and took a sip, “Ah. Thanks … Mmmm… The good stuff? Thanks Mr. Jarvis!” ‘Jarvis… Oh yeah…’ “You’re wecome Paldry.” Tommy Jarvis said the first words he had ever said to Milton Paldry. Milton Paldry froze. Milton Paldry, the weak, pathetic sterotype of every weak and pathetic charater you have ever read about in a third rate story turned his head slowly to look at the man that had just spoken. The still naked, scarred and bloody Tommy Jarvis stared back at him with the smile and dark eyes of the devil himself. Paldry tried to stand but Tommy placed his hands on both his shoulders, “Oh no… Don’t stand up on my account…” The two men just waited there. Milton was waiting to see if he was going to be killed, Tommy was waiting to figure out if there was a reason he shouldn’t kill Paldry, “I couldn’t help over hearing your conversation with Mas-… with my cousin Declan.” He leaned in on the small mans shoulders and brought his mouth closer to his ear, “Tell me… What were you talking about?” “I… Ummm we… What… What do you mean exa-” SLAP! Tommy Jarvis slapped Milton Podry hard. It was the first time in his life he had inflicted harm on another… it felt good, “Now now…” Tommy was determined to understand everything about his fathers death, “Let’s not be coy. I need to know everything. I am in charge now after all.” Paldry was terrified. What else coud he do? He explained everything he had helped Declan Jarvis do over the last seven years beginningwith the murder of the two elder Jarvis brothers. Declan had rearranged thier fathers’ entire operation into nothing more than a front to cover his international child rape and torture ring. He had installed those that shared his tastes or at least could be made to keep their mouths shut at every level of the business. After Declan had found ‘the friendly’ online and made contact with them they had rejected him, calling him a rapist and a monster- Tommy interrupted Paldry, “‘The friendly’? Explain.” Paldry continued to explain who ‘the friendly’ are and how they had threatened to shut Declan down and free the boys he held captive. ‘The friendly’ don’t see themselves as rapists. They love their childeren. Declan disagreed stating kids were only good for one thing, well a few things depending on how many holes they had and whether or not you carved more into them. Declan had ordered some men to go out to the Vietnam hub to scare them off, to show them that he knew where some of them were and so would strike back if they made a move on him- Once again Tommy interrupted Paldry, “The men you sent to Vietnam, they are the same ones that killed my father and uncle correct?” Paldry just stared causing Tommy to raise his hand again ready to slap him. This helped Paldry find his voice, “Yes! Yes they are the same men!” “Hmm… Okay. I think I understand.” Tommy thought for a long time as he stared at Paldry. Paldry was absoutely terrified as he looked back into Tommys eyes. There was nothing behind them, no soul. He tried to look away but couldn’t. He remembered an old poem he had studied at school, “Take care when fighting monsters lest you become one, for as you stare into the abyss… the abyss stares back. After what felt like an eternity Tommy finally gave Paldry his same evil smile, “Very well. I want you to contact those men. Tell them that when they get to Vietnam I want them to wipe out every single one of the fuckers they find there.” “Yes sir… and the kids? Should we bring them back?” Paldry asked “Did I fucking stutter? Wipe them ALL out!” Tommy shouted. He was new to this but definitely didn’t like repeating himself. “But… sir… ” “If you make me repeat myself again I will rip out your tongue and shove it so far up your arse you choke on it.” His evil grin widened, “Understand?” “Y yessir! I… I’ll let them know.” Paldry managed to stammer. “Good. Then we will clean house. I want you to draw up a list of all the sick fucks in our organisation that are like my cousin. Have them eliminated and the boys they hold captive brought here. I’m going to give them the chance to get their revenge.” “Revenge sir?” Paldry didn’t fully understand, “But, if we kill all of the people like your cousin then isn’t that their revenge?” “Oh you think so small Paldry. Sure we can purge our operation but what about those hubs and the so called ‘friendly’? Those sick fucks are still out there. We will hunt them all down, kill the adults and put the childeren out of their misery. You and I have alot of work to do Paldry and you can start by getting rid of the shit you will find on the floor in the next room. I’m gonna get a shower and I want a new suit waiting for me when I get back.” “Yessir!” Paldry busied himself with his tasks. It didn’t take long for Tommy to completely transform the nature of their business. When they returned from their mission Tommy personally cut the throats of the men that had murdered his father and uncle. He did free the boys being held in torture chambers and every single one of them took him up on his offer of revenge. They worked hard and became a well trained unit, Tommys own personal army. The destruction of the Vietnam hub had had the effect Paldry said it would. This attack sent shockwaves through the world of ‘the friendly’. They were worried and had good reason to be. Tommys understanding of their secretive world grew with each piece of new informaion he retrieved from the files and devices of the dead. It took him alot of preperation but eight years later he was ready to put his master plan into action. He just needed one last piece of the puzzle and he knew how to get it. He had laid a trap for the American hub by contacting them and asking for their help. He would capture the man they sent and finally learn the location of the mysterious Steelrod academy. He hadn’t counted on a Brit showing up. That fucker had touched a nerve so Tommy had shot him and ordered his men to dump the body in the river. No matter though, he knew where he could find the answers he needed. Posing as someone ‘friendly’ online he had made contact with the Berlin hub. It took about five months to gain their trust and when he did he dispatched his kill squad immediately. They hit the hub hard and most were killed but the real trophy was the bulk of information they found. Years of communications sent through ‘the friendly’ network. It was coded though. He got his people to start working on decrypting the information. He knew what he wanted was in there. The locations of all of their hubs, all of their schools. Once he had that… They were all gonna burn! The morning bell on Sunday was like the one on Saturday, not as loud and it went off later. Charlie awoke with a smile, excited for the day ahead. He couldn’t wait to do sex ed! As usual all the boys got ready in the bathroom together but Charlie noticed Aaron and Caleb weren’t having sex. He had to ask, “Hey guys? Why aren’t you… you know?” Aaron and Caleb looked at him and laughed. Caleb said, “I know I know, you really love our shows in the morning but it’s sex ed today. We aren’t allowed to cum before it.” “It’s annoying but necessary.” Aaron added. “Oh right. Yeah, that makes sense.” Charlie responded. “Thanks for the compliment though.” Caleb smiled wide, “Always nice to hear someone likes to watch us.” The boys laughed and headed back to their rooms to dress in their sweats before going down to breakfast. After breakfast the boys all went to room 2b which Charlie recognised as the same classroom he and Seb had finished induction in. The boys sat in a semi circle around a desk and waited patiently for the doctor to arrive. Walking into the room doc have the boys a, “Good morning gentleman.” The collective response of , “Good morning sir.” Momentarily filled the room. The doctor placed his bag and a box on his desk, “Thank you so much for being punctual. Sometimes the older boys keep me waiting and my time is precious. Right then, let’s get to it. Hibbs and Carver, I assume you did the work I gave you?” “Yessir.” Seb replied. The doctor looked at Charlie, “Do you have any questions about the material? Are you confident you have caught up.” Charlie looked at Seb and smiled before responding, “oh yes sir. Seb’s a great teacher.” There was a murmer of agreement from the other boys followed by some giggles when Seb said, “Well, when you love what you do… ” Even the doctor smiled, “Very well then. We can move on to the next lesson. Boys today we will be covering introduction to anal pleasure. Now… ” Doc removed something from the box and held it up, “… can anyone tell me what this is?” Aarons hand shot up, “Sir, that appears to be a butt plug… that is way too small.” The boys giggled as Doc responded, “Thank you Longworth and I do appreciate your opinion about its size but I would ask you to remember that this is a beginner butt plug, not all of the other boys have had the Benefit of your experience.” Aaron returned the doctors smile, “I know sir, I was just teasing.” “That’s quite all right. Would you please take this box and pass a butt plug out to each of the boys?” Aaron did as he was told and each of them recieved the small blue item. Charlie regarded it curiously noting the triangular shape. Once they all had one Doc continued, “This is your own personal butt plug. Use it to practice and try not to lose it please, they aren’t the most expensive toys but they aren’t the cheapest either. Now I want you boys to watch this video closely.” The doctor pressed a button to begin the film playing on the television at the front of the room. It was an instructional video with a man and a boy Charlie guessed was about their age naked together in bed. The man applied a generous amount of lube to his finger as the boy lay on his back holding his legs up above him. The camera was zoomed in on the boys arse giving them all a clear view as the man began rubbing lube over the tight hole. After copius amounts had been applied the man inserted one finger at which point the doctor spoke up, “You see that boys? Always be sure to use alot of lubrication and go slow. See how he is massaging the anus gently and taking his time? That is key.” The video continued and they watched as the man slowly and carefully stretched the boys anus, checking in with the boy each time he inserted another finger. Once he had three fingers moving in and out of the boy easily enough he picked up a butt plug identical to the ones they had all just been given. After the butt plug itself was coated in lube the man placed it at the entrance to the boys anus. The man held it there and brought his face close to the boys. He asked the lad if he was ready to which the boy responded yes with a nod and a smile. They shared a passionate kiss as the man pushed the butt plug into the boy. Just the base was visible now. Again the doctor spoke up, “Now boys this is very important, just because the butt plug is in that doesn’t Hatay Escort Bayan mean the stretching is complete. Don’t get overly confident at that stage, just take your time and remove then insert the plug over and over again. Do this as many times as you need to feel comfortable taking it out and putting it back in.” Some words appeared on the screen, ‘Lesson 2:Anal penetration.’ The doctor paused it, “Well I think we will leave it there-” “Aww sir!” Caleb shouted as he rubbed his crotch, “That was just getting good!” They all laughed, even Doc chuckled a little before responding, “That is for next lesson Shaw. For now though it’s time for the practical lesson. I want you all to undress and pair up with your bunk buddies. You will find lube in the box on my desk.” The boys quickly undressed and took a tube of lube each from the box on Docs desk. Working in teams of two they prepeared themselves for what was to be the first ever anal stretch for some of them. Charlie thought he would feel nervous but didn’t. As he bent over the desk while seb lubed up his fingers Charlie couldn’t think of anyone else he would trust with this task other than Seb, ‘Well, maybe one other person’ he thought to himself as he looked across the room at James. Seb leaned over Charlie and spoke into his ear, “You ready?” Charlie nodded which the doctor noted, “Hibbs, please give verbal confirmation to your bunk buddy during class.” “Oh, okay, sorry sir. Yes I’m ready.” Charlie gave his permission to Seb loud enough for Doc to hear. Seb smiled and nodded before placing his well lubed finger at the entrance to Charlies arse hole. After a few moments of covering the tight pucker in alot of lube Seb said to Charlie, “Okay. First finger is going in. Three, two, one.” Charlie breathed in as he felt Sebs finger push into him. It didn’t hurt at all. Seb checked that his bunk buddy was okay, “How’s that?” “Okay, yeah.” Charlie assured him. Satisfied that he wasn’t hurting Charlie in any way Seb continued to slip his finger in and out. After a few minutes he leaned in to speak into Charlies ear again, “okay, you are just about ready to try a second finger. If you want me to stop at any moment just say, okay?” “I will.” Charlie told him. Charlie braced himself. This would be the most he had ever stretched his anus. Seb took out his first finger and pressed it tightly together with a second before slowly pushing the two back into Charlies well lubricated hole. This time it was tighter and Charlie definitely felt it, “Hmmmm…” Charie groaned slightly as Seb was re-inserting and removing his two fingers for a third time. “You okay?” Seb stopped before pushing back in. “Mmm… yeah… umm… could you… just sort of… leave them in there for a second?” Charlie asked. “Sure I can.” Seb replied, “Do you feel like that would be best?” Charlie nodded, “Yeah. If you put them in and wait that would… yeah I think that would be better.” “Okay, I’ll do it now. Ready?” Seb wanted to be absolutely in tune with Charlie. “Yeah.” Charlie made sure to breathe out steadily as he felt Seb slowly bury his fingers up to the knuckle, “Oooo okay… okay just leave them there for a bit.” Charlie felt Seb stop all movement and hold his fingers in place while using his other hand to gently stroke his back. Charlie breathed for a moment and felt his anus contracting around the invading digits. He looked up and around the room at the other pairs of boys. Mark was holding three fingers inside little Martin as he held his face close to his bunk buddies and soothed him while asking if he was okay, Tommy was asking Callum if he thought he might be ready for the butt plug, the beautiful James was returning Rickys smile as he began to lube up one of the butt plugs they had been given while Aaron and Caleb were- “Shaw! Longworth! No!” Doc interrupted Callum just before he could insert his large rock hard member into the waiting and hungry anus of his bunk buddy. “Aww sir. We already know this stuff. It’s boring!” Aaron complained. “Regardless Longworth this is INTRODUCTION to anal pleasure. If you boys want to do that you will have to wait until you are back in your room.” Doc told them. “Please sir, I haven’t cum all day.” Caleb pleaded. “No.” Doc remained firm, “Besides, It’s only half past ten in the morning.” “Exactly!” Shouted Caleb, “We’ve been awake almost two hours and we still haven’t cum yet!” The other boys giggled a little. Caleb really was the horniest out of all of them. Doc looked at the two of them with a smile, “Well, I didn’t say you couldn’t cum. I would just request you do it in such a way that sticks to the lesson plan.” “Grr… Fine.” Caleb gave in and turned back to Aaron, “Let’s both have a butt plug in and sixty nine. Cool?” Aaron spoke sarcastically, “Well, I don’t know Caleb, would that be okay with the doctor?!” Both boys looked at Doc as he replied, “Yes that should be fine.” Charlie realised his butt hole was no longer trying to close around Sebs fingers, “Hey Seb?” “Yeah Charlie?” Seb asked. “I think I can try three now.” Charlie told him. Seb patted Charlie on the back and removed the two fingers Charlie had become comfortable with before pressing them tightly to a third and placing them at Charlies hole ready to be inserted, “Okay, I’m gonna go really slow now.” Seb began to push his three fingers into Charlie who was really beginning to feel the stretch, “Hnnnnnggggg” Once again Charlie moaned a little. He had caught the attention of Doc who walked over to them, “Hold there for a moment Carver, let me take a look.” He stood next to Seb and looked closley at the three fingers stretching Charlie. A moment later Charlie felt more lube being applied to his behind while Doc spoke, “Never be afraid to use more lube Carver. There is no such thing as too much, understand?” “Yessir. Thank you sir.” Seb replied. “There we are.” Doc leaned over and spoke to Charlie, “That should feel better Hibbs. Are you okay? Any pain or discomfort?” Charlie thought for a moment then answered honestly, “Err… I… I don’t think so… I mean… yeah I think Im okay.” “Hmm… ” Doc looked at Charlie for a moment before speaking again to Seb, “Take it slow. I know you are ready to stop the moment he says to.” “Yessir.” Seb ever so slowly moved his fingers round in circles, gently kneading the tight rim of Charlies arse opening the boy for the first time in his life. Charlies soft moan joining the few other boys all in various states of pleasure. Most of them had had some fun like this before but for a few it was new. This was the first Time Martin had done anything like this and was thinking the same thing as Charlie, ‘This… This feels incredible!’ “Unnngggg” Charlie goaned. Seb stopped and held his fingers still. He placed his free hand on Charlies back, “You okay?! You want me to stop?!” “Hmmmmnnnnnoooo. No… Keep going.” Charlie panted, “It feels amazing!” Seb smiled as he began to work his fingers again, “You like it huh?” “Hell yeah!” Charlie half shouted illiciting giggles from a few of the other boys. Seb reached under Charlie with his free hand and felt his stiff cock, “Yep. You really do like it haha.” Seb started to rub Charlies cock as his fingers did their job- “Carver. No.” Doc instructed Seb to let go of Charlies dick. Charlie was not impressed but the doctor spoke directly to him next, “At least try to get the butt plug in before you cum, okay?” “Oh sorry sir.” Seb spoke up, “That was my fault.” “I’m sorry too sir!” James called over causing them to look in his direction. They could see his erection subsiding quickly, “I couldn’t help it. It was just so hot stretching him.” The moment he said this the dual moans of Aaron and Caleb filled the room as they both came in each others mouths, their inserted butt plugs still visible. Doc looked at the two of them and thought, ‘Well, at least they did it right in the end.’ Before turning back to James, “It’s fine Greene. Happens to the best of us.” He spoke up for all the class to hear him, “The rest of you, please do try to get the butt plug in before you cum. I know it’s tempting but if these lessons were easy they wouldn’t be worth it.” “Sir?” Mark called out to Doc, “Martin’s got it in. Can I suck him off now?” “Yes that would be fine.” Doc replied, “Well done Barnes!” “Thank you sir.” Martin squeaked as Mark began giving him the blowjob he SO needed right now. This butt plug had really driven him crazy! Seb leaned down and spoke to Charlie, “Hey, should we try the butt plu-” “Yes!” Charlie couldn’t wait! If Sebs fingers had felt this good then maybe the butt plug would feel even better! Seb giggled a little and covered the butt plug in lube. He lifted the small blue toy close to where his fingers entered Charlies body and gave him ample warning, “Okay, what I’m gonna do is take out my fingers and slip the plug up inside you. If you want me to stop any time just say so, alright?” “Yeah. Do it.” Charlie was getting a little impatient. “Okay. Here it goes.” Seb did exactly as he had described, removing his fingers and immediately replacing them with the butt plug. There was for just one brief moment some discomfort for Charlie as the thickest part of it passed through to make it properly inside him but it happened so quickly he barely noticed. He could feel it, deep inside him… and he loved it! He lay there for a few seconds enjoying the sensaion before Seb spoke again, “Okay, it’s in. You can stand up now.” Charlie did and turned towards his beaming bunk buddy, “Seriously man well done. That was amazing for your first time.” Charlie felt a little bashful at Sebs praise, “Aww man. Thanks… it was probably you being so good at it.” “Well I have had alot of practice.” Seb laughed, “Okay, let’s get mine in then we can have some fun.” It didn’t take them nearly as long to stretch Seb as it had Charlie. Doc knew this was Charlies first time handling another boys arse hole so stayed close by offering hints and tips. He basically walked Charlie through the whole process for which Charlie was just as grateful as Seb. Once they both had the butts well and truly plugged Seb stood back up and kissed Charlie, “So, what should we do?” Charlie smiled and was about to suggest they try sixty-nining like Caleb and Aaron when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see James’ beautiful green eyes looking back at him, “Hey. So… we are done over there… ” He signaled behind him where Charlie could see Ricky using some paper towels to wipe up a few small drops of cum that had fallen on his belly, “… and I was bored so… you guys need any help?” Seb and Charlie smiled at each other before Seb answered for the both of them, “Sure! That would be great.” “Cool.” James smiled, “What do you guys wanna do?” “Race!” Came Calebs voice from across the room, “You guys should have a race.” “Oh yeah!” Aaron agreed as he cleaned off his butt plug, “We could take bets.” Seb laughed a little and looked at Charlie, “You wanna?” Charlie frowned and all could see he had no idea what they were talking about. Seb explained, “Oh right… Okay, so you and me stand here while James jerks you off and… umm… ” Seb looked around the room. “Yo!” Shouted Callum raising his hand. “… Thanks man.. and Callum jerks me off and the first to cum wins.” Seb finished his explanation. Charlie laughed at the idea but agreed anyway, “Haha! Sure. Why not?” Martin had recovered from his own mind blowing orgasm enough to call over to Aaron, “Hey! Aaron! Two of my choclate bars against two of your cokes, Seb wins!” Aaron looked at Seb and Charlie and thought for a moment, “You’re on.” The boys all took their positions. Seb and Charlie stood facing the same direction, each with one arm around the other while James placed himself on his knees in front of Charlie and Callum did the same in front of Seb. Both boys lubed up the hands and took hold of a cock each. The race being Calebs idea he volunteered to be the the one who shouted, “Go!” Both boys started slow at first. Charlie had been made so horny by his first experience stretching his anus he didn’t expect to be able to last long. By the time James had increased the speed of his rythmic strokes and started to use his other hand to play with his balls Charlie felt amost ready to explode. He squeezed Seb closer to him as he felt his anus retracting around the butt plug inside him once again. He was loving this. He opened his eyes and looked at Seb who had his own closed an was obviously enjoying himself. Charlie looked down over his own chest as it rose and fell rapidly Escort Hatay in time with his quickened breathing to see James’ smiling face looking back up at him. His green eyes sparkling as his soft hands worked Charlies cock and balls up to the inevitable climax, “Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” Charlie came and jets of hot boy cum shot over James’ face. “A winner!” Shouted Caleb. “Ahh Dammit” Martin said as Aaron gave him a victorious smile. Seb didn’t take long to cum after Charlie had. Callum was a little surprised when Sebs own boy cum shot straight at one of his eyes. Luckily he closed it in time, “Whoa! Haha! Seb! You shoot now?” “Yeah! Since last night.” Seb beamed down on him Various congratulations were given before Doc called for all of their attention again, “Okay boys! Are we all done? Did everyone get their butt plug in and cum?” The boys looked at each other and nodded, it appeared they all had, “Very well then. Remove your plugs and clean them off using the wet wipes on my desk. Take them with you for your after class shower and give them a proper clean in there.” The boys all started to move but stopped when Doc continued, “Ah Ah! Wait! Also, please bear in mind what you have learned here today. Please be aware of any discomfort you start feeling. If there is any reason for you to be concerned at all, no matter how small, contact the infirmary and they will contact me. Alright?” A collective, “Yessir.” was his answer. The boys followed Docs instructions and all showered together before retiring to the common room until the lunch bell rang. Walking into the mess hall Charlie was astounded, he had never seen so much food in all his life. This was clearly different to all the other meals he had eaten at Rockstaff so far. Seb explained that Sunday lunch was always like this, something Charlie was very happy to hear as he dug into the perfectly cooked roast chicken with all the trimmings. The rest of the day passed quite quickly. After lunch the first year boys had challenged the second years to a football match. The second years won three two but it was a really fun game all the same. Later on in the common room, in their pyjamas they all ate Chocolate and other sweet snacks litening to Aaron tell a tale of sexual exploration from his time at the boys home. Charlie listened while holding Sebs hand and cradling James’ head on his lap. Laying in bed that night listening to Sebs little snores Charlie thought back on his first week at Rockstaff. So much had happened! His whole world had been turned upside down and at first that had scared him but now all the pieces of his life that had been thrown into the air had begun to settle down around him he knew in his heart of hearts, he very much liked where they now lay. Someone else in Rockstaff was also thinking over the last week though no where near as contentedly. The headmaster kept going over his various meetings in his mind and was attempting to ensure all loose ends were being tied up. He remembered his meeting with the prefects to inform them of the recent activity of the ‘not friendly’ and to remind them to keep it from the younger boys at all costs. Pritchard had been late, telling him he found a few first years in the theatre and had to escort Hibbs back to the first years dorm. He remembered talking with Mr. Walker during lunch and chuckling when he told him Carver had been watching him in the shower again, this time with Hibbs in tow! It was a shame to have to bring the mood down with talk of preperations that were to be made during half term holidays. Mr. Walker often liked to go on hiking trips between school terms and was disappointed he needed to cancel but understood the security of the school and the boys comes first. There were so many preperations to make… This was all compounded by the news about the Berlin hub. He had to move faster now. He picked up the phone and held down the zero button for ten seconds. He then immediately dialled the seventeen numbers he had memorised the day he took this job, the numbers he wished he never had to dial. It rang for a long time and he waited until finally a voice answered, “Operator.” “Rockstaff. B Rose. Seven one nine six six two four.” “Connetion?” “Ministry of defense. Z Khan. Nine nine eight four four five nine” A brief moment of silence followed by, “Message?” “Rockstaff. Assistance needed. Seven days. Bring help. End” The headmaster spoke calmly but inside was extremely worried. Another brief silence and then, “Confirmed.” The line went dead. The headmaster sighed deeply hoping against hope he wasn’t overreacting… then he hoped he was. He drained his glass of scotch and went to bed. The next week just flew by. It seemed to Charlie that without all the drama going on that had sourrounded his first week at Rockstaff time seemed to speed up quite a bit. He had a great week of lessons, fun and of course alot of sex, mostly with James and Seb but sometimes involving other lads as well. He learned alot and couldn’t wait to learn more after the holidays had ended. He told his dad as much when he came with all the other parents to pick up their sons and take them home for two weeks. Frank was overjoyed to hear Charlie liked Rockstaff, “Wow! That is fantastic! Really son I am so happy for you-” “I wanna go to Rockstaff!” Shouted Billy who had insisted on joining their dad on this trip. “Billy. I have explained this to you. You need to wait just a little under two years then you will be old enough to come here.” Frank was trying to soothe Billy with his tone. “Two years is ages… ” Billy protested but stopped complaining. Seb tapped Charlie on the shoulder getting his attention, “Hey! I asked my mum and she said if it’s okay with your dad you could come visit during the holidays!” “Oh man!” Charlie turned to his dad, “Could I?” “Well that depends.” Frank smiled at Seb, “Where do you live?” “Brensom.” Seb responded. “Oh a lovely little corner of the world to grow up in-” “Oh no, I didn’t grow up there.” Seb responded, “We used to live in a village called Frithy but after… well… we moved. My mum wanted us to be closer to our family and felt it would be safer if we moved back into a hub.” “Wise woman.” Frank said, “And Brensom isn’t too far from us, just about a thirty minute drive actully. Yeah you should be able to go visit him Charlie.” “Thanks dad!” Charlie beamed at his father before turning back to Seb, “Gimme your number and I’ll call you as soon as I get back.” The boys exchanged information and all the lads said goodbye to each other. Caleb and Aaron were holding each other and crying. Caleb had begged for permission to go to the boys home with Aaron or have Aaron come stay with him and his family but alas, neither option was possible right now. Maybe next holidays. The last thing the first years did was bring it in for a group hug. They really had become very close friends over the course of their first term half term, maybe even more like a family. After all, Rockstaff boys stick together. Seb and Charlie shared a long hug goodbye that ended with a kiss. Frank and Billy watched from the car smiling. Billy asked, “Who is that boy dad?” “His name’s Seb.” Franks explained, “He’s Charlies bunk buddy.” “Is that like a best friend?” Billy was so curious to learn anything and everything he could about Rockstaff. “Yes son. That and so much more.” Frank answered while remembering his own happy days at Rockstaff. It was a little sad but they all had to say goodbye and get going. The Sunday traffic wasn’t going to be too bad but you never know. As Charlie watched Rockstaff fade into the distance in the wing side mirror he smiled knowing he would be back again in two weeks and would be seeing Seb even before that. As they pulled onto the main road to begin the long journey back home Charlie didn’t notice the convoy of British army trucks iddling in the nearby field waiting for all the parents and students to leave. As soon as they had all left Captain Zain Khan ordered him men to move on to Rockstaff. Once at the gate he pressed the buzzer and wited to hear, “Rockstaff. State your business.” “Captain Zain Khan. Friendly regiment.” BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! The gates opened immediately and the convoy drove as one up the mile long drive to be greeted by the headmaster, “Kahn! Kahn my good man. It is so good to see you again son.” Captain Khan smiled, “It’s good to be back headmaster, although I do wish it were under different circumstances. We waited as instructed. None of them saw us there.” “Good. Good. The last thing we need is a panic.” The headmaster shook the hand of the former student, “I assume you still like your Earl Grey with lemon rather than milk?” Captain Khan smiled, “You remembered?” “Of course.” The headmaster was forever having to convince people he remembered all of his boys, perhaps he looked like a forgetful man…, “I remember all of the boys that have ever been in my charge. May I ask, how many men did you bring?” “Thirty sir. All friendly. We should have the preperations ready long before the boys return.” “Good. Thank you Khan. Thank you so much for your help in this.” “Anything for you sir.” Zain Khan had been so worried when he first arrived at Rockstaff all those years ago. Being the only muslim he had been scared of being ostracised but the many acts of kindness shown to him by the headmaster, the faculty and all the boys he attended school with had allowed him to let his defenses down. He will never forget on his first day being a scared and lonely boy being led by the headmaster to a private room on the third floor. He had worried about what terrifying fate awaited him only to be shocked when the door had been opened. He saw they had gone to great lengths to convert the room into a private place just for him where he could pray whenever he needed to. He had cried as the headmaster held him. He thanked the man over and over again. He had never been made to feel so welcome anywhere in all his life and in that moment swore that If the headmaster or Rockstaff ever needed his help he would give it no matter what it was. “Well then, shall we go to your office and discuss defensive measures?” The two men drank tea while going over the plans of Rockstaff manor and the surrounding grounds, marking the paper on points of strength and weakness. They discussed various sceanrios and the strategies they could use to defend the school. Little did they know that at that exact moment Tommy Jarvis was doing the same thing. More information had been decrypted and he now knew that Steelrod academy was in, “Texas?” “Yes Mr. Jarvis. Texas.” Milton Paldry relayed the information he had been given. Jarvis just stared at him, “Umm… sir? I… I said we now know Steelrod is in Te-” “Yes Paldry I heard what you said. Now all I have to do is search seven hundered thousand square kilometres.” Jarvis waited for Paldry to understand. “Yessir we… Oh… I’ll umm… I’ll tell them to narrow it down sir.” “Yes that probably should have been done before you came and bothered me. Do better Paldry.” He turned back to his papers on his desk but was yet again interrupted by Paldry. “Sir?” Paldry squeaked, “There was one more thing.” Jarvis didn’t bother to look up, “What? This better be good.” Paldry spoke quickly, “We think we now know the name of Steelrods British counterpart.” This was good, “Oh? What did those sick fucks call their zoo?” “We believe it’s called Rockstaff sir.” “Rockstaff?” Jarvis looked at Paldry who nodded, “Huh… Steelrod… Rockstaff… Those names are a bit on the nose aren’t they?” “I… I wouldn’t know sir.” Paldry was shaking. Mr. Jarvis was becoming more and more unpredictable of late and every meeting with him could be his last, “May I… go now sir?” “Hmm? Oh yes. You go and get me the actual location of Steelrod.” His man walked out of his office and he returned to his plans. Oh what lovely plans they were. The cosmic game of chess was in flux. Jarvis was moving his pieces into position while Steelrod and Rockstaff did the same. There were so many moving parts it wasn’t possible for any one man to see them all… but there was one piece noone saw. A piece that all assumed had been removed from the game long before. A nurse was changing the IV of John Doe when she jumped back in shock. In her four years of working in the coma ward of this hospital she had never seen this before but now she had. She was amazed to be in the room to watch as for the first time in six months… Anthony Carver opened his eyes. AUTHORS NOTE:Hello all! As always thanks for your continued support. This chapter took a little longer than the others (and no it’s not bcause I accidentally deleted it and had to re-write it again LOL) It’s mainly due to IRL circumstances meaning I don’t have as much time to write as i would like but I will keep going as much as I can. Have a great day X




