
If You Dare Ch. 04


This is the fourth chapter of a fictional tale. As a tale of fiction, it omits many of the safety precautions one should take in a real life situation. Because of this, it should not be considered a template for real life.

When the door closed, Gloria was alone with her thoughts. She lay there listening to her heartbeat. Her chest was still heaving, as she caught her breath. The more she came down, the more aware she was of her body. Her wrists and ankles were tired and sore. She removed the scarf from her eyes to look at her free wrist. There was a band of red and raw skin about an inch in width. Battle wounds, she thought. She had been battling with the ropes, all afternoon. All worth it, too. Offered another chance, she wouldn’t have done anything differently.

She slowly twisted herself around so she could release her other wrist. She looked at both wrists together. She smiled when she saw they matched perfectly. Additional pains made themselves known. Her legs were very tired. Her whole body was tired. She felt like she had just run a marathon. She took a trip but never left the bed.

While Gloria lay there, her aches and pains were becoming more prominent. An old saying she had heard came to mind. Now, “Rode hard and put up wet” had more meaning for her. This was how she felt. She had been used, then left alone to repair herself the best she could. Strangely, it was a perfectly wonderful afternoon. Well, she would like to see what he looked like. But, she could wait for that.

Gloria got out of the ropes and cleaned herself up. She looked at her wrists and ankles. Her ankles weren’t as red as her wrists. She figured that was because she was fighting for control with her arms, and not so much with her legs. But, her ankles were still red enough to show at work. She hadn’t thought about that. The after effects of these sessions would surely bring embarrassing questions from her coworkers. Questions that may be even worse than wearing the butt plug had been.

First things first. She had to send an email to him, as he had requested. She was to explain her experiences of the afternoon. She was to tell him if she liked being in such a submissive situation. With so many new feelings rushing though her, she knew it wouldn’t be easy to explain them.

First, she knew she loved it. The feeling of being in another’s control, knowing she was at his mercy was overwhelming. She was really beginning to enjoy that feeling. Was it what she thought it would be? That was more difficult to explain. She had only read stories and seen pictures of bondage, so her subconscious controlled what she thought it would feel like. Having a vivid imagination, she was worried it would be a let down. There had been no let down, yet.

She thought it was very over powering to be told to bind herself in lewd positions and wait. She had trouble with this the first time. She remembered the butterflies in her stomach. But, this second time it was just anticipation. She knew she wanted it to happen, even if he would cause her pain. It wasn’t the pain he caused, but how he caused it. He would give her pleasure, then take it away and give her pain. She would be just on the edge of a climax and he knew it. He would then deprive her of it, and introduce pain to cleanse her mind of cumming. He had such a deliciously nasty controlling way. She loved submitting to him.

The vibrator on her clit and pussy were hard to take. Oh, she had used a vibrator on herself many times. But, she had never had someone else control it. And, he was skilled at knowing where to put it, and when to remove it. That skill caused some of her red and raw wrists and ankles. She had tried to control where she wanted the vibrator. The ropes won, every time.

So, Gloria sent her email, explaining her joy and confusion over the afternoon’s events. She felt she had some answers, but not every one. Smiling, she knew it would take more experimentation.

Thank goodness, the next day was a Sunday. She had a chance to try to heal her wrists and ankles. But, when Monday morning came, they were still very obviously visible. She contemplated calling in sick, but that would only delay things, and she really couldn’t afford it, either.

She decided on a long sleeve sweater and those white knee socks with the cute little lacey tops. The sweater was snug, and that would draw attention away from her wrists, if someone happened to see them. And, with the proper dress, the knee socks would do the same. She knew there were enough perverts in the office. Talk about the tight sweater and knee socks would be much easier to handle than what they were covering up.

Work on Monday came and went. The sweater and socks did their job. She acquired a few new nicknames from her coworkers, but no matter about that. If she hadn’t worn them, the nicknames would have been unbearable. She was not ready for anyone to know what was really going on.

Tuesday, her wrists were better, but still otele gelen escort too obvious. She wore a long sleeve blouse, and her dress that looked a little like a cheerleader outfit. It was a good thing the boss was out of town.