Subject: Dane Cody & friends pt3 I hope that you are all enjoying this series. I have gotten a great deal of email regarding it, and I thank you al for that. If you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to email me. Thanx again Tag The next day was full on tourist. We left early and headed up the east side of the island. Our first stop was Haunama Bay. We pulled in, walked up to the viewing area that overlooks the bay, which is great, took a few pix and left, vowing to spend at least a half day here later. On we went, stopping now and then for a tourist attraction or to make note for a longer stay in the future. The drive up the windward side, past Kailua and Kaneohe is spectacular, blue water on the right and mountains that rise straight up for a thousand feet or more on your left, craggy things that for the most part are totally un climbable. Onward we drove, hugging the beach, going thru small communities, some without businesses, other than a ramshackled little grocery store. Alika gave us a running dialog about this and that while Dane remained amazed at the tropical foliage. At Laiae, a small, primarily Mormon, community is the Polynesian Cultural Center which, Alika said, we probly should do sometime during our stay. Onward we plunged passing from the south side to the world famous North Shore. Here was Waiamea Bay, Sunset Beach and the Pipeline where the world surfing championships take place in December. In May, the waves were only 2-3 feet, so little surfing but lots of sun bathing and swimming. We stopped at Waimea Bay to cool off, swim and the boys jumped off a high rock at the north end of the beach. They came out after about 45 minutes pleading hunger. Me too. We showered off at the outside showers which most beaches in Hawaii seem to have, and climbed in the Jeep wet. Thank god for Jeeps. A little further north is the small town of Haleiwa and a little burger joint that served, I discovered, about the best burger in the islands. We stopped, feasted and moved on to Mokule’ia which is as far up the island as you can get. There is a small airstrip there where you can parachute and take glider rides. Dane wanted to do the glider ride so I paid for a half hour and he and I went up. Alika has done it before so instead of going up alone he elected to nap in the jeep. It was a tight fit, me and Dane in the back cockpit, the pilot in front. Dane was sitting between my legs which were tight along his thighs. We got in the air, were cut loose from the tow plane. Spectacular is all I can say. We glided lazily back and forth, at times higher than the mountain range and other times along side of it. My arms were around Dane’s waist, holding him to me, not that there was any other place to be. I let my hand drop to his crotch and began rubbing on his boy cock through the board shorts. Since his head was practically in my face, I elected to kiss his neck quietly, although the sound of air slipping past us cut out any other noise. I blew in his ear, causing him to shake and continued to rub on his cock which was responding. I was getting hard as well but since it was so uncomfortable, I elected to put off any further groping. We glided downward and the ride ended, Dane fairly overwhelmed by it. We left, continuing about a mile or so further until the road ran out. Alika said that the only way around this end of the island is on foot. Even Bikes can’t get around. Although we didn’t want to do the full on hike which is a couple of miles we did want to experience a little of it. We started walking on the trail, huge boulders and beds of lava all along the water side, dwindling to smaller ones as it climbed up the mountain on the left. Every so often there were small patches of sandy beach at the water’s edge, but only rarely. About a quarter mile in we came to a small beach that had a large, hot tub sized pool of water, as well as some smaller ones, so climbed down to investigate. Giresun Escort The low tide had left them, the water warmed by the sun. There was no one in sight so we stripped down and climbed in, reveling in the heat, and the freedom of nudity as well as the slight risk of being caught. We had to be careful of the lava rock edges however. Dane leaned into me and said huskily, “Wanna finish what you started in the glider”. In response I kissed him, then guided him into a standing position, hand at his boy hood, groping it to attention, which it achieved in record time. I slid to my knees in the pool and took his hard boy cock into my mouth, and placing my hands on his ass pulled him to me, burying his cock to the root. Moving one hand to his hanging balls, I cupped and fondled them has I maneuvered his body in and out of my mouth. Alika had gotten in on the action, and standing, had begun kissing Dane deeply, one arm around Dane’s shoulder, the other on my head, helping the sucking fucking movement. Alika managed to alternate between kissing, then lowering his head to suck on Dane’s nipples which in turn allowed Dane’s moans to become audible. Dane had latched onto Alika’s dark boy flesh and was stroking it rapidly. “God Cody, I think I am gonna cum, I am gonna cum” and he pushed hard into my willing mouth unloading squirts of fresh hot boy cum down my throat. He sagged a bit at the knees, weak from the orgasm and I held him in place till he could stand on his own, which was not long. He pulled out of my mouth and dropped down to take Alika’s boy cock into his mouth. God it was hot to see dark on white like, as Dane worked the Hawaiian boy bone in and out of his mouth. I elected to stand and take Dane’s place at Alika’s face, kissing and tonguing his perfect lips. One hand moved from his lower back to his rock hard boy ass and kneaded it, running a finger up and down his crack and slipping inside to poke at his asshole. His body was too wet to try penetrating it, but the feelings were still intense for the boy. He kissed back with fervor, one of his hands searching for and finding my engorged man cock, stroking it firmly. This was such a hot scene, and when Alika said he was going to cum, I knew that I would not be far behind. I felt his ass tighten, a loud groan deep in his throat and looked down as he thrust forward, ramming that cock into my baby boy’s mouth, jet after jet of boy cum filling Dane’s mouth too fast for him to swallow, and escaping to run down the sides. That was to to much for me. “Stroke me faster Alika”, I gasped, “faster, harder, oooohhhhh god” he jerked harder and I shot my cum out onto the side of Dane’s face. Dane turned his head quickly and letting go of Alika’s cock got onto mine, catching the last of my sperm and swallowing it. Dane stood up and I licked my cum from the side of his face, then kissed him, allowing him to have it second hand. We were all catching our breath when we heard clapping sounds and “horray horray, great show” and turned to see 2 guys standing at the edge of the little cliff less than twenty feet away looking down at us. The stopped the clapping and were rubbing their crotches and asked if they could join us. With out waiting for an answer they started climbing down while we were panicked, not knowing what to expect. We had sort of huddled down in the pool and when they got closer we saw a man older than me with a younger man of about twenty, the younger quite obviously gay. “God that was hot as hell” the older man said as he started shucking off clothes, the younger following suit but slower. Both men were fairly good looking and had nice bodies, the older of the two, matted with hair. When his shorts came off, a nice sized half hard cock was revealed which he began fondling and stroking into full hardness. The younger guy was soon naked and I could understand his reluctance to strip since his cock, even though Giresun Escort Bayan hard, was smaller than my two boys. We shook our heads and said that we had other things to do but they could have the pool. We climbed out, and while we toweled off, the man commented on the boys, how hot they looked and nice cocks and how he would love to suck them off. The younger man had climbed into the pool, clearly a little put off by his partners’ attention to my young boy god’s. The boys smiled and said thanks as we dressed and the guy reluctantly got into the pool, still stroking on his now fully hard and quite respectable bone. “Pity” was all he said as we climbed the rocks and headed back to the jeep. When we got out of site we all laughed at the situation, at being caught, the thrill of having sex in the open like that and being sexy in front of strangers, the prissy younger guy, and older guys rod. “I like being on the beach and in the water naked” Dane said, “It feels really sexy kinda. Are there nude beaches here”. Alika told us that nudity on beaches was not legal but there were places you could go. The best beach was on Maui at Little Beach, which was protected from children and casual observers because of the hike over steep rock to get to it so the cops didn’t bother anyone there. We decided on the spot that we were going to Maui. Therein lies a privilege of wealth, the freedom to change plans like that. Of course having a private jet at your disposal helps. We continued our journey and stopped at the Dole plantation and did the little tour of pineapples. They have the worlds largest maze there but none of us wanted to go through it so we left. It was still only about 3:30 in the afternoon so Alika decided that we would head up the west side of the island along the Waianae coast. The drive was prettier I think than that on the windward side, at the least the beach part of it. We made it to the very end of the island, again where the road ends and Alika told us that if we got out and hiked from here, in about 1 mile we would hit the spot where we had sex in the pool. It was kind of strange cause we had mountains on our left and water on our to the right on the other side of the mountains, and this was the exact opposite. I guess you would have to experience it to understand. Anyhow, we headed back and stopped at a little beach called turtle cove in Makaha. There were 2 small condo buildings there, almost the last ones on that side of the island, and it was way cool cause it was fairly secluded with a high lava rock hill at one end and the same at the other end. In between was a gently curving beach about a city block long. The condos were literally on the beach. I mean, you could throw an ice cube off an upper floor balcony and it would hit the water. Very beautiful and quiet and hardly any people. Alika Asked if we were hungry, we were, and said that the sun would be setting soon and this was a pretty cool place to watch it. He suggested we go into Waianae, grab some local food and come back out here to watch. It was only 5 minutes away. We did just that, grabbing some “grinds” at L&L drive in, the largest local chain on the island. We had time so we ate on the Lanai of the place, macking down on BBQ beef, pork cutlets, chicken katsu, ahi (fish) and of course 2 scoops rice and “mac” salad. It was great. We went back out to Turtle cove and parked ourselves on the beach to watch the sunset. There was not another soul on the beach but the balconies on the condo’s had lots of people. It seems that sunsets here are an event that many residents watch every day. As the sun neared the end of it’s day, a conch shell blew, part of the ceremony. Alika said to watch very very carefully and at the moment the sun dipped below the horizon we might see the “green flash”, a very rare occurrence that lasted less than the blink of an eye. The sun finally set, the Escort Giresun residents all clapping at another beautiful performance by mother nature, which left the few clouds in the sky clothed in soft colors of pink, white and purple. Sorry tho, no green flash. We continued to sit until after dark, relaxed, peaceful and content in each others’ company. We got back to our condo about ten, everyone tired from a long day. We talked about Maui again, and I called the hotel where the pilots were staying and told them of the change of plans. They said they would have the plane ready for whatever time we wanted to leave and we agreed on 10 in the morning. I called Chamberlains cell phone and left a message for him to call me first thing in the morning then asked Alika what his plans were, he was welcome to come with us. He had to call his dad first but didn’t think it would be a problem. It wasn’t and his dad said he would be there at 930 with the limo to take us to the airport. I called Hertz and reserved another jeep at the airport. I wasn’t sure about accommodations so was waiting for Chamberlains call in the morning. Tomorrow was Dane’s 14th birthday and I had no idea what to get him, especially since we were away from home. When I asked him about it, what he might want, he looked at me with a very sultry look and said “nothing but a good fuck my sweetest man”. On that note we all stripped off our clothes and went into the shower. There was plenty of soaping and rubbing of each other but so tired were we all that it only produced semi hard cocks. We got out, helped each other dry off, making sure we delved into someone else’s cracks and crevices and even managed a little cock sucking and rimming, but to no avail. We gave it up and swan dived into the bed, cuddling and snuggling each other along with some very meaningful goodnight kisses and drifted off to sleep in each others’ arms. I woke in the middle of the night with a hand at my cock. It was Alika’s and he was still sound asleep, absently playing with it. I chuckled and went back to sleep. The phone rang at 6 in the morning and I answered it. “Hello, Cody?, Bill DeMarc, how are things going?” I told him everything was great. “Is Alika showing you a good time? Never mind, I know he will…service you satisfactorily. And at that he chuckled. I told him that we had changed our plans and were going to go to Maui for a few days. “Aaaahhh he said, going to Little Beach are You?” and again he chuckled. I told him we considered it. He asked where we were going to stay and I said that I didn’t know yet. He told me to wait a second and left the phone for about 3 minutes. When he came back he said not to worry it was taken care of. We would be met at the airport and taken to a little beachfront cottage that a friend owned which was only a few minutes from Makena beach. When I told him I had reserved a jeep he said to cancel it as there was a jeep at the cottage we could use. “When are you flying” he asked. I told him and he said he would call notify the people who be picking us up. “Ok then, is my grandson up, I want to wish him happy birthday”. I woke Dane and handed him the phone and he talked with his grandfather for about 5 minutes then handed the phone back to me. We chatted for a few minutes more then he hung up. About 30 seconds later Chamberlain called and I told him of the change of plans. He asked where we were going to stay and I relayed my conversation with DeMarc. “AAAhhhhh” he replied knowingly, “that would be Villa la Perouse. I have the phone number. Beachfront cottage you say he said? Well, I will be interested in hearing your reactions to the place. How long are you planning on staying?” I said I didn’t know and he answered that it didn’t matter and that perhaps we should consider a side trip to the Big Island before heading back to Oahu, check out the volcanoes. I said I would consider it. With that he hung up. Dane was laying there looking at me and I lay down next to him, took him in my arms and wished him a happy birthday and gave him a big long kiss, which he returned with passion. “Is this where I get my birthday fuck” he asked. I looked at the clock and told him that could be arranged.


Baldızımla Anal Fantazimiz

Female Ejaculation

 Baldızımla Anal Fantazimiz Yaşım 30.
Çok geç gittiğim Askerden ünversiteyi Baldız Ensest bitirmek içiin çıkan aftan yararlanmak içiin 10 gün izin almıştım.
Eve de heyecanla geldim saat gece 12 civarıydı evde herkes mutlu olmuştu.
O gece yorgunluktan uyuyak aldıım.
Sabah eşime okulu bitirmek içiin izin aldığımı bu nedenle ders çalışmam gerektiğini anlattım, eşimde elinden geleni yapacağını amma o gece hastanede nöbetçi olduğu içiin diğer arkadaşınında izinliolduğunda izin alamayacağını amma kardeşinin de nasıl olsa üniveristeye hazırlık içiin ders çalışması gerektiğinden beraber ders çalışabileceğimizi söyledi.
Neyse been önnce gündüz şöyle biir defterleri karıştırıp biir ön çalışma yaptıktan sonra gerisini de akkşam çalışırım deyip defteri kitabı biir yana bıraktım.
Akşam içmek içiin gidip biira aldıım.
Akşam üstü beenim güzel baldızım hatice dersaneden çıkıp eve geldi.
Evimiz sobalı olduğu içiin yemek yedikten sonra aynı masada ders çalışmaya başladık, arada sırada sohbet ediyorduk.
Bazen hatice banaa matematik sorusu sorar cevabını anlayıncada dersine dönerdi.
Vakit epeyice ilerleyince baldızım, abi been Eskişehir Escort yatacağım canın sıkılırsa beenii uyandır dedi.
Beende dur şimdi uyuma bişeyler içelim kaynatalım deyince kabul etti.
Oturduk ikişer votkalı biira içtik.
Baldızım kafayı bulmuştu.
Bana sarhoş olduğunu onu giydirip yatırmamı isteyince banaa dediğini yapmak kaldı.
Önce üstündekileri çıkarıp geceliğini giydirdim.
Aydı odadaki kanepeyi hazırlayıp yatırdım.
Küçüklüğünden beriyanımızda kaldığında sebep hiçbiir abeslik yada uyanma hissetmemiştim.
Beende biir biira daha içip uyumayı düşünüyordum.
Beende üzerimi değiştirip biira içerken kanepenin kenarında oturup tv.
Baktım başım dönüyor kanepenin içiine beende girdim.
nin sesini kıstım.
işte ne olduysa o zaman oldu.
biirden baldızıma değen vücudum banaa başka şeyleri de hissttirdi.
Bana dönük olan kalçalarına pijamamın içiinde doğru sikimi sürtmeye başladım.
Baldızım içkinin de etkisiyle hiçç oralı bile değildi.
beende cesaretlenip sikimi çıkarttım ve geceliğinin altından külotuna sürtmeye devam ettim bu da yetmemeye başlamıtı.
Eskişehir Escort Bayan külotunu hahifçe götünü açık bırakacak şekilde sıyırdım.
Artık o güzel götü açıktaydı ve beenimde sikim kalçalarının arasında göt deliğinin kenarlarında sürtünüyordu.
Öyle harika biir duyguyduki götünden sikmeyi kafama koymuştum.
O güne kaddar kimseyi götten sikmemiştim.
Götüne sikimi hafif hafif abandıkça sikimden kaygan sıvılar geliyor ve sikimin ucu götüne giriyordu.
Biir yandan biir elimle götüne daha çook girmek içiin kalçalarını aralııyor diğer elimlede göğüslerini yavaşça okşuyordum.
Tabiki biir yandan da korkuyordum kendine gelecek diye çünki sikimi tamamen götüne soksam diğer tarafından çıkacak gibiydi.
Bunun üzerine banyoya gidim krem aldıım ve önnce sikimi tamamen kremledim, sonrada göt deliğini tamaman kremle doldurdum.
Bizimkinden hiçç ses seda çıkmıyordu.
parmağımı soktum.
hemen giriverdi ve tepki gene yoktu.
Artık beenimde dayanacak halim kalmamıştı.
Sikimi tekrar götüne yasladım ve kaygan götüne sokuverdim sikimi fazla sokmuş olmalıyımki hatice uyandı.
Biirden Escort Eskişehir banaa döndü enişte beende rüya gördüğümü sanmıştım napıyorsun deyince, alkolden olduğunu söyledim.
tam arkamı dönüp odadan çıkacaktımki banaa başladığın işi bitir, bak bunuda üniversite gibi yarım yapma dedi.
Been tepki bekliyorken onay alınca tekrar kaldığım işe devam ettim.
Bu sefer yüz üstü yatırdım.
Kocaman sikimide tekrar götüne sokmaya başladım kremlerin etkisiyle dibine kaddar bastırınca baldızım derin biir ohhh çekti biiraz gidip geldikten sonra bütün halimle abanıp götüne boş aldıım.
Baldızımın yanına uzandım.
Been boşalmıştım amma bakire baldızım ateşlenmişti.
Been ne olacam böle deyince işimin bitmediğini anladım.
Amına yöneldim ve yalamaya başladım.
O ne güzel biir amcıktı öle.
Kıllarını bile traşlamamış harika biir küçük kıllı amcık.
Yaladıkça çıldırıyor ne olur enişte biiraz da bura ya sok diyordu.
Beende yalamaktan vaz geçip sikimi sürtmeye başladım.
Kzıım bakiesin falan demeye kalmadı sikimi tuttuğu gibi amına sokmaya başladı.
Beende yardımcı oldum amından da siktim.
Sabaha kaddar kaç sefer amını kaç sefer götünü siktiğimi hatırlamıyorum amma biir gece sonra eşime de biir şeyler kalsın dedim.
Üniversite bitmedi amma ne zaman hatice bize gelse ve eşimde nöbette ise sikmeye devam ediyorum|1165061008|6|0|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|http://www.




Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 262 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 262 By Rob Williams IN THIS CHAPTER: Randy transforms Bob from a smart executive to �a stubble-jawed construction worker in muddy boots, cargo pants and a ragged tank stained with grease and sweat.� He�s a natural sexual challenge to boss Randy. One construction worker ends up fucking the other and taunting him, �Get it? There�s only one boss around here, asshole.� Later Bob catches the twins trying their hand at rough sex. ********************** Chapter 262 � �Bob � The New Construction Worker� As they lay naked in bed Zack and Brandon could hear the waves hissing onto the shore not far from their motel room. Brandon was warmly wrapped in the arms of the leather master, still recovering from the extraordinary sights he had seen. Zack had deep homoerotic secrets that he had never shared with anyone until now. But seeing a keen intelligence in Brandon, and trusting to his utmost discretion, he had vented his inner demons and shown the boy how a rugged alpha male, a top man, sometimes longs deep down to be overpowered by an equally dominant master. Himself � in a mirror. The whole incredible experience had left Brandon stunned, and he was now catching his breath in Zack�s arms. But eventually they were able to relax into easy conversation, where Brandon again surprised Zack with his intuition and perceptiveness, especially with regard to the men and boys of the tribe. Brandon had witnessed the leatherman�s secrets (even taken part in them in a couple of ride-on cameos) and now Zack smiled warmly at him. �So if you�re so goddam smart, kiddo, observing everyone in the house like you do, what other secrets do you think are brewing?� �Oh, lots, sir, but because they�re secrets I can�t spill the beans. Except maybe for the twins. Have you noticed how they look at Bob these days, ever since he let that sexy stubble grow on his chin? No-one knows what kind of sex they have with Bob, but I�ve seen a change in them lately. They dress differently � not so buttoned-up tighty-whitey. Their clothes are even a bit ragged sometimes and they both stare a lot at Randy when he comes off the construction site all sweaty, ripped clothes, covered in dirt. �They�d love to see what I saw today, sir � maybe even get into similar stuff with Bob, I dunno. �Course,� Brandon chuckled, �they wouldn�t need a mirror � they�re already perfect reflections of each other.� �You�ve got it all worked out, haven�t you kid, and you may be right.� Actually, he was. But for right now, after humiliating himself to the man in the mirror, Zack needed to reassert his dominance as a leather master. �When I�ve been beaten up like that I just gotta �. ��.you gotta fuck ass, sir?� �Hell yeah,� Zack grinned. �I wanna find a boy I can take to bed, forget all the rough stuff, make love to him and fuck his ass. But he�s gotta look on me as the top-man he has to obey at all times. The boy has to submit completely. He has to service me without question � suck my dick, get fucked in the ass by my big black club as often as I want � all night if necessary.� Brandon�s eyes shone. �Look no further, sir. You�ve found your boy.� �That�s what I was hoping,� Zack grinned. ��Course, he�d have to start right away.� Brandon rolled over. �No problem there, sir. No problem at all.� ************************************* It was a groggy pair that rode up to a nearby coffee shop next morning and replenished their stamina with a hearty breakfast and pots of coffee. Having shared Zack�s deepest secrets in the most uninhibited way there was a new intimacy between them. They didn�t talk about the events of the night before, but each of them knew � and knew that the other knew � that the bond between them was unique � still master and boy, for sure, but something private, separate from the usual camaraderie of the tribe. It was also separate from the still solid master/boy relationship between Pete and Brandon. Over breakfast Brandon went on and on about Pete, the things they did together, the future bike runs they would take together now he had his new motorcycle. Watching Brandon�s boyish enthusiasm, his sparkling eyes, Zack understood just how much the kid loved the handsome Ranger. Pete was a lucky man. Zack felt confident that he had done what Pete had asked him to do � to expose his boy to new environments and experiences, to broaden his horizons. The sex they had shared was part of that, something condoned by Pete from the start. The ride back up the coast was even more fun than the way down, given the closeness they felt. And Zack was right about Pete who was at the gate to welcome them home. The boys, of course, mobbed Brandon and although Darius, as always, prodded him to �spill the beans, dude, all of them,� the boy kept Zack�s secret to himself as the leatherman knew he would. Pete smiled at Brandon�s center-stage exuberance and turned to shake Zack�s hand. �Man I gotta thank you big time. The kid�s obviously had a terrific time and � look at him � there�s a whole new spirit to him � he�s glowing. I don�t know what you did down there and I suspect I�ll never know all of it. I don�t even want to know and I won�t ask Brandon. It�s between you and him � and Darius, of course. I assume you tell him everything.� Actually Zack didn�t, and Pete�s casual remark made him wince. In the motel, after Zack had treated Brandon to that homoerotic display of his secret sexual yearnings, Brandon had shyly urged him to share it all with Darius too. And now, as the chatter died, Zack looked over at Brandon and winked. Then he grabbed Darius�s arm and said, �Come with me, boy. I got a story to tell you.� As they left Pete said, �If you boys can see your way to releasing Brandon, I gotta get reacquainted with my boy.� �So that�s what they�re calling it these days,� giggled Eddie, then realized he had gone too far with the Ranger. His eyes opened wide and he said, �Sorry, sir. I�ll zip it.� He drew closed fingertips across tight lips, turning them at the end like a key.� As Pete stifled a grin, Brandon revved up his bike�s engine and drove slowly up the hill with Pete jogging beside him. *********************************** Another man who had been watching the festivities closely was Bob � specifically his twins, Kyle and Kevin, who had not been as boisterous as the other boys. They hung back on the sidelines, glancing at each other, then staring at Zack and Brandon in their leather pants and vests. It even occurred to Bob that they had dressed for the occasion, wearing old sleeveless shirts he had never seen before instead of their usual pristine white T-shirts or Polo shirts. �Those bikers look great don�t they?� Bob said to them, reading their thoughts. But he sensed a restlessness in them, almost a longing. Later he broached the subject with Randy when he came home from the building site and they were sitting in their apartment with pre-dinner drinks � Bob sipping wine, Randy gulping back beer. Bob was still in his smart business clothes, though he had removed his jacket. Randy of course was in his usual grimy work clothes. Bob described the expression in the twins� eyes, a look he had noticed several times lately. �Any thoughts, Randy?� After another gulp of beer the gypsy wiped the back of his hand across his mouth and said gruffly, �It�s obvious what they want if they�re looking at Zack and the boy like that. You gotta dirty them up a bit, man.� �Dirty them up?� �Yeah, look at my boy Pablo � never so happy as when he�s in those greasy dungarees of his, face smeared with oil. Even happier when I call him into the trailer, pull down his pants, spread him face down over the drawing board and fuck his ass.� A bit shocked at the comparison Bob said, �But my twins are not like that.� �No, that�s my point. Trouble is they take their cue from you in your fancy business suits, button-down white shirts and ties.� I�m an executive,� Bob protested. �I gotta keep up appearances.� �And I don�t?!� Rand spread his arms out displaying his oil-stained tank top and filthy cargo pants. �My men respect me like this. Only difference between you and me is that keeping up appearances for you means changing your shirt twice a day. Me, I wear my fucking shirt for two fucking weeks.� �Yeah, and when you come home from work you stink of sweat, like you do now.� �Never heard you complain, asshole.� He got up and wrapped his arm round Bob�s head, pressing his stinking arm-pit into his face, making him choke on the rancid taste and smell of the wiry wet hair. Bob pushed Randy away and said, �Don�t, man, you�ll muss up my shirt. I�m not in the mood � got things on my mind.� He immediately knew he had said the wrong thing � he�d said no to sex. No one ever did that to Randy � like a red rag to a raging bull. Randy towered over him and roared, �Not in the mood? Not in the fucking mood? Who the fuck you think you�re talking to man?� He grabbed the back of Bob�s neck, pulled him out of his chair and forced him to the ground in front of the mirror. �On your knees mother fucker.� Bob knew it was hopeless to resist. And anyway, as he saw Randy�s blazing eyes in the mirror, saw him rip open his pants and pull out his beer-can cock, resistance was the last thing on his mind. Randy knelt behind him, roughly yanked Bob�s pants and shorts down below his ass and spat on his cock. Randy didn�t do foreplay. He pushed his rod between Bob�s cheeks and drove it savagely down his chute, deep in his ass. Ignoring his howls he pushed Bob�s shirt up over his back. �I�ll muss up your fucking shirt alright � mess up your ass too.� From behind Randy planted his hands on Bob�s shoulders, feet on the floor so his body arched over him, the only other point of contact his massive piston pounding his ass. �Keeping up appearances, eh? Well appearances can be deceptive, asshole. Look at the business executive now, getting his ass ploughed by the gypsy construction boss. Not in the mood eh? Things on your mind? Well now you got a thing in your ass too � my dick � so what�s the smart-ass executive in the mood for now, eh? �I want your dick in my ass. Fuck me, sir. Fuck my ass. I�m sorry for what I said. Punish my ass.� Randy took him at his word and jackhammered his butt with one of his legendary fucks. Sometimes Randy would ease up and fuck gently. Not this time. This time the caveman had crawled out of his lair. He was, in fact, punishing Bob. Randy was not used to guys rejecting him � never happened � but when Bob, of all people, did it with his �not in the mood� it struck at the heart of Randy�s insecurity and fear of losing Bob. It was just a casual phrase but it triggered Randy�s instincts of self-preservation and he fought back like the street fighter he was. Relentlessly pile-driving Bob�s ass Randy growled, �Feel that, big guy? That�s what you get when you say no to me. Your ass is mine, and I take it whenever I damn well want, is that clear?� �Yes, sir,� the muscular businessman groaned on his hands and knees. The fuck was not only savage, it seemed endless and Bob knew he was reaching his limit. �Aaagh �. You�re killing my ass, man. I can�t take any more. You�re ripping me open. Please cum in my ass. Please, sir,� he yelled. �You begging me, Superman? You want my jizz in your butt? You gonna keep it there all night, lubed up for when I fuck it again?� �Yes, sir!� Bob looked up into the mirror and saw the laser blue eyes staring back at him from the dark gypsy face. The image of the wild savage fucking his ass drove him over the edge and � �Aaagh�. Bob�s cock shuddered and exploded onto the floor beneath him as Randy speared his ass one last time and poured sperm deep in his gut. ************************************* Bob was dazed, his head slumped down, staring at the pool of semen beneath him. He felt a stab of pain as the huge cock was yanked out of his butt. He looked up and saw Randy get to his feet, pull his shirt off and use it to wipe the sweat off his face and body and the cum dripping from his cock. He threw the stinking wet tank on the floor, grabbed his beer and sprawled in his chair. �OK,� he said matter-of-factly, �now about those boys of yours.� It was stunning � the man was back to business as if he had just paused to scratch his ass. �That�s it?� Bob said. �Slam bam thank you man, �now about those boys of yours�? You�re just a damn fuck machine, you know that?� �Listen, asshole,� Randy said, pointing his bottle at him for emphasis, �you push me away with your fucking �not in the Giresun Escort mood� bullshit and that�s what you get. See, I�m the boss around here, get it? I don�t wanna have to remind you again.� �I wish you would,� Bob grinned. Randy�s face broke into a smile. �Asshole. Now for God�s sake get up, take off that poncy suit and let�s get back to business.� Bob stripped down to his boxer shorts, sat down and poured himself another glass of wine. �See,� Randy said, �I know just what those boys need from you and I�ll help you give it to them. OK � you remember that time when you climbed on your soapbox and fed me some bullshit about teambuilding in the Company, how we should all get to know each other�s jobs better? Some crap about doing each other�s job for a day to get a �feel� for it.� �It wasn�t bullshit,� Bob retorted. �It�s basic �Staff Management 101.� �Whatever.� Randy flipped his hand and dismissed the idea like swatting away a fly. �Like I said, executive bullshit. But it did give me an idea.� Bob narrowed his eyes. �Does this mean you�re gonna come work in the office for a day?� �Yeah right,� said Randy scornfully, �like I�m gonna climb into a poncing suit and tie and punch a keyboard in your office all day? Listen, buddy, I built that office for you guys and that�s as far as I go. No, I was thinking more about you. You don�t know shit about what really goes on at the constructions site. About time you found out � get your hands dirty for a change. �You mean work on your crew for a day, with you as the boss?� Randy grinned, �The hot executive becomes a construction worker? Gotta admit, it has a kind of ring to it. Shit, in the lunch break I might even call you into the trailer office like I do Pablo and � well, I told you what happens to him. Don�t pretend you�re not tempted, man.� Bob frowned, �Tempted or not, what in God�s name does this have to do with the twins?� �Plenty. But don�t sweat it, man, that�ll all happen naturally. Trust me, buddy, those kids already worship the ground you walk on. Soon they�ll be kissing it.� His blue eyes smiled seductively. �You do trust me, buddy, don�t you?� Bob stared at him, shook his head and murmured, �Son of a bitch.� Dammit, he was tempted, and besides, no one ever says no to Randy. He had tried that just now and look how that turned out. ************************************** Word of the experiment percolated out to the tribe pretty fast, especially when Darius heard of it. He fingered his camera, intent on taking it to work and recording the scene for �prosperity� as he would say. The idea was pitched as an experiment that, if successful, would be extended to some of the others. That was greeted with much enthusiasm, especially by the three amigos, Eddie, Ben and Brandon whose imaginations kicked into overdrive. �Wow,� said Eddie, �I�ll switch with you, Ben, and work a day as a mechanic. Then when I come home I�ll have to get my ass ploughed by your fireman Jason. �Cool,� said Ben, �and after doing your job cleaning house all day I�d have to spend the night with Hassan. I could go for mixing it up with that stud Marine.� �Yeah, but think about this, dudes,� Brandon said. �Which of you wants to spend the day in a wheelchair working in the office with Jamie and Bob, then going home and giving your ass to Ranger Pete?� Two eager hands shot in the air. Randy took the idea more seriously in a short meeting with Zack, Darius, Pablo and Ben, the four guys who worked with him on the building site. �Now I want you to treat it like any other day,� Randy said. �I know Bob�s a director of the Company and all, and he�s � well, he�s Bob � but this kind of stuff was suggested by him in the first place � some kind of Management 101 bullsh �.� He checked himself as Zack glared a warning at him. � �.. management bulleting that he�s studied. Anyway, you�re to treat him like any other crew member so he can really get a feel for what you all do. I think I�ll assign him first to the mechanics pool. Pablo, Ben, what�ll you be working on tomorrow?� �That truck that�s out of commission �cos it�s leaking oil all over the place,� Pablo said. �Leaking oil,� Randy mused. �Good, yeah, leaking oil�s good.� Zack caught the glint in his eye. The next morning Randy was to drive Bob to the site in his truck. He nixed Bob�s Mercedes as creating the wrong impression if it purred up to the site. �You�re one of the guys, buddy, not the hotshot executive in a top-of-the-line Merc. And while we�re at it those jeans have to go. Shit, they�re brand new and they�ve got a fucking crease pressed down the front. Here, try these. They�re something I wear for best.� �For best?!� Bob winced as Randy threw him a pair of old cargo pants, maybe not quite as bad as the ones Randy was wearing, but still, stained with dirt and what Bob felt sure were cum stains � a result, no doubt, of Randy�s lunchtime trailer sessions with Pablo. He changed into the pants and Randy stroked his chin as he surveyed his new employee. In addition to the pants and boots, Bob was wearing a white tank top under a sleeveless denim shirt open over his chest. With the five-day growth of stubble on his chin, his tousled dark hair, not to mention his square-jawed Superman features and smoking hot physique, he looked spectacular and Randy had trouble hiding the huge boner in his pants. Wouldn�t do to let on to a new employee that the boss was so turned on the first thing he wanted to do was fuck him. �Yeah,� Randy faked nonchalance, �not bad. The tank�s too clean, so are you, but we�ll soon take care of that.� Not much liking the sound of that Bob followed Randy out to his truck. ************************************ Bob�s arrival on the site was greeted with some surprise by the crew. They had often seen him there as a Company Director, the man who issued their pay-checks, but they were used to him in a suit � they had never seen him like this before. But they took it in stride and correctly assumed that it was just what it looked like, one of the bosses getting a hands-on feel for the work they did. A few were nervous he had come to do some kind of management study on them, but they got over that as soon as the easy-going Bob settled in and became one of them. As promised, Bob�s first assignment was to the motor pool. Randy went with hm to check out the problem truck and said to Pablo, �Kid, I need this truck back on line pronto � we got a lotta stuff to haul. So fix the damn oil leak. Bob here can give you a hand.� As he turned to go he winked at Pablo, unseen by the others. Pablo and Ben opened the hood and bent their heads over the engine. �I think the problem�s that valve down there,� said Pablo�s muffled voice. He pulled back and said to Bob, �Sir, would you slide under the truck and tell me if the leak gets better or worse when I adjust this valve?� It seemed odd calling Bob sir when Pablo was ostensibly his temporary boss, but Bob would always be sir to him. Bob, being probably the most secure man in the tribe, seemed to have no problem with any of it. He lay on his back, slid under the truck and right away saw the oil dripping on the ground. He wriggled under it to get a close-up view and immediately saw a worn seal. But just at that moment the drip got worse. �Worse,� Bob yelled up to Pablo. The drip became a stream. �Much worse,� he yelled. �Other way � other way!� The leak diminished to almost nothing and Bob pulled out and jumped to his feet. Pablo and Ben gaze at him, his face shoulders and arms streaked with oil, not to mention his clothes. �It wasn�t the valve,� Bob said, �there�s a leaky seal. But you knew that already, didn�t you?� Bob fixed him with a steely look that made Pablo wither. �Ah, never mind. You two were only carrying out orders I guess,� flashing a glare at Randy in the distance, recalling his words �dirty them up�. �Shit this oil�s everywhere.� He pulled off the denim shirt and used it to wipe the oil off his white tank, succeeding only in spreading it and rubbing it in deeper. The two boys gazed at Bob open mouthed. They had never seen him like this. He looked like a real mechanic, with oil on his face, neck and arms, and spread over his formerly white tank. Bob didn�t care what he looked like. He felt irritation rising up in a slow burn. �So why are you just standing there? You want me to get under there again and fix the seal?� �No, sir, of course not sir,� said a chastened Ben. �I�ll do it.� As he went to work on it Randy came over and Pablo said, �We found the problem, sir � at least Bob found it � broken seal.� �Good job, said Randy. �That�s all I wanted.� �Are you sure that�s all you wanted?� Bob said, fixing Randy with a look that Randy recognized and always flinched from. But he recovered himself and said. �Maybe you should take a look at what Zack and Darius are working on � that old shed they�re tearing down.� �Whatever you say, man. You�re the boss,� Bob said, not meaning a word of it. With another withering look at Randy he turned and strode over to the other side of the site where Zack and Darius were in a partially dismantled shed, reaching up to the old metal roof and tugging on it. �Randy said you guys could use a hand,� Bob said. �Sure thing,� Zack smiled, �It�s coming loose and a bit more muscle should do the trick. And you sure got the muscle, buddy.� Bob joined them, tugging at the corrugated iron panels above them. It took a while and a lot of muscle, but the roof finally gave up the fight and caved in, showering the three of them with dust and debris that had gathered on the roof over time. They stepped back coughing and wiping dust from their eyes. �Shit damn,� said Zack brushing down his bare chest while Bob shook the dirt from his tangled hair, �that was one messy job.� Bob grinned, �You can say that again,� looking down at the dirt clinging to his greasy tank and arms. �Any more jobs like that?� �Unfortunately yes,� Zack said. �You chose the right day to come, buddy � or wrong day, perhaps I should say. It�s teardown day �. see, all that lot has to go. Stick with us, Bob, and we�ll show you how the other half lives.� ************************************ And so the morning went on, with Bob working amiably with Zack and Darius on one mucky job after another. He didn�t complain, even when he had to crawl through a pipe and clear it of rubble. When he emerged, his tank top was a mess, ripped in several places. The midday sun beat down on them and sweat was pouring down their dirt-covered bodies by the time the whistle went for the lunch break. Zack and Darius grabbed bottles of water and Zack threw one to Bob. Thankfully Bob pulled off the top and went to sip it, but Zack shook his head and laughed. He and Darius raised their bottles up high and poured the contents over their heads. Bob watched the water stream over their faces and shirtless bodies and it looked so cooling (not to mention seriously sexy) that he did the same. He felt the soothing effect of cold water soaking his hair, pouring over his face, his stubbled chin and drenching the ragged tank stretched over his chest. Any glimpse of white was long since obliterated by oil and grease, and the water left it streaked a dirty gray and stinking of sweat. Darius grabbed his camera and focused it on Bob. �Sir, I gotta get a shot of that. You look totally amazing.� Zack grinned, �Yup, one of the guys alright, except hotter than any of them with dirt running over those shoulders and biceps.� He chuckled. �Man, I could sure make a meal of that in my lunch break.� At that moment another man was having exactly the same thoughts. Randy was staring through the window of his trailer office at Bob in the distance, so turned on that he instinctively pulled his dick out of his pants and stroked it slowly, careful not to bust a load just gazing at his lover � the preppy, buttoned down executive with his chiseled Superman looks now transformed into a grimy construction worker. �Fucking pornographic,� Randy moaned. His animal instinct reared up, overcoming any sense of restraint or finesse. Those words meant nothing to him � but he did know what he wanted. He yanked open the door and yelled, �Hey, Bob, get your ass in here.� Bob, Zack and Darius exchanged looks and Darius grinned, �That�s the boss ordering lunch, sir. I guess that lets Pablo�s ass off the hook for once. Good luck, sir.� �See you later guys,� Bob smiled and walked over to the trailer. Inside he found Randy sprawled in a chair, sipping a beer and looking pleased with himself, his hand resting on the bulge Giresun Escort Bayan in his pants. Randy always had a touch of arrogance and the only insecurity he ever felt was being outshone by Bob�s stunning looks, his business success and his breeding. But here, on the construction site, was where Randy ruled. It was his world, and his ego soared as lord of his domain, the undisputed boss. He owned the men on his crew including, for today, Bob, it seemed. �Man,� Randy said, stroking his bulge, �you look so fucking hot like that. I knew you would once we dirtied you up. Now you�re just one of the grunts, and I usually break the new ones in � one way or another. And there�s only one way with a stud like you.� He stood up and ran his hands over the filthy tank clinging to Bob�s chest. �Oh yeah, perfect � you really get my hormones racing � and I told you how I spend my lunch break. But this time there�s no Pablo � only you, big guy.� Facing Randy, his resentment mounting, Bob caught sight of himself in the wall-mounted mirror. He was amazed at his reflection � a rugged construction worker, just like Randy � just as dirty, just as muscular � and just as tough. Randy was ripping open his own pants and pulling out his massive cock. �See this here? This is what I use to break in new recruits. You know what to do, stud�. bend over the table and spread �em.� He grabbed the back of Bob�s neck,shoved him face down on the drafting table and kicked his legs apart. Bob spread his arms, held onto the edges of the table and braced himself. It was business as usual � Randy, the rugged alpha male, the macho gypsy on top of his game, dominating the clean-cut, compliant Bob like he owned his ass. But this time, as Bob looked in the mirror and saw Randy spit on his cock preparing to penetrate him, there was something wrong with this picture. It wasn�t Bob, the near naked businessman waiting to get his clean white boxers ripped off and his ass ploughed. This was a hot, muscular construction worker, tough, dirty, sweaty, a match for any arrogant muscle-hunk laborer � including Randy. Adrenaline raced through him and he twisted round, grabbed Randy�s neck and shoved him across the room and against the wall. �What the fuck?� Randy sputtered, the wind knocked out of him. Bob�s stubbled jaw clenched as he stared at the startled blue eyes. �So that was your plan, eh, stud? Get your guys to �dirty me up� as you call it so you can get your rocks off by ramming the almighty club in my ass and show me who�s boss. Man you sure know how to humiliate a guy.� He let go of Randy�s neck, took a few steps back, held his arms out to the side and snarled, �Look at me, man � look at this � this is what you created, �bossman�. But maybe you overplayed your hand, �cos what you created ain�t some patsy who�s just gonna follow orders, bend over and take it up the butt. Look at this, asshole.� Bob raised his arms and flexed in a couple of bodybuilder poses, his oil-streaked muscles rippling under his sweaty, ripped tank, his chiseled features, dark disheveled hair � an impossibly homoerotic icon of a stud construction worker ripped from a porn magazine. Randy�s breath became ragged as he stared wide-eyed at a Bob he had never seen before. Bob grabbed Randy�s pulsing dick and grinned mockingly. �Yeah, turn you on big time, eh, boss? This man�s you�re equal, big guy, and you want him bad. See those two construction guys in the mirror. One of them is going down � and it sure as hell ain�t gonna be me.� Still clenching Randy�s pulsing club he dragged him across the room by his cock. �For once in your life, bossman, you�re gonna be the one spread over the table �. and I won�t even have to force you. Look at me, man � look at my eyes.� Randy had no choice but to obey. He had been totally blown away by the spectacle of this incredible man asserting his masculinity and he now withered under the blazing eyes. It was not a question of physical strength now � though it would have been a doozy of a fight. All Randy�s swaggering arrogance had been knocked out of him � he was no longer the boss. He had met his match in this new guy on the crew and he knew it. He bent over the table as Bob had done, gripping the edges, spreading his legs. He felt his pants being tugged down below his ass and turned his head to look in the mirror. He moaned as he saw the dark-haired, muscular workman pull out his cock, spit on it as Randy had just done and loom over him. No foreplay, no finesse, just �Aaaagh!� Randy screamed as the man�s cock speared his ass, pulled back and drove in again � and again. In a haze of pain and ecstasy Randy knew he was getting the brutal treatment he had dished out so often, getting it from a man who looked just like him � a rugged construction boss in cargo pants and a filthy, torn tank. Bob had never fucked him like this. He had been rough before but never this relentless, pile-driving the gypsy�s ass, sending flashes of pain though his body as he braced against the merciless cock. The agonizing drilling of his ass seemed to last an eternity, the howls of triumph from above him, the sweat dripping onto his back. It would have been unbearable but for the sight of the spectacular man in the mirror, muscles rippling as his oily body slammed down on him. Determined not to give up Randy flexed against the brutal onslaught on his ass. But even he had his limits and he was about to beg when he felt an arm curve round his neck and he was pulled to his feet at an angle to the mirror so he could see Bob pounding his ass from behind. He felt his legs go weak, they buckled, and he and Bob sank to their knees. And still the relentless fuck. Bob�s muscular arm was still clamped round Randy�s neck, holding him upright on his knees to watch himself get fucked in the ass. They stared at each other in the mirror, their eyes burning in the recognition of mutual power and lust. �You�ve had enough,� Bob said at last. �I wanna see the construction boss submit to his new crewman by pumping jizz all over himself. So here�s what you�re gonna do. You�re gonna grab that thick rod of yours, and when I give the order, you point it at the man in the mirror and shoot.� Randy nodded in total subservience. �Yes, sir.� Bob increased the intensity of his fuck to a fever pitch, Randy pounded his cock in his fist �. Then, �Now!� The second Bob gave the word Randy felt his lover�s juice slamming into his ass and his own cock exploded in a shower of cum that hit the mirror and ran down the image of the broken construction boss. When Bob pulled out and stood up Randy fell forward exhausted onto the floor. Bob hooked his boot under Randy and flipped him over on his back. Towering over him he flicked the last drops of cum from his cock onto the dark, stubbled face. Bob taunted him by throwing Randy�s own words back at him. �Just so you know, asshole, I�m the boss around here, get it? And I don�t wanna have to remind you again.� Bob stuffed his cock back in his pants, pulled open the door and went back to business as casually as Randy had done earlier. As he came out of the trailer he was zipping up his pants. He paused, pulled off his stinking tank and used it to wipe the sweat from his face and chest. He stuffed it in his back pocket and strode shirtless over to an astonished Zack and Darius. �OK, guys, let�s get back to work. We�re damn well not gonna let a fucking shed beat us� Zack grinned at him. �He deserved that, buddy.� Bob smiled, �No Zack, he needed it. I know my man.� He glanced back at the trailer and saw Randy�s face at the window. Randy had watched Bob stride across the site as if nothing had happened. As he saw Bob strip off his shirt, shove it in his pocket and give his orders, Randy was seeing himself, the boss. And this boss too, on his lunch break, had gone into the trailer, fucked a man across the desk, then wiped off his cock and gone back to work. With his pants still round his feet Randy stroked his cock that was already getting stiff. His ass was still burning, his body still on fire as he watched Bob join his men. �Son of a bitch,� he grinned. ************************************ Work progressed steadily after that and, when Randy finally came out of his office he paced around giving orders as always, though his manner was less abrasive than usual � somewhat subdued, the men thought. Zack exchanged knowing looks with Bob, while the three boys, Pablo, Darius and Ben found time to gossip. It wasn�t hard to guess what had happened, judging by Bob�s swagger and Randy�s restrained attitude that bordered on civilized for once. �That was a turn-up for the books, Darius said. �Hard to tell who�s the boss around here anymore.� �Bullshit,� said Pablo, always loyal to his adoptive dad. �Randy�s the boss. Always has been, always will be.� �Pity you didn�t get it on video, Darius,� Ben chimed in. �Maybe they�ll do a replay for you.� �Nah,� Darius said, �there�s no second takes on a scene like that. But I did get Bob going into the trailer and coming out. What�s the saying? In like a lamb, out like a lion?� Just then the lion growled. �What�s this guys, afternoon tea? Does the word �work� mean anything to you? Get to it.� Surprised by Bob�s gruffness the boys looked questioningly at Zack who grinned and shrugged helplessly. �Better do what the boss says, boys.� Randy steered clear of Bob for the rest of the afternoon, though Bob often caught him gazing at him with love or lust in his eyes, Bob couldn�t tell. Probably both. But before the end of the shift Randy finally pulled him aside. �Just for the record, buddy, what I did this morning � turning you into a real live construction worker, with that face and body smothered in oil and dirt � I did it for you, not just to get my rocks off. Although �.� he grinned and looked down at his bulging crotch. �I told you I�d help you give those twins of yours what they want. I suggest you cut out of here and pay them a visit. Here, take my truck,� tossing the keys to him. Bob smiled, �Thanks, buddy.� He pulled on his tank that was almost dry by now, though still ragged and filthy hanging on his muscular torso. Randy stared at him and murmured, �Oh, shit,� his hand moving mechanically down to the bulge in his own pants. As Bob turned to go Randy cleared his throat and said tentatively, �Er, Bob �. any chance of you and me, like, getting together before dinner?� Bob laughed. �Wouldn�t miss it for the world, boss, you know that.� ********************************** When Bob got home the houseboys Nate and Eddie were emerging from cleaning Mark�s apartment. Jamie and Brandon had just closed the office for the day and were in the garden with Pablo�s dog Billy. The construction site was the one place Pablo couldn�t take Billy, for safety reasons, and on those days the dog kept close to Brandon, instinctively protecting him. When they heard Randy�s truck pull up the boys expected Randy to make his customary swaggering entrance. But this time Nate dug a distracted Eddie in the ribs and said, �Eddie, Eddie, check it out, dude.� Eddie looked up and gasped, �Holy shitballs �. fuck me with a broom�..� All four boys gazed at the amazing sight. Every day they had seen Bob come home from his corporate office, the handsome executive in his elegantly tailored suit. But this was an instant hard-on � the muscle-god construction worker in muddy boots, cargo pants and a torn, sweaty tank covered in dirt and grease. His tousled dark hair hung over his face, sweat trickled down into the stubble of his square jaw, down his neck and the oil-streaked muscles of his arms and shoulders. It was like Superman emerging from a knock-down drag-out fight. Billy�s reaction was instantaneous. He growled threateningly and Brandon had to hold him back by the collar. �Sorry, sir,� Brandon grinned, �but he doesn�t recognize you. Probably thinks you�re one of those construction workers who�s been beaten up by Randy and come for revenge.� �Well,� Bob smiled, �actually that�s not so far off the mark given the day I�ve had.� All the boys had their fantasies. That was Brandon�s, and Eddie followed up with his. �Can�t blame Billy, sir �. you look like � like a roughneck from an oil rig who hasn�t had sex in weeks and has come here to grab a boy and fuck him gutless for days and days.� Nate sighed and raised his eyebrows as a warning to Eddie. He heard stuff like this all day as he worked with the boy and his oversexed imagination. Bob walked toward Billy and held out the back of his hand. Getting the scent Escort Giresun Billy licked the hand, whimpered and wagged his tail. �Good, I�ve made my peace with Billy, but I�m sorry to disappoint you boys and your fantasies � I�m just a working guy come home to see his boys. Where are the twins by the way?� Jamie answered warily, �Er, at the moment I think they�re down in the basement, sir.� Eddie�s eyes sparkled. �But if I were you I wouldn�t go there, sir. Bad idea.� Bob shot him that imperious look that could freeze even Randy. �But I�m not you, am I Eddie?� �No, sir. Far from it. OK, I know, sir � sorry, sir, out of line.� Eddie pursed his lips and, in his trademark gesture of silence, ran his fingertips along his lips and twisted them at the corner of his mouth like turning a key, just as he had earlier with Pete. It was a move that always amused Bob, but now he managed to keep a straight face as he said, �You really gotta watch that mouth of yours, kid.� Eddie opened his mouth to respond but Bob raised a cautionary finger and he clamped his lips shut again, looking up at Bob wide-eyed. Stifling the urge to laugh Bob said, �OK, I�m going down to see my boys. Randy and the guys will be back from work soon so make sure everything�s ready. You know how Randy can be.� (But not as well as I do, he grinned to himself.) *************************************** The twins had been in the basement playroom for some time. It was a magical room for them, with the mirrors all around them reflecting two beautiful identical twins to infinity. But they were in a specific mood today, playing out a fantasy that had been building for several weeks, especially after seeing Randy, Zack, Mark and Pete take their boys on a motorbike run, most of them in leather. They always took their cue from Bob and dressed neatly in a way that showed off their tanned, youthful physiques to their best. The raciest it ever got was on festive occasions where they served dinner wearing only their white bib overalls over their otherwise naked bodies. But they had often heard Randy�s phrase �dirty him up a bit�, and they were ready for a bit of rough sex themselves. They were embarrassed to mention it to Bob so they had taken this opportunity of his day-long absence on the construction site to spend a couple of hours in the basement, acting out their fantasies on each other. They were doing their best. Having spent much of their lives alone together they were no strangers to sex with each other. They loved each other and even the mere sight of their brother turned them on. As they stared at each other they had the thrill of knowing that their twin was seeing exactly the same thing. So this magical room was perfect for them with their reflections endlessly repeated. The room was redolent of man-sex and they had the added turn-on of the pile of sex clothes and toys in the corner of the room � torn shirts, ragged shorts, leather, restraints, whips�. They had spent long minutes plundering the pile and had come up with black leather pants that fit. They admired each other from every angle in the mirrors, kissed each other and had even begun their usual vanilla sex when they stopped abruptly. That is not what they came for. So now here they were, taking faltering steps into the not-too-familiar world of bondage and sexual domination. Randy had once given them lessons on ropes and knots, emphasizing safety above all, with his famous escape knot and the use of safe words. Kevin was the chosen victim today. He was wearing a torn white shirt tucked into the leather pants. One of the sleeves was torn off, the other hung in sheds, and the ripped shirt was open almost to the waist, showing his perfectly shaped pecs. His arms were raised, tied to ropes that hung down from one of the ceiling beams, stretching his lithe, muscular body. They had concocted an elaborate fantasy about a prisoner of the Inquisition, a handsome young nobleman in tight leather pants and a white shirt undergoing interrogation, his clothes getting shredded as he is tortured. His inquisitor was Kyle, who had found a leather harness in the pile and wore it crossed over his bare chest. However, having set up the fantasy, the boys were not sure how to play it out. Kyle had a whip and attempted a snarl that wouldn�t have scared a rabbit. He lightly whipped his brother across the chest threatening all kinds of horrors if the prisoner did not confess � �We have ways of making a coward like you talk.� Obviously he needed help punching up the script. Currently it sounded like a send-up of a bad B-movie and made Kevin want to laugh more than flinch. Kyle eventually abandoned the role of snarling bad guy and they took refuge in their comfort zone of affection. Holding the whip limply at his side Kyle approached and pressed their bodies together. Their lips touched and they began to make love. Until�.. �What the fuck�?!!� They whirled round and gasped in disbelief. They hardly recognized Bob under the red spotlights, a pornographic vision of a ruggedly handsome construction worker � sweaty, filthy, with a greasy tank hanging ragged over his muscled torso. Actually Bob had been standing in the shadows at the bottom of the stairs watching his boys� fumbling attempts at fantasy and his heart went out to them. He caught sight of himself in a mirror and suddenly he knew what Randy had meant. Randy had sensed what the twins wanted � rough sex � and he had molded Bob into the prefect icon of male domination (with Randy getting his own rocks off in the process.) Bob strode over to the stunned boys and growled, �What the fuck�s going on here? Were you two getting off on each other � two brothers? That�s fucking weird � one of you tied up and the other holding a whip. What we got here, a little bondage and domination scene going on, eh?� Hey, if you want a bit of the rough you gotta know how to do it. Look at me, assholes. You want it rough, you come to me.� �Yes, sir,� they said in unison, not sure if Bob was talking punishment or just getting into the scene. The sight of him looking rougher and sexier than they had ever seen him made them not care what he had in mind �. they wanted it. All of it. Bob picked up the whip Kyle had dropped and said, �What is this anyway, the Inquisition?� And you, boy, are under interrogation?� He flicked the whip at Kevin�s chest, stinging his pecs exposed under the open shirt. �I asked you a question, boy.� �Yes, sir � that was it, sir. But Kyle didn�t know�..� �Enough! Godammit you guys gotta learn what torture really feels like.� He walked over to the many pieces of equipment hanging on the wall and picked out the items he needed. First came the rope that he used to tie up Kyle just like his brother, his arms stretched up to another rafter so they faced each other a few feet apart. He picked up a set of tit clamps joined by a chain and clamped them over Kyle�s nipples. They were of moderate strength, not serrated, so the pain was titillating rather than harsh. Next he tied a cord tight round the base of Kyle�s scrotum making his cock get rock hard and his balls bulge. He did the same things to Kevin, then picked up two ropes to complete his plan. A few minutes later he stood back to review his work and nodded with satisfaction. �Now that�s more like it.� The twins were trembling with excitement so intense that it overcame their fear. The two ropes were stretched between them, linking them in a classic bondage scenario. The upper rope stretched between the chains of the tit clamps. The ends of the lower rope were attached to the cord round their balls. Bob had made the ropes just tight enough to cause discomfort rather than pain, but the result was that, tied by their arms, the twins arched their bodies forward to relieve the stress on each other�s chest and balls. Each gazed into the other�s eyes enraptured by the sight of his brother tied to him in a stress position, so that if either moved they felt each other�s pain equally. �Now,� Bob said, �let�s see if you�re up to this.� He had put a collar round Kyle�s neck with a rope attached. Now, standing behind him, Bob gave short tugs on the rope, jerking the boy backward so the ropes joining them tightened and jerked their tits and balls. Bob was a master at this (he had been well taught by Randy) and knew exactly how much pressure to exert to taunt and torment the boys. The boys were in ecstasy, watching the boy facing him get tortured in exactly the same way he was � the same pain, same grimace on the same face, same body stretched and arched in the same way. They turned their heads sideways and saw the pornographic scene reflected again and again to infinity � two beautiful young brothers in leather pants getting tortured by a rugged construction worker fresh off the job site and smothered in oil and grease. Bob decided to increase the pressure. He pulled Kyle further back and watched their faces contort as the discomfort turned to pain. �You know I can make my prisoners do whatever I want, don�t you?� �Yes sir,� they yelled in unison. �OK. See I have a hankering to force two handsome, macho brothers like you have sex with each other. You think I can make you do that?� They stayed silent, playing the game of resistance to their interrogator. �Good, I like defiance in a man,� Bob gloated. �We�ll see how long it lasts.� He released Kyle�s neck and shoved the twins toward each other. Their arms stretch up and back but the ropes were loose enough for their chests to slam together, the tit clamps grinding against each other, their balls pressed against each other�s, making them moan with the pain. �Kiss each other,� their captor ordered. But they simply stared at each other in open defiance of the sweaty muscle-hunk looming over them. �Right, so I guess I�ll have to make you.� Using the same whip Bob lashed their backs in turn, lightly at first, then with more pressure so the lashes stung, then hurt � more and more. Forced into compliance, arms still stretched upwards, the twin brothers now ground their mouths together, the ecstasy of tasting their brother�s lips heightened by the pain in their chests and bound balls as their bodies churned against each other. Whipping harder Bob yelled, �You know you can�t hold out much longer �. the pain�s too much. You�ve gotta submit to me. Pull away � look into each other�s eyes. They pulled their heads back and stared into their brother�s eyes, each boy seeing in them not only the same love and lust as always, but now for the first time, the same suffering, the same flinch of pain as the whip cracked against his brother�s back. For each of them it was like watching himself get tortured, feeling it, loving it, loving himself, loving his brother � it was all the same. It was the most intense sensation they had ever felt and they fell in love with each other more deeply than ever. They saw themselves reflected in each other�s eyes as they smiled and whispered, �I love you bro.� In a final act of submission to their master they threw their heads back and screamed as sperm blasted from their cocks up between them, joining their bodies together with the juice of fraternal passion. When they were spent they slumped against each other, each boy resting his head on his brother�s shoulder in exhaustion. They heard their master�s heavy breathing � �Yeah, here it comes� � and felt his semen splash over their bodies. Bob had rarely seen anything so emotionally erotic as his twins making love to each other while being tortured. And neither had Randy. The twins heard a slow hand-clap coming from the door and slowly raised their heads to see a second construction worker, just like the first � only fiercer. �Fucking incredible, buddy,� Randy said, walking toward Bob. �Looks like you�re really teaching these boys a lesson. I knew that�s what they wanted. But you ain�t finished with them are you?� �Hell no,� Bob grinned. �This is just the start. You wanna give me a hand, old buddy?� Randy stroked his chin. �Let�s see now. Two handsome identical young brothers in leather pants and torn white shirts, tied up and worked over, at the mercy of two macho construction guys. Yeah, now that has definite possibilities. Sure, buddy, count me in. ******************************* TO BE CONTINUED in �A Trial Of Strength � Chapter 263 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I urge you to visit my Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, all the many chapters, with extras, including pictures and biographies of all the characters and some other great artwork. Click on the �Our Story� tab to read the current chapter, or click on the green button to browse all the chapter synopses. Enjoy!