Tuesday evening, she got an email. Her clit started to twitch, as she sat down to read it. She couldn’t believe how it affected her. Her hands shook as she typed the necessary keys on the computer. Then, there it was.

Hello, my pet. I trust you untied yourself without much trouble. You know I will always make sure you are able to get free. But I have left the rest up to you, for now. Your body is not my main worry. I know your body will heal. The physical person is very resilient. But your body is only a tool. Because your body is connected to your mind, it tells me a lot about you. When you react, it is your inner submissive I am talking to. I connect to her by touching your body. And when you are naked and bound, all of your barriers are stripped away, leaving only this tool and the inner Gloria.

Because you are bound, you can’t refuse me. Because you are naked, I have complete view and control of you. And with your trust, you give me an open window to enter your mind. Deep inside, I find your desires, and I feed them.

You are learning more about yourself, each day. After each of our visits, you know more, and yet you desire more. That little ache inside you is a hunger that drives you forward. It’s inside all of us, but sometimes it is buried and needs to be brought out. It needs to be exposed.

I have your trust. Trust is the door you open to your sole. You trust me to use your physical body to reach your mental self. You allow me to reach inside and touch you. You allow me to stimulate your sexual desires, then give them their freedom to thrive. I am in control at that point, but only because you allow me to be. I possess you because you allow it.

Gloria, I want to know your thoughts. I want to know what you have learned about yourself. I want to know how your mind has developed from these experiences. I want to know how your feelings have changed about yourself. I want to know if you feel good about it. Give me these answers, and we will then continue with your next task.

Gloria couldn’t believe what she was reading. He was saying the same things she had been feeling. He understood her embarrassment. He understood her desires. But, did she understand her desires? Could she express her feelings? What had she felt, up to now and what was she learning? What was she finding out about this new Gloria? Did she like her? Did she want to keep her? Questions, more questions! Why more questions? She wanted him to use her!

She had to calm down and think this out. She knew what she had found. She had found someone who understood her needs. Gloria had found someone who had the ability to go deep within her and bring out her hungers. He knew what she hungered for. That knowledge embarrassed her. She had kept this deep inside for so long, because there had been no one to bring it out of her. It seemed he not only knew what was there, but he also knew how to bring it out.

Her face flushed as she thought it through. It was as if he was in the room with her. She even caught herself looking around, expecting to see him sitting in a chair beside her. But that was how he affected her. His control was feeding another desire inside her. She thrived on it. She loved not knowing what was to come next. She loved how he forced her to feel. His control allowed her to submit to him. His touch brought shivers to her body. He could play her like a musical instrument, bringing her emotions to the surface.

After considerable thought, she sent her email. She told him what she had been thinking and how she felt. She told him she hungered for his control. His control was the beginning for her. He had taken the old Gloria and bound her body. He had twisted her mind until her desires escaped their deep entrapment. He had opened a door to her inner submissive self. Without him, she surely would still be the old Gloria.

She read her email through, before sending. She wanted to be sure it said what she meant. He had been the catalyst to her whole learning process. Satisfied with its content, she pressed SEND.

Several days passed and Gloria didn’t like waiting. However, she was learning. Before, she hated traffic lights. Surely red was set to be longer than green. Before, she hated standing in lines. It seemed such wasted time. Her anger would build as she moved up in line. Now, she understood the need for traffic lights. She still didn’t like them, but she at least could understand they were necessary. And, she didn’t mind standing in line so much. She still didn’t like it, but it wasn’t wasted time.

She would now spend the time thinking of her newfound feelings. Her thoughts would take over and she would be completely relaxed as she moved mecidiyeköy escort up in line. Sometimes she could be so involved, she would forget where she was. Her hands had a way of roaming. That became embarrassing, at times, but not like it would have, before. Now, she seemed to understand things better. She had a different outlook on life than before.

Finally, his reply arrived. Again the ritual started. She would feel a twitch in her clit, and her hands would shake. She felt he was in the room speaking to her, when she read his emails. This was the control he had over her.