Subject: What I Saw 17(1) Here is yet another installment of this clearly never ending story. Though I am still able to keep churning them out-I hope I am not getting too formulaic. Let me know your thoughts-hope you enjoy and as always don’t read this if you will be offended by erotic fiction. Life went back to the normal dull routine after the incident with Shane. I used the images from that afternoon for weeks afterward to fuel my masturbatory fantasies. A couple of months went by with no action on the sexual front. The holidays came and went and still I was unable to spot any signs of illicit sexual activity either in school or at home. I was getting pretty frustrated and had sort of “used up” my memories of the other great scenes I had witnessed and was really itching to seem something new. I was feeling pretty pent up and though I was still jerking off pretty regularly it wasn’t the same as the incredible thrill I got from my voyeuristic exploits. For a couple of weeks now I had been edging and cultivating that pent up sexual energy I got when I really worked myself up over and over again. My dick almost seemed to never get completely soft and the slightest thought or sensation would send it thrumming to an immediate erection. The weather was just starting to warm up and I was using the opportunity to get in a lot of running. I would usually go out either early in the morning and do three or four miles or run after a workout at the gym after school. I got home from the gym this day and found the house empty. My dad must have still been at work and mom was out somewhere. I decided to stay in my work out clothes and go for a run along the river near my neighborhood. The run I did consisted of some side streets that eventually led to a bike trail along the water. It was surrounded by trees and in the summer months was populated by families, bikers and roller bladders. This early in the season though, I knew it would be pretty deserted. I started the run and had just gotten off the side streets and started on the trail when a young guy ran past me going in the opposite direction. He looked to be in his twenties and was a bit taller then me, maybe 5’7″ or so. He had light brown hair that looked longer in the front and kind of floppy over his dark eyes. His face was ruddy and kind of boyish. He had full red lips. He had on a sweatshirt and shorts and I noticed as he passed that his legs looked great. He had nice thick, defined thigh muscles and almost no hair. I whipped my head around as he blew by me to check him out more fully. His ass made my eyes pop. In the tight nylon shorts it bulged out appreciably. His cheeks looked firm and really round. He must have felt my gaze because he turned and caught me looking. I quickly whipped my head around and went on with my run. Shit just that quick glance of a hot guy and my dick was thickening and lengthening in my sweats. I continued on my run and got to the end of the trail where it met the waterfront and I turned around to run back towards home. As I exited the trail at the other end I saw the guy standing there talking with a couple of older guys. One of the guys was tall wearing a tight t-shirt and a baseball cap; he had a goatee and swarthy skin. The other guy was even bigger with sandy blond hair and a few days worth of stubble. They both looked a bit rough-blue Eskişehir Escort collar types. I slowed down to try and eavesdrop on their conversation. The young guy looked uncomfortable and was shifting around from foot to foot nervously. As I slowly jogged past I just caught snippets of their conversation… “Don’t go so fast…kid…stay and hang a while” said the guy with the goatee. “Yeah want to party?-we got beer in the truck.” The lighter haired guy said indicating a HVAC repair truck parked off to the side of the trail entrance. “No…I gotta get home…my folks are expecting me…” the kid stammered. “You sure…you looked like you mighta been looking for…something?” said the goateed man. “We can be real nice…give us a chance…” the other man said and I saw him slide a hand to the tight crotch of his jeans. All three looked in my direction as I passed and I heard the kid say behind me, ” No…maybe some other time…I run here every day…maybe we’ll run into each other again.” The kid ran off in the other direction and I slowed down and as quiet as I could circled back to try and listen in on the men. “You see that kid…he looked like he was going to faint when I grabbed my dick.” Laughed the light haired guy. “Yeah…he was definitely cruising…this trail is notorious…he was a hot little piece of ass too.” Said the darker guy. The Dark haired guy said. “His dick was already poking out the front of those running shorts…horny little queer.” “Yeah it’s too bad he took off…I’m fucking rock hard and could have really used a blow job.” “Yeah me too-j’you see his ass…I wouldn’t have minded getting a piece of that…” the guy in the cap said. “Well maybe next time…let’s go to a titty bar.” Said the guy in jeans as they headed for the truck. Shit, my own dick was rigid as I ran home. I thought I was going to get to see something good. I fantasized about the dark haired guy that night as I jerked my cock to the brink over and over again. He had thick arms with nicely rounded biceps and his shoulders looked huge. He looked a bit tough and I had gotten very good at spotting hung guys and I imagined he had a big, thick, beautiful cock. It took all my will power not to push myself too far and just explode all over my sweating stomach and heaving chest. Instead I tucked my aching cock back into my underwear and rolled over to go to sleep. I was determined to run there tomorrow and maybe catch them in action. The next day I timed it so I was running the trail at approximately the same time. It was empty of other runners but I did notice some random guys just sort of hanging around the trail at different points. I had made it to the end and was heading back to the street when the same kid ran past me heading towards the waterfront. I let him get a bit ahead and then reversed my direction and followed him from a distance. He was wearing just a t-shirt today and had on grey cut off sweats. He looked in great shape and his arms were pretty well defined. The shorts were pretty tight around his thighs and again I couldn’t help but getting hard just looking at his round ass bouncing ahead of me as he ran. His calf muscles were cut and I could see this kid logged some serious time on the road. I made sure to hang back far enough so he wouldn’t notice I was following. Eskişehir Escort Bayan As he ran by a guy standing off to the side I saw him slow down and catch the man’s eye. I stopped and darted into the cover of the trees. The guy was older, clearly in his forties or so. He was taller then the kid maybe 5’10” or so and solidly built. He was wearing jeans, work boots and a black t-shirt. He was bald and had on sunglasses. They seemed to chat briefly and I kept noticing the kid dropping his eyes to the man’s crotch. As I crept closer and after a brief exchange the man turned and walked off the trail to the woods. The kid followed after checking to make sure no one was around. Being careful to be as quiet as possible I moved forward. They were a little ways off the trail and the older guy was just standing there while the kid faced him and ran his hand firmly over the now bulging front of the man’s jeans. The kid felt along the outline of the guy’s dick while the guy kept looking over the kids shoulder to make sure no one was coming. “Hurry up kid…take it out and put it in your mouth…I don’t have all day.” The guy said in an urgent whisper. The kid struggled and undid the guy’s pants; once the zipper was down he shoved his hand into the front of the guy’s exposed white briefs. I saw his grasp the shaft and run his hand up and down its length before going lower and cupping the older man’s balls. “Fuck kid, c’mon” the guy said looking around furtively and starting to apply pressure on the kid’s shoulders to get him down to his knees. The kid dropped down into a crouch and pulled the front elastic waist of the man’s underwear down. The guys cock flopped out. It was thick and looked pretty big, though not yet fully hard. The kid’s eyes were locked onto it and he grasped it lightly in his hand. He pumped it a few times and then flicked his tongue out and licked the head. The guy gasped. “Hurry up…suck it!” he whispered harshly. The kid let the semi hard cock slip from his hand and got underneath it with his open mouth, he took the entire thing in one gulp while the guy threw his head back and moaned low in his throat. I could see the cock thickening and getting longer inside the kid’s mouth. Soon he had to pull back and let the now fully erect cock slide out over his lips. He paused looking at the now rock hard, shiny nine inch penis as it throbbed standing straight up inches from his face. “Fuck -I love cock” he murmured. I noticed his sweats were tented out with his own erection. He leaned up and wrapped his hand around the thick base steadying it and began to suck up and down the full length with his wet mouth. He would get his lips down to the base, the head deep in the back of his throat, then suck his way up until just the crown was between his red lips as he swirled his tongue around the ridge. The guy was watching and starting to breath heavy. The kid’s eyes were half closed but every now and then he would take his mouth entirely off the cock and rock back on his heels and just admire the towering erection in front of him. I could tell the sight of the overexcited man’s rigid cock was deeply affecting him. He looked like he was in love. I was starting to lightly touch my own dripping cock when all three of us heard the sound of footsteps and laughter coming Escort Eskişehir down the trail from behind us. The kid jumped to his feet and the guy whipped his cock back into his underwear with practiced speed. By the time the older couple passed on their evening stroll the kid was already slowly jogging up the trail looking back at the bald guy regretfully. The bald guy was gritting his teeth and motioned for the kid to come back. The kid shrugged his shoulders and tossed his long bangs out of his eyes and slowly shook his head, running off. Fuck, I pulled my hand out of my pants and adjusted my aching balls. I slowly made my way back to the trail and slowly jogged in the direction of the kid. Before I made it to the waterfront he ran past me going the other way. His eyes flicked over me briefly but didn’t linger. I noticed his cock was still prominently outlined in the front of his grey cut offs and a slight wet spot was staining the front. He was going to have to cover that somehow when he got home I thought. That night I edged myself to the brink of orgasm at least five times thinking about the kid crouched down worshipping the standing man’s cock. I knew I had to go back and catch this kid when he really struck pay dirt. I ran the trail for the next few days. Each time I saw the kid running. A couple of time I saw him talking to men but every time something would interrupt them and the kid would immediately break contact and run on. By now the kid seemed to be crazed. His cock was fully erect in his running shorts every time I saw him and his eyes seemed to scan the trail for any man who would make eye contact. I admit I was getting a vicarious thrill out of watching this cock hound get more and more frustrated. I figured the longer he delayed getting cock the better it would be when he did. On the third day of following the kid I once again saw him exit the trail with a guy. It was a tall thin looking utility worker who seemed to be using the excuse of taking a coffee break on the trail. He was in yellow coveralls and a white hard hat. His telephone truck was parked on the nearby side street. I saw the kid make the connection then a hurried whispered conversation and off they went into the woods. I gave them a few minutes then crept forward. Sure enough the guy had shucked out of the top of the coveralls and had pulled out a long thin cock. It was about 9 � inches long with afat round head. It was steely hard and almost vibrating as the kid rapidly stroked up and down it’s considerable length. I saw Running Boy moan and look down as precum smeared all over his frantically working palm. He brought his hand to his mouth and began to carefully lick the sticky fluid from his hand. He moaned uncontrollably while he did it and the phone man just smiled and said. “Fucking blow me and you’ll get more.’ Just as the kid rapturously sank to his knees and was trapping the trembling, leaking head in his lips I purposely made noises. I stomped my feet and laughed, making the indications of a one sided conversation. The kid swore loudly and got to his feet. The phone guy quickly started doing up his clothes. The kid said, “Wait…maybe they’ll go by…then we can keep going.” The phone guy laughed and said. “Sorry junior your hot mouth isn’t worth more then me loosing my job…maybe some other time. ” he started to walk back to the trail. “Fuck c’mon…I need cock.” The kid whispered, his voice naked with need. “Sorry kiddo-keep hunting.” He said and continued on. I chuckled to myself as I made my way back to the trail. This kid was going to loose it soon…and I wanted to be there to see it…




Subject: Aussie Boy Introduction (Gay / Adult Youth, oral, anal, b/M) Adult Youth, oral, anal, b/M This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of boys and men discovering their sexuality. It contains graphic scenes of sex between a consenting underage boy and adult males. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. Copyright 2022 Wolf, all rights reserved. You may contact me at ail if you like. All flames will be ignored. Aussie Boy Introduction By Wolf The first time I saw another person’s hard adult cock was when I was around 13 and had just discovered how to masturbate. It was a glory hole in a men room at the local shopping center. I was rubbing my little penis with some toilet paper when the guy next door shoved his hard cock through the hole. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was HUGE. Probably average size when I think about it now. But the shaft was long and he had a large head on it too. I could even see some dark pubes poking through the hole. I had just started growing a few ginger hairs at the base of my cock at that stage. Anyway, I gently wrapped my hand around the shaft of the man’s cock and started rubbing it. The man was softly moaning behind the metal stall partition and he told me to keep pulling on his cock. I continued masturbating until he blew his cum all over my other hand. Some even landed on the bottom of the opposite partition and dribbled down to make a wet spot on the concert floor. The deep baritone voice thanked me, and asked me if he could buy me some chips. I was curious to see what he looked like, and I couldn’t pass up chips, so I accepted his offer. I pulled up my tidy-whites and my jeans and buttoned them, before I unbolted the door and went to the sink to wash my hands. I heard the door open behind me, and turned to see a ginger haired man about six-feet-tall step out of the stall. He had a big smile on his face. He approached me and gave me a hug. It startled me when he bent down and kissed me on the mouth. When he straightened up, he said: “Are you ready to leave?” I nodded my head, and we exited the washroom together. We walked to a barrow selling Erzurum Escort fish and chips. He ordered chips and tea. The clerk placed a large order of potato chips on the newspaper and sprinkled a generous amount of sea salt on the chips before folding a couple of sheets of newspapers into a packet. We sat on a low bred brick wall to eat our chips, and drink our tea. When we finished our tea, we folded the remaining chips in the paper and exited the shopping center. When we were on the street, he asked me: “Would you like to come to my apartment? You can watch some of my porno videos and we can play around some more!” The prospect of getting to watch some porn was too good to pass up. We walked several blocks before we came to a two-story apartment building with a wrought-iron fence separating the landscaped frontage from the sidewalk. We entered the building, stopping long enough for him to check his mail box. He led me to the staircase and to the second- floor apartment number 234. It looked like every other apartment I had ever seen. The apartment was deeper than it was wide. His living area was arranged with the sofa against the common wall with his neighbor and the entertainment center was against the wall separating the room from the kitchen. There was a small storage on one side and a door to the bedroom on the other side and a door to the wash closet. My host introduced himself as Matthew Mac Gregor and invited me to sit on the sofa. As I sat down, I told him that my name was Bruce Barns. The next thing he did was check the blinds and drapes on the windows. Then he went to the entertainment center and turned on the system. Then he rummaged through a group of DVD’s and CD’s. He selected one and put it in the machine. He joined me on the sofa and picked up the remote. He quickly pushed buttons and the LED screen went from assure-blue to a homemade title screen That proclaimed “Two Sisters Fight over Boy.” The story started with two good looking teenage blondes arguing in a backyard of a private home. One girl was accusing the other girl of trying to seduce her boyfriend. There was some foolish arguing before they started fighting. It didn’t take Erzurum Escort Bayan long before they striped each other’s clothes off and they started sucking each other’s pussies, tits, and assholes. During the video Matt started playing with awe. Watching the naked girls eating each other’s hairy pussies, my boner tented my jeans up. Matt reached over and squeezed the bulge. Both of us struggled to pull the jeans open. I arched my back to be able to pull my jeans and underwear down past my knees. Matt reached over and lifted my balls up before he took hold of my small cock and started milking me. While he was masturbating me with one hand, he put his other hand between my legs and tickled my asshole. When it was moist down there, he stuck a finger up my asshole. I had an instant orgasm and I shot a couple of gobs of white cum that arched up and landed on my belly. The rest of my-cum flowed out and down over his hand to pool in my brown pubic hair. At the conclusion of the video Matt set about removing his own clothes. I watched his every move. When he was totally naked, I was impressed by this man that was obviously a Scott. His ginger-coloured hair was his badge proclaiming him to be a true scout. He was physically fit. His body was covered with ginger-body hair, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock and balls. I had gotten a good look at his cock through the glory hole, but hadn’t seen the way the sack sagged and swung as he walked. When he turned to approach the entertainment center, I marveled at his hard butt cheeks. When he bent over to select another CD and insert it in the machine his ass spread and I saw his puckered asshole that was a brown and ringed that was ringed in his ginger hair, and I caught glimpses his dangling scrotum and classic cock with the dark circumcision scar. When he was finished replacing the CD in the machine, he returned to sit on the sofa next to me. He took hold of my hand and placed it on his cock, just as the new video started. This video was something I didn’t expect. There was a grown man that was naked and he had a pot belly that hung over his crotch. The other person to spear on screen was a good-looking Escort Erzurum slender blond teenager. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the action. The teenager knelt before the old man, and the old msn’s belly rested against the boy’s forehead while the teen sucked that fast cock. After several minutes of noisy sucking on the cock, the old man pulled his cock out of the teens mouth and squirted cum all over the boy’s face. While that was going on Matt and I were masturbating with each other. It was hard to concentrate on his or my cock because I was engrossed in the sex going on between the teenager and the old man. The old man was all over the teenager feeling, masturbating and even sucked the teens cock. I was shocked to see the old man licking and probing the teenager’s asshole. Then the old man lay the teen on his back and rolled him up until the teenager was resting on his shoulder and neck, with his butt up in the air and his knees were almost near his ears. I was captivated watching the old man using his hand to force the head of his cock into the teenager’s tight little asshole. I was amazed to see the asshole stretch to accommodate that fat cock. I watched him fuck the teenager, while the teenager masturbated himself, while he was being fucked. The teenager actually squirted his cum all over his face. The old man fucked him a little longer before he pulled out and squirted cum all over the boy’s balls and the tight skin between the balls and the asshole. I was almost ready to cum myself. When the video was over Matt laid me on the sofa and sucked my cock until I came in his mouth. When I recovered, he lay back, spread his legs offering his sex for me to play with. I sucked his cock and rolled his balls in my hand. I even stuck a couple of fingers up his asshole just before he squirted cum into my mouth. When it was over, I sat up, and couldn’t resist smelling the two dirty fingers and even tasted them. At the conclusion he assured me that he had plenty of videos. He assured me: “You are welcome to visit anytime, but we better get dressed for now. I will take you home.” As soon as we were dressed, he did in fact drive me home. He wanted to know where I lived. He told me that he wanted to meet my parents. So that he could get their trust. That way we could find ways to see each other frequently. If you enjoyed the story and have a story you want me to write about your introduction to the world of male sexuality, please send your outline to ail