Hello, Gloria, I read your email. You have experienced a lot. And, you have learned a lot, too. But, you have still missed one point. It was not my control that began your new life. It was your trust. You needed to experience life. You knew there was more out there, and you wanted part of it. However, to do that, you had to look for it.

Looking for the unknown is not easy. It’s a step many never take, but you took it. That took a lot of trust. Trust in the unknown. Trust in knowing you could handle what you might find. Trust in knowing you could handle whom you might find.

That is a very strong feeling. Don’t ever take it lightly. Don’t let anyone else make light of it, either. My control only came after your trust. My first email to you said “If You Dare” and your trust allowed you to dare. It was you, Gloria, who began this new adventure. Maybe I was a large part of it, but only after you allowed me to be. Don’t forget that. You are always in control of yourself, even when I am with you.

Gloria had tears in her eyes. She had to read his email over and over. Each time she felt more alive than before. It was an amazing experience, almost profound. He did make sense. She did start her own journey. She had never thought of it that way, before, and she wondered why. Then, she realized he hadn’t given her another task. No new task? He was full of surprises. But, this one was not welcome. She looked forward to these tasks. They were challenging and inspiring. They usually made her think. They all made her feel sexy and alive.

She needed to send him another email. This one would be best entitled “No New Task?” but she didn’t dare. There’s that word, again, dare. She had dared before, so why not now? So, she did. She sent the email, with that same title.

She also told him she understood his last email, and wondered why she had thought so lowly of herself, before. It was likely that he would have an answer to that, too. SEND.

The wait was not long. Gloria had her reply that same evening. Such service, she thought. Either that or he didn’t like the title she gave her email. She sat down to read it, anxious and apprehensive. What would his wisdom explain for her?

I see you noticed there was no new task in my last email. But, do you remember the last line of my email? “Give me these answers, and we will then continue with your next task.” You think you gave me the answers I wanted. I disagree. In fact, after reading your email reply, you are still in the process of thought over one answer.

You now understand that your trust was what started your journey. I only came along after you made that decision. That is a very strong feeling within you. As I told you, many never act on that feeling. Sadly, some regret it for the rest of their lives.

The reasons why are too many to list. Low self-esteem is one. It’s a difficult feeling to conquer, but it’s not impossible. You felt this way, Gloria. But, something told you to break out of the mold and you broke free. Although, you had felt that way for so long, you didn’t recognize your new freedom for what it was. Instead, your subconscious centered on my control as a safety net and completely missed the reality. The reality was a power deep within you. Don’t let your subconscious mind take charge where your conscious mind has control. Trust in yourself.

Now, read that email again. Answer the questions to my satisfaction, and then we will move on.

Gloria read the last of that email again.

Gloria, I want to know your thoughts. I want to know what you have learned about yourself. I want to know how your mind has developed from these experiences. I want to know how your feelings have changed about yourself. I want to know if you feel good about it.

She missed his questions completely. She didn’t know how it could happen. She normally devoured everything in his emails. She had to think about these questions for a little while. She had experienced so many things, and enjoyed them all. She also had learned many things. Now, she understood even more about herself and her own submissive needs. She understood a lot more about what she wanted in a life through submission. She had a feeling of worth about herself that she didn’t have before. She felt her life had meaning. She was finding out how fulfilling one’s dreams can be a large step to fulfilling one’s türkmen escort whole life. She had taken that step that so many never take, and she was living her dream, with his help.

Gloria sent her reply. She mentioned so many things that she had learned. She gave him credit for a lot, but she knew he would want her to take the credit for it. She understood what he meant about trusting in herself and taking that step. She told him how wonderful it felt to have taken it. There was not only a smile on her face now, but one inside, too.

Days went by, with no email from him. Gloria felt sure her reply would get a quicker response than that. She was impatient. She wanted another task. She wanted him to torment her bound body again. She was his willing pupil.

Finally, two days later, she received an email.

So, Gloria, dear. You now seem to understand what I’ve been telling you. You are in charge of your life and body. You decide what happens, not someone else. Always remember that. Now, as a reward, I have another task for you. Yes, I said reward. You should enjoy this. Read these instructions carefully.