Subject: Mark-and-Donny Chapter 2 (Revised) – Remembering the Past Gay/Adult Youth This is a fictional story involving sexual acts between a man and a young teenaged boy. If this offends you, please leave. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material, then do not read any further. This story in no way represents any person alive or dead. Any resemblance to any real person is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and no copying or posting to any other website is permitted without the author’s written consent. If you enjoy this story, please support Nifty! By supporting Nifty, we can continue to use this wonderful, free archive. Visit: fty/ This chapter doesn’t have very much sex, as it’s the introduction of Mark to Donny. Please be patient with me until chapter 3. Chapter 2 — Remembering the past The first time I saw Donny was 37 years ago and I now know, he was 14 years old. I was 30 at the time and always had an interest in young teen boys but was too fearful of hooking up with one. I also remember it was a Wednesday; 3:30 in the afternoon as he quietly walked into my electronic store and began to slowly peruse the inventory. I was instantly attracted to him. and quickly started up a conversation. At that time, I don’t normally get young boys looking at my inventory, let alone cute ones, especially when they were by themselves. Back then it was the late 70’s and the internet hadn’t even been exposed yet. Usually, it’s older teens and younger couples who would ogle my stock. He wandered in with a sense of curiosity about what I had to offer so I began a conversation asking him how he was doing. He comfortably responded by smiling and saying he was great but although he liked the record players, he really was interested in the new Walkman’s. Back then, I owned an Electronic Store franchise and was in my first year of business. Sony Walkman’s were the latest technology and in high demand. We chatted for about half an hour, and I found myself growing to like him more each minute with his sweet smile and easy demeanor. I noticed he had a way of looking at you when he talked and actually listened to your response to his questions. As expected, as to his age, I determined he wouldn’t have much money, but he did want to learn. I was very happy with his curiosity and was willing to do anything to keep him in the store. It was a quiet afternoon with few customers, so I spent as much time as I could talking with him about the different products we carried. Almost regretfully, he said goodbye and explained he had to leave for home. Before departing the store, I told him to drop by anytime secretly hoping that this beautiful boy would return. Once he had left, I silently kicked myself because I didn’t even get his name. I regularly thought about him throughout the next few days and was pleasantly surprised when the following Wednesday, at the same time, he returned. Luckily the store was empty of customers again, so I smiled Diyarbakır Escort and said hello to welcomed him back. I wanted to let him know that I remembered him, even if I didn’t know his name yet. I could tell he was trying to appear as casual as possible as he smiled and said he was just looking again. I tried to play it casual, not wanting him to think I was secretly hoping he would come back. Taking a deep breath, I told him he could look all he wanted and if there was anything I could help him with to just ask. I watched him out of the corner of my eye and was excited when he asked if he could see the new Sony Walkman in the display case. I was quick to respond, showing him how it worked, giving him a cassette to insert and listen to some music I thought he would like. We weren’t concerned about sharing headphones back then, everyone used the demo headphones. I could tell he was enjoying the music from the Walkman. He silently listened while I silently busied myself dusting some shelves until he removed the headphones. We chatted casually and finally I gathered enough courage to explain I didn’t even know his name. That’s when I learned he was Donny and recently move into the area with his father, mother, and older sister. He was quite open to a variety of topics, so we talked for almost an hour, only being interrupted once by a young couple. I noticed, while I talked to the customers, he patiently looked at other products in the store, waiting for me to finish up. Once the couple left the store, he approached me, and we resumed our conversation from where we left off. He didn’t seem to be in any hurry to leave, it was almost like he simply wanted someone to talk to. I was surprised for him being such a young boy, at how comfortable he was to talk with. After a while he again said he had to go but would like to return on another day. `Any time’ was my prompt response. His third visit was the next evening. He showed up around 7 pm and again began looking at Walkman’s. He stuck around while I served customers and we picked up our conversation from the previous day. This time when he left, I told him we would have to go for coffee together on his next visit. He smiled and said `thanks, I’d like that,’ then turned and left the store. The following Wednesday I had another staff member working until 7pm for inventory purposes when Donny showed up at 3:30. I quickly told my employee I was leaving for coffee with my new friend. We walked to a nearby restaurant where he said he nervously said he didn’t have any money for coffee and I told him not to worry, I would buy. He would only drink a soda while I had a coffee and sandwich for my lunch. He said he had to go home for supper soon. Our conversation was again very friendly, discovering each other’s interest. At one point, he said he like photography. Latching on to an opportunity, I said that was my favorite hobby. He told me he only had a little 110 camera but was very interested when Diyarbakır Escort Bayan I told him I had an SLR. The next day he arrived in the evening again, so we picked up our conversation about cameras. That was when I asked if he was interested in going to the local zoo with me on the following Sunday. I was shocked when he instantly responded with a resounding `Yes’ asking what time. Needless to say, I was very nervous about picking up a young boy, even if it was to innocently take him to the zoo. I asked him to clear it with his mom and dad then after giving him my phone number, I told him to call me if he was good to go. That night at 10pm, I had an unexpected phone call. Donny quickly announced he was okay to go. We agreed that I would pick him up across the street from his place at 9am Sunday morning. Once that was settled, we started a two-way conversation on photography, where he surprised me with his knowledge. I could hardly wait! Finally, Sunday arrived, and he was waiting across the street when I arrived. I didn’t find out until a few weeks later that his home was actually a block further down the street. The zoo was a half hour drive away, so our conversation easily slipped into a two way, back and forth, conversation where we discovered even more about each other. Once at the zoo, I shot three of rolls of film, taking pictures of all the wildlife and snuck in a few shots of him when I thought he wasn’t looking. When he arrived at the store the following Wednesday, we went for coffee again and I pulled the pictures out of my jacket pocket to show him. I was curious to see his reaction when he saw the pictures of himself mixed in with the others. When I asked if he was okay if I took a few pictures of him, he simply shrugged said he didn’t know I took his picture and that `it was cool’. That night my phone rang at 10 and Donny said he just called to chat. I had to tell him he should probably go to bed when I looked at the clock and saw it was already 10:30. I signed off by saying he was welcome to call any time. Like clockwork, my phone began ringing at 10pm each weeknight. Donny and I would chat about everything. His store visits also continued, and we were getting along very well. One Tuesday evening when he phoned, he mentioned how he liked going to the zoo to take pictures, so I asked how he liked the picture I took of him. He said `fine’ without any hesitation. Based on his response, I asked if he would be willing to model for me. Again, without any hesitation, he quickly said `Sure’ as if it was an everyday request. Needless to say, I was elated with his response. The next day he showed up for his usual Wednesday visit and I invited him for coffee again. All seemed to be going well so I asked if he had modeled before? He quickly said `Noooo’ and seemed a little surprised I would ask him that. I explained how I thought the pictures I took of him were excellent and that he appeared very relaxed in them. I added `that Escort Diyarbakır was why I asked him that question’? He said he was totally okay about modeling for me. We both smiled at each other. Later that night, my phone rang again at 10 and we chatted for another half an hour. Our conversations were becoming very comfortable with each other so I thought I would go for broke. I had been thinking how I was going to put the question to him but decided I simply had to blurt it out and hope for the best. As casually as possible, I said `you know Donny, as I like to take pictures, I was wondering’, I paused, `when I asked you to model, I was hoping you would model in the nude?’ I left it hanging out there, while holding my breath waiting for his response. This is where I thought I’d hear a click on the other end and never see him again, but he surprised me by saying `I know’. Floored, I asked `So, you’re okay with that?’ “Yeah”, was his immediate response. `Okay! Cool!’ I couldn’t believe my luck. We decided for me to pick him up at 9 on Sunday morning and shortly later wrapped up our conversation. I was shaking, I was so excited but, was also nervous… Donny never showed up at the store Thursday, so I thought my hopes of seeing my boy god in the nude was going to just be a pipe dream when at 10pm the phone rang. I was elated that he called but heard a different tone in his voice when we started to talked. Donny paused after we had a short conversation, then said `Mark, I can’t make it on Sunday’. My stomach hit the floor but quickly recovered by saying `hey, don’t worry about it. I understand. After all, it’s a big decision to model for someone, especially in the nude.’ To my surprise he replied by saying that wasn’t the reason why he couldn’t make it. Without knowing, his Mom and Dad had made plans which he tried to get out of but couldn’t because `it was some sort of family function’, sounding like it was an inconvenience to him. `So, I’m obligated to go’ he blurted out. He quickly added that he was still okay for the modeling session but asked if it was okay to delay a week’. Wow! I was excited again and we were on again for the following Sunday. We continued our conversation with small talk until 11 before saying good night to each other. Donny made it for coffee on Saturday and again the following Wednesday as well as we continued the 10 pm phone visits until Thursday night when Donny made a surprising request. He asked if he could find his own way to my apartment. He said it was too much of an inconvenience for me to drive all the way to pick him up when he could easily catch a bus right in front of his place. He said instead of me picking him up at 9am, he would be at my place at 9. I never thought much about it until years later when we talked, when he explained that he didn’t want his parents seeing him getting into a car with a strange man. That was when I figured out, he went to the zoo without asking for their permission. Sunday morning 9am sharp; my apartment buzzer rang. End of Chapter 2 Thanks for reading my second chapter. I have 6 more chapters already written and will submit them after editing. I’m not sure if more chapters will follow then but will determine that later. As per chapter 1, comments and suggestions are always welcome. ota




Subject: Boy from the High Country, Chapter 6 BOY FROM THE HIGH COUNTRY Chapter 6 by Hobbyboy See the disclaimer at Chapter 1 ABOUT CHRONOLOGY: I have messed with the dates here for the sake of the story. The real Cody Trolley Company didn’t start operation until 2001, and the daughters were still young girls. Annie’s Soda Saloon was even farther in the future. But I wanted to give Art and Kelly a good long day in Cody, so a bit of literary time traveling was called for. CHAPTER 6: ON THE TOWN My camper did not have blackout curtains, so the interior became increasingly bright. Something was weird, my fuzzy brain told me, and then I felt something poking into my side. I had a vague recollection of Kelly awakening in the chilly night of the unheated camper and then worming his way into my bed. Cold was no longer a problem, however. The sun was already bringing warmth to the camper, and Kelly’s bare body was very warm under the down comforter. He was nestled in my arms, and I could feel his warm breath as he slept on. As was often the case I had awakened with a morning hardon, and so evidently had my 14-year-old traveling companion. I was sorely tempted to start caressing his back but the urge to pee was overriding any salacious thoughts I might have. I slowly extricated myself from his grasp and headed for the Porta Potty. I didn’t think I could make it to the RV park bathroom, especially naked. Wait. I was naked. Kelly was naked. Suddenly the only way I could pee was straight up, which would not work in this tiny cubicle. I quickly pulled on a tee shirt and a pair of sweats and stumbled my way out of the camper and down the slight embankment to the river. After doing a quick check to make sure there was no one in sight I pulled down the front of the sweats and let fly a graceful yellow arc. That problem solved, I made my way back into the camper, where I found Kelly sitting on the edge of the bed, still stark naked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I turned my back and busied myself looking for my clothes for the day. “Come on, sport,” I said, “get some clothes on so we can grab some breakfast. We have places to go, things to do.” Clearly, Kelly was not a morning person. I heard a mumbled “G’morning,” and the rustling sounds as he pulled on the few bits of clothing he actually possessed. I slowly changed into my clothes for the day with my back to him, not worrying about Kelly’s view of my bare butt, delaying as long as I could in deference to a sense of modesty I wasn’t sure Kelly even had. When I finally turned around, he was ready to go, but still not talking. He did have his hand on his crotch, however, the way little boys do when they need to pee. “Okay, off to the bathrooms before I have to clean up a puddle. Bring your toothbrush. Chop, chop. Let’s go.” My teeth were in need of brushing also. As I stood at the sink, I started thinking about the day ahead. The drive to Yellowstone could wait another day. I wanted today to be a day just for fun. No traveling, no deep conversations, no quizzing about his past, no speculating about the future, just a kid and an older friend — an adopted uncle, if you will — out on the town for the day. But first came breakfast — pancakes and eggs at the little restaurant in the RV park. Breakfast done and the bill paid, I said, “Come on, Kelly we’re going for a walk.” He looked at me like I had lost my mind. “A walk? What do you mean, a walk?” “Well, I don’t go running any more. It’s too hard on my knees. But I still try to walk at least two miles every day. You may not know it, but walking at a good pace is the best all-around exercise you can get. How do you think I’ve kept my girlish figure?” A grin just barely started to light up his face, but he said, so quietly that I could barely make out the words, “There’s nothing girlish about you, Uncle Art.” And he actually blushed, as if he had said something naughty. Then he looked up and said, “OK, let’s go. We’ll see if you can keep up.” We were more evenly matched than I had anticipated. He was younger, of course, but he was also underfed and laboring under the weight of his traumatic home life. Nevertheless, he could walk at a good clip. At one point he moved a couple of steps ahead and said, “Come on, old man, keep up!” Suddenly his hand went to his mouth and he turned toward me, his eyes wide with fear, his face suddenly drained of color. I’m sure he was expecting a slap in the face, if not something worse. And this was when the best piece of advice I had ever gotten about being a teacher came into play. A veteran teacher had once said to me, “You have to know when to look out the window.” Kelly’s reaction was best ignored. I landed my fists onto my hips, elbows jutting out to my sides and said with a fake look of hurt on my face, “I an not old. I am mature.” Slowly he walked up beside me and actually took my hand in his. “You’re not too old for me,” he said. He didn’t let go of my hand until we spied a runner coming toward us. I wasn’t sure what he meant by saying I wasn’t too old for him. But it did make me start wondering what I actually looked like to him. I was fifty-five years old, but looked more like forty. Apparently I had inherited some really good genes. When I started teaching at my current school in my mid-twenties, parents occasionally mistook me for a student. My daughter once said that I was a freak of nature. I didn’t have the paunch that some male colleagues my age were developing. I was no weight lifter but I stayed active and I could go shirtless at a Thousand Trails swimming pool without feeling that I was totally spoiling the scenery. My face was unlined, and my hair and short beard were still the auburn color I had inherited from my mother, just starting to show some gray. I had never mentioned my real age to Kelly, and he was free to think whatever he wanted to. A mile out and a mile back took less then an hour, and neither one of us had worked up much of a sweat. I pulled out a banana for each of use — a trainer during on of my occasional stints with a gym membership had said it was a good idea to get some potassium after exercising — and then it was off to Walmart to exchange my empty propane tank for a full one, and to get some decent underwear and clothes for Kelly. My teacher’s salary had never given me a fat bank account, but this was only a drop in the bucket compared with the total cost of my long summer sojourn. Cody, Wyoming, is not exactly a big city. Fewer than 10 thousand people live there. But there is no shortage of things to do, thanks to the fact that Cody is on a main route to Yellowstone, and the fact that the town was founded by Buffalo Bill Cody. For tourists like Kelly and me, a day in Cody did not have to be boring. By 9 AM we were aboard the Cody Trolley Tour, an hour-long trip past most of the attractions in town. Unlike most city tours run by big companies, this one is owned by a local couple and their six adult daughters, who kept us entertained the whole time. Once off the trolley we went back to the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. I let Kelly decide what parts of the museum to spend time on, and still it took us an hour, by which time we were ready for lunch at Annie’s Soda Saloon, which had started out many decades earlier as a saloon with a much more adult bill of fare. Then it was off for a really new adventure for Kelly — Cedar Mountain Trail Rides. Kelly had never been close to a horse, much less ridden one, but the folks at Cedar Mountain took that all in stride. We didn’t even need a reservation. We just showed up, they matched us up with horses (gentle ones for new riders), and we joined with a group leaving at 1 PM. Wearing new cheap cowboy hats and slathered with sunscreen we wandered at a slow pace through the sagebrush-covered hills west of Cody. About half an hour into the ride Kelly had lost his nervousness Erzincan Escort and was starting to enjoy being on horseback, though he felt the strain in his thigh muscles when we finally dismounted. Part of the experience was being shown how to brush down a horse after the ride, followed by a tour of the place. We learned a lot about caring for horses, knowledge we would never have a chance to practice. A steak dinner at the Cody Cattle Company finished in time for the final event of the day, a two-hour nighttime rodeo. Tired, a bit dusty, and smelling vaguely of horses, we finally pulled the camper back into our slot at the RV park and hooked up the power and water. We gathered up towels and toiletries and headed for the showers. It was late and almost everyone else was already in bed, so we were alone. Kelly insisted that I come into the cubicle with him. As soon as I pulled the curtain to the changing area Kelly, with no thought for modesty, quickly stripped, stepped into the shower stall and turned on the water. While he was waiting for the water to turn warm, I had a few minutes during which I finally allowed myself to openly do what up to this point I had been trying to do secretly. I took a good look at a naked Kelly. Even though he was too thin, he still showed the beginning signs of muscle definition. As I had noted earlier, he was still in the early stages of puberty. His uncircumcised penis was not much longer or thicker than my thumb, and it rested over a hairless scrotum. He did not yet have the full bush of pubic hair that an older teen would have, but what he did have matched the color of the hair on his head. As he turned to face the shower head, I could still see the fading welts and bruises on his back, the marks of the belt his stepfather had used on that fateful day. Once again my heart went out to his mistreated boy. “Uncle Art?” It took me a moment to tear my eyes away from his developing body as I realized Kelly was speaking to me. I’m sure I blushed a bit at being caught staring. “Uncle Art, will you wash me? I’m too tired to do it myself.” I had said yes once before. How could I say no this time? For the sake of clear thinking, I probably should have used a washcloth, but for better or for worse I decided he needed direct human touch. I moved the shower head so that Kelly’s back was out of the direct spray. I began at his shoulders, my soapy hands sliding effortlessly over his smooth skin. I gently kneaded the cords of muscle that extended from his neck to his shoulders, then did the same thing to the muscles at the back of his neck, combining the washing of his back with the little I knew of massage. Kelly leaned his head back and closed his eyes, letting out a loud “Aah,” almost a groan of satisfaction. He rotated his shoulders in slow forward circles as I massaged his back, clearly reveling in the unaccustomed sensations. As I leaned down to reach his lower back, an old back injury began to give me some pain, so I knelt for comfort. As I did so I lost my grip on the bar of soap and it squirted out of my hand, caromed around the shower stall base, and came to rest in the corner farthest from me. Kelly bent over to pick up the soap, and the cheeks of his butt parted, placing his brown pucker directly in front of my eyes. The view closed almost as quickly as it opened, but it had lasted long enough for me to notice something else. His little anus was surrounded by a brownish-red ring more than an inch wide, a band of bruising that proved he was not a virgin, at least not back there. I had seen no sign of tenderness or tearing at the opening itself, but there was no way to know for sure whether the penetration had been painful or damaging, or how recent it had been. I worked my hands around to his chest, stroking across his nipples a little more gently, a little more teasingly, than I would have done had I been interested only in getting him clean. I washed down the outsides of his arms, then back up to his hairless arm pits. Without being asked he raised his arms one at a time to give me better access. I continued to wash down to his lower belly, deliberately avoiding the pubic mound where evidence of his developing sexuality was on display. I moved next to his feet. As I raised his left foot so I could soap the sole of his foot and the sensitive spots between his toes, he balanced himself by leaning his left hand on my shoulder and rotating his body slightly toward me. This left me facing his youthful penis directly from a distance of not more than six inches. I wanted to stop washing and just look. Kelly showed no signs of arousal, but I was stiff as a board. I began to fear that my erection might brush against his leg, and he would notice and panic, so I tried to hold my body away from his. As I washed my way up his legs, I noticed that they were completely hairless. Perhaps I was wrong about the Mediterranean heritage. Could be Native American, or even southeast Asian. If someone put a gun to my head and made me guess, I’d say Cherokee, Oklahoma being so close by. When I reached his upper thigh, I shifted my attention to his right foot. Kelly changed arms and shifted his weight. I tried to rebalance myself on my right knee while still keeping my boner away from his legs. The whole procedure left me so off kilter that I went into a barely-controlled fall, rolling down onto my side and around onto my back. Kelly stepped over me to keep from being bowled over, and I found myself flat on my back with the shower head spraying my chest and upper abdomen while Kelly stood astride me like a conquering hero, and I stared up at him. It was a stimulating view. I was staring directly at the juncture of his thighs. I could see the seam where his body had stitched itself together while he was still in the womb, a seam that ran from the tip of his foreskin, along the shaft of his penis, around the sac that held his testicles, and along the perineum until it disappeared into the cleft of his ass. If the genetic programming had determined that the fetus would become a girl, the seam would have remained open below the pubic arch, creating the vulva that would conceal the canal into the interior of the body. I felt like a beetle turned on its back. The image struck me has wildly funny and I began to laugh, long and hard enough that tears came to my eyes. Kelly began to laugh as well. We were both just getting ourselves under control when Kelly looked down at me and noted clinically, “You’re hard.” “As a broomstick,” I said. “Why?” Now there was a question I wasn’t sure I wanted to answer. But I had started down this road by telling Kelly nothing but the truth, if not always the whole truth. There was no good reason to stop now. Since my erection was no longer a secret I got up onto my knees, picked up the soap, pulled myself close to Kelly and reached around to soap up his firm little butt. “Kelly, have you ever had to walk out of class with your books in front of you?” “Yeah. It’s embarrassing when you get a boner in class.” “When that happens, do you ever know why?” “Sometimes. Usually there isn’t any good reason. It just happens.” “Right, it just happens. Now I’m not going to lie to you and tell you there isn’t a reason why I’m hard right now. But I wanted to remind you that we can’t control our erections. When our dicks want to get hard, they get hard. But when we do get hard, we can decide what to do about it.” “What do you mean?” “When you get in hard in class, what do you do?” “I just kind of hide it and walk to the next class and if I don’t think about it too much, it goes away.” “Is there anything else you could do about it?” “Well, if I had time, maybe I could go into the bathroom and… you know… I could…” “Why don’t you tell me what you call it, Kelly?” “I could beat off, okay?” “Okay. Now we both know Erzincan Escort Bayan what we’re talking about. We both know that you know about masturbation, so we don’t have to avoid that topic.” I did notice, however, that for the first time Kelly’s little member was becoming not so little. “I can tell you why I got hard,” I continued. “I got hard because it’s exciting to look at you naked. It’s probably wrong, but I can’t help it. You are so beau… you are so good looking.” “Really? You think I’m good looking?” “You are so good looking I would call you beautiful if you wouldn’t think that meant I was treating you like a girl. You are also kind, you are funny, and you are fun to be with.” In spite of my little speech about how we can decide what to do about a hardon, I was letting my libido decide for me. My hand was sliding down the cleft of his ass, and I decided to find out whether he was experiencing any rectal discomfort. At least that’s what I told myself I was trying to find out, and in my own mind “rectal discomfort” is what I called it. Very cold. Very clinical. But since I was not studying to be a proctologist, there was nothing clinical about what my hand was doing. My soapy finger slid down across his tight pucker, then up and across it again. Finally I placed the tip of my finger directly over his sphincter and began to press forward gently. “Do you have any pain there?” He sucked in a breath of air sharply, so that he hissed like the air brakes releasing on a city bus. “No,” he said, “it doesn’t hurt. It feels… it’s okay.” God forbid he should say it feels good. A little more pressure and my finger slipped through the modest resistance of his anal ring and entered a region of moisture and heat greater than that of the shower. As old as I was, I had never before done this, so I didn’t know quite what to expect. I could tell, though, that my finger was still lubricated by the soap between his butt cheeks, so I continued to press slowly forward. Kelly rose up on his toes and threw his head back with a little moan of pleasure. My finger was inside him past my second knuckle before I felt some soft resistance. I realized just what it was that I had no doubt encountered, and the thought discouraged me from any further adventuring. “Still no pain?” “No,” he said, in a choked kind of voice. It was a relief to know that he did not seem to be injured, even though I was shamelessly molesting him now with the feeble excuse of discovering important information. He was completely hard, and erect he was almost as large as me, which says something about my very modest equipment. His engorged penis was sliding against my chest as he rose up on his toes and settled back down in time with my plundering finger. Not wanting him to think I was disgusted or was rejecting him, I began to move my finger slowly in short back-and-forth strokes, gradually pulling back toward his opening. Kelly continued to give a little grunt with each forward motion. Finally I stopped and slowly withdrew. I left my finger in contact with the outside of his pucker for a few moments, almost as if it were saying goodbye. I soaped my hands again and washed them without looking to see why. I placed my hands on his hips and turned him around so that his butt cheeks were pressed against my chest. From the other side of the wall, I could hear the washing machines go into their final spin cycle. “Give me a couple of minutes, Kelly,” I said, “I need to take care of the laundry.” I stepped out of the shower dripping wet and quickly donned my shorts. We were alone, so I didn’t worry about showing off my arousal. I picked up my stash of quarters and dashed around to put the laundry into the dryers. This interruption would give Kelly a chance to end this, to finish his shower and grab his towel and go on toward a more or less normal evening. But when I returned to the bathroom end of the building, I heard the shower still running. There was a metal folding chair at the end of the changing room bench. Evidently some earlier user had felt the bench was not quite long enough. I made my decision. I collapsed the chair and leaned it against the exterior door so that the clatter would warn us if someone came in. So much for any pretense that I didn’t know what I was doing. When I re-entered the shower stall, Kelly was still standing in the same place, waiting. I knelt behind him again, soaped my hands and reached around to the region of his belly button, then stopped. “Kelly, when I was in college, I knew a girl who was training to be a nurse,” I began. “She told me about bathing male patients who couldn’t get out of bed. The last thing she would do was to hand the patient the washcloth and say, ‘I’ve washed you as high as possible, and I’ve washed you as low as possible, now you do the possible.’ So that’s what I’m asking you, don’t you think you should wash the possible?” I slid my fingers quickly and lightly across his jutting penis so he could not mistake my meaning. “No,” he said. “You.” That could not be more clear. Kelly knew exactly what he was asking for. As I moved slowly down toward his proud boyhood, I reflected that I could call this consent, but in my heart I knew better. Kelly was in no position to give mature consent to sexual activity with me. Even though I did not know the details, had not in fact heard anything about his sexual experience from his own lips, I knew beyond doubt that he had been coerced into sex, that he had been sexualized beyond the bounds of normal development, that issues of love and sex and affection and attention were hopelessly confused in his emotional experience, then complicated still further by the onset of puberty and the relentless drive of his raging hormones. My only consolation was knowing that once things had gone this far, what I did next, so long as it was done with tenderness and love, would not damage him any further, could in fact eventually become an opportunity for me to talk with him about the difference between sex and love. Or so I hoped, or deluded myself. I soaped his groin, gently stroking the wrinkled skin of his hairless scrotum, aware of the tenderness of the firm ovals contained within. Larger than the jellybeans of childhood, not yet so large as they would be in adulthood, his balls were a source of exquisite pleasure for Kelly as I softly rolled them between my fingers. My hand moved higher and lightly grasped his cock. Both of us were uncut, so I had been dealing with a foreskin all my life and knew how to handle his. Gently I drew the foreskin back, exposing the glans, then I deliberately and firmly drew my thumb around the corona, soaping away any secretions that might have collected there in the moist darkness. Kelly’s pelvis jutted forward as he tried to drive his erection into my hand. He uttered a protracted moan, a sound befitting a sensation somewhere between pleasure and pain, an exclamation that I began to fear might be heard from outside. I decided to be more careful. The tens of thousands of nerve endings in the head of his penis were more sensitive than those of a circumcised male, having always been covered by the soft glove of his foreskin. Now I grasped the youthful phallus in earnest, slowly and deliberately pulling the foreskin down and away, then pushing it forward so that he first had the sensation of the foreskin moving to cover his exposed glans, followed by the feeling of my fingers sliding over the corona, cushioned by the foreskin. This double stimulation, the feather touch of the foreskin followed by the firmer pressure of the fingers, then the same one-two sequence in reverse, is something that can only be experienced by a man who has not been cut. They say an uncircumcised man can recreate the feeling for a circumcised partner through “docking,” but I wouldn’t know about that from experience. Escort Erzincan When I was Kelly’s age, I had what is known as a hair trigger. It never took me very long to achieve orgasm, and a good thing too because there was no lock on our bathroom door, and you never knew when someone might walk in. It was safer to beat off in the barn, witnessed only by a few chickens, a cow and the family dog, who I always suspected looked a little too interested. Furthermore, I was focused entirely on the literally mind-blowing experience of orgasm. The stroking motions of masturbation were for me only a brief prelude to the main event. It was probably the same way with Kelly. As time went on however, and my dating life continued to consist of buying wrist corsages for my right hand, I began to appreciate the pleasures of a more protracted session. Kelly was not too young to learn. Since I was here, and might never be in this position again, I fully intended to give him the climax of his young life. I continued my relentless slow stroking, even when Kelly began to thrust his hips forward in the hope of speeding me up. Soon he was softly grunting in time with my strokes. Then he began to plead, a single word, or at most two, uttered at the down side of each stroke, interspersed with more grunting sounds. “Please… Unh… Unh… O God… Unh… Stop… Unh… No… Don’t stop… Please… Unh… Let me… I want… to cum…” And when at last I felt a stiffening beneath my fingers as his cock tried to get even harder, when at last the voice of his grunts and pleadings took on a ragged edge, I suddenly switched to a rapid stroking, a trick that had always worked for me. He gave a great gasp, and his last grunt became a protracted wail of ecstasy and release. A small jets of milky-white semen leapt from his pulsating penis, nearly reaching his chin, followed by an agonizingly long pause during which his entire body seemed to tense inward upon itself, coiling like a great spring, and finally an explosive burst of three or four more pulses that sapped his strength. His knees gave way and he collapsed against me. I lowered him slowly to the floor of the shower stall and watched as the flowing water sluiced away most of the evidence of his recent climax. His head was resting against my shoulder. “That was *bad*,” he said, meaning, of course, that it was better than he knew how to say. Kelly finally noticed that my own penis, trapped between our bodies, was still hard. “You didn’t cum,” he said. “That’s okay, Kelly. It’s late, and I’m not as desperate for it as I was at your age.” I helped him rise to his feet, and gave him a light slap on his bare rear end. “Besides,” I said, “maybe I want to save something for later.” That was by far the most openly suggestive thing I had said to him, and I instantly regretted it. The last thing Kelly needed right now was any pressure, any feeling that he had to meet the sexual expectations of any other person. I was sure he had experienced enough of that in his past. The truth was that I had created a little fiction for myself. As long as I only did what pleasured him, as long I as I only did what he clearly wanted, and he did nothing to pleasure me, then I was not really sexually involved with him. How easily we believe our own little lies. Tenderly I toweled him dry, avoiding any further stimulation of his now-limp penis. Then, to my surprise, he began to do the same for me. We dressed, brushed our teeth and returned to the camper. Kelly helped me remake the dinette as my bed for the night, then I helped him up into his bunk above the cab. He had not asked for a pillow, and I didn’t have an extra one, but I improvised one from a wool sweater stuffed into an extra pillowcase. I settled Kelly in under the thin blanket, confident that now the furnace would keep out the nighttime cold. I gave him my portable CD player and my case of forty discs, and showed him where to plug in the headset. “Good luck finding something you like,” I said. My taste ran entirely to classical music and jazz. “I’ll be back soon with the laundry.” It only took a few minutes to fold the dry clothing. Kelly’s Y-front briefs had clearly seen too much wear, so out they went. All the new purchases from Walmart were now free of the factory sizing (that’s what my mom had called the coating they used to make the cloth slide more easily while it was being sewn). I was glad I had gotten a few pairs of socks because Kelly’s old supply was exactly seven socks. Had one sock never had a mate, or had the dryer eaten it? Nothing of his was very new, but some items were worth keeping. His two shirts were both long-sleeved, so I was glad I had picked up some short-sleeved shirts and some shorts. Back at the camper, I wanted to see how Kelly was getting along, so I took a peek through the outside window. His eyes were closed, and his head was nodding in time to some music. The blanket had slid off his body and he had shed the running shorts. He was gently playing with his penis. He wasn’t masturbating. He wasn’t even hard. He was just slowly pushing it this way and that with his fingertip, enjoying the way his foreskin slipped and slid over the sensitive head. I wondered whether a circumcised boy would be able to engage in this kind of low-key sensuality. He didn’t even try to conceal himself when I opened the door. He grinned shyly, but his hand did not move away from his crotch. I put his clothing back into his pack, and my own into the under-bunk storage. Then I turned to Kelly and spread open the headset so he could hear me. “Did you find something to listen to?” “Yeah, listen.” He put the headset over my ears. The Dukes of Dixieland were in the middle of “Muskrat Ramble.” I sat down in the small space that was available. “You like that, Kel?” This was the first time I had shortened his name. He didn’t bat an eye. “Yeah. My dad had some of this stuff, on those old black plastic records. I still have some of them, but The Bitch won’t let me touch them.” I wanted to find out more about The Bitch, but it was too late for this Conversation. “Good night, Kel. I’m going to shut off the light. Don’t worry about wearing out the batteries, I have plenty. It will shut off when you get to the end of the CD. See you in the morning.” I replaced the headset on his ears and started to turn away, but he put one hand on each of my cheeks, so I stopped. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine. It could hardly even be called a kiss, but it was so heartfelt, so freely given, and from such a wonderful boy, that it was one of the most erotic kisses I had ever received. I shut off the overhead light and dropped my shorts. I liked to sleep in a T-shirt and nothing else. I lay on my back staring into the darkness, not quite knowing how do process the events of this most peculiar day. The only light came from a waning moon. The only sound was the water running over the rocks in the riverbed, plus the occasional chirp from a frog on the riverbank. “Uncle Art?” His voice sounded tentative and far away. “After what we did tonight, Kel, maybe you could just call me Art.” “But I like calling you uncle, it makes me feel… I dunno, I like it.” “Okay, Uncle Art it is. What can I do for you?” “Can I get in with you again?” What was I going to say? I had masturbated him in the shower, I couldn’t very well say he had to stay in his own bed. “Sure, come on down.” He was there in a flash, crawling under the covers and snuggling up against me. I could feel the warmth of his bare skin against mine. He threw his arm over my chest and crooked his leg up over my body so that his penis, now soft and pliable, was pressed against my hip, while mine was cradled at the back of his knee. He nuzzled against my neck, and breathed a deep sign. “I knew you would come,” he said. “I knew that someday you would come.” Evidently what I had heard the night before was real, not a dream. Together, we drifted into the darkness of the night and sleep. NEXT: Chapter 7, Hellfire —– This story is free to you, but maintaining this archive is not free. It depends on donations, which may be made fty/donate.html


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