Cigar stores sell many different types of cigars. Cigars that are more expensive are packaged inside a tube for freshness. Some are glass and some are plastic. I want you to go purchase a cigar in a plastic tube, and discard the cigar. The tube is what you are looking for. It may need some edges removed before you use it. I will explain more about this, later. Gloria, for safety, do not get glass for this particular task.

You will also need to purchase a set of metal handcuffs. Be sure these are of the double locking variety. They are the best and I will put them to use in future visits. You will also need a chair that has slots in the back. Also, a couple of overstuffed pillows will be needed, or several regular pillows. You will need two of those Velcro straps you made, and lastly, you will need your vibrator and a sufficient amount of water-soluble lube.

The plastic cigar tube is sure to have rough edges on it. You will need to remove these rough edges. It will be going up your ass, so be sure it is nice and smooth. Because you are doing this alone, I want you to be safe. As a safety issue, DO NOT USE A GLASS TUBE!

Place your chair in your bedroom, so it is in front of the dresser mirror. Place the cigar tube, vibrator, lube and handcuff keys on the dresser. Stack the pillows in the seat, so they are like a saddle on a horse. You will sit backwards on the chair and strap your ankles to the back legs of the chair with the Velcro straps. There should be enough pillows to be ample padding underneath you, as well as enough both in front and behind you.

While sitting on the chair, pillows under you, and your ankles bound with the Velcro, lubricate the cigar tube with a lot of lube. Also, reach back and lube your ass hole. Be sure to slide your finger inside so the lube is inside your ass, too. With this done, take the tube and insert it into your ass. Push it in far enough that you can remove your hand and the pillows will hold it inside you.

Next, take your finger and rub your clit. At the same time, rock back and forth, so the cigar tube slides in and out, with your movements. When you are wet enough, lean back and insert the vibrator into your pussy. Hold the pillows out of the way, if necessary. Be sure you turn it on to the highest speed. The same principle should work for the vibe as for the tube. Your rocking back and forth will allow each to move in and out of you.

Next, be sure the handcuff key is not too far away that you can’t reach it. A simple test before you cuff yourself will be in order. If you don’t do a sufficient test, you could be in that situation until someone finds you. I suggest you be sure the test works.

Slide your hands though the chair slats and cuff your wrists. Be sure the lock is on the outside, so you can unlock the cuffs. If you put the lock on the inside, you will not be able to unlock the cuffs by yourself. Again, sufficient testing of this is in order.

Once you have finished all of this preparation, you will be bound to the chair, both wrists and ankles. You will also have both pussy and ass filled, so even slight movement will move the tube and vibrator in and out. Rocking back and forth will cause reverse penetration. This means when the vibe slides out, the tube slides in, and visa versa.

I want you to fuck yourself in this rocking manner, while watching yourself in the mirror. Visualize someone is watching you and you are performing. I want you to make yourself cum by rocking back and forth. Then report to me how you felt, watching yourself in the mirror.

Gloria was already getting wet. She wouldn’t need to rub her clit, she didn’t think. All she needed was the metal handcuffs and the cigar tube. She knew just where to get both. She knew a friend who worked in a police supply store and it wasn’t far away from a tobacco shop. One quick trip would take care of both purchases.

She purchased the plastic tube, as required. She found one that didn’t have many burrs to remove. The handcuffs were an easy purchase, because her friend was working. He did give her a smirk when she said what she wanted, but he didn’t ask any questions.


I See a Red Door

Big Dicks

She paced slowly, methodically, back and forth like a tigress behind bars in a too-small cage. She smoked, and he hated that, but it looked right at the moment, the smoke curling from her ruby lips, sifting through her raven black hair, like flour through a sieve. She loved black it seemed, as he had seen her in nothing else. The outer garments were not present right now though, and she strutted in her black leather corset within which her breasts resisted with their every ounce of incredible being. Her high heels forced her hips forward with every step and she hummed a vaguely familiar but indiscernible song.

He watched her breathlessly as best he could, the white of her thighs between the corset and the stockings, the incredibly long silver ear-rings trimmed with black, the black eye shadow against her white face. Probably Goth at one time, he thought, but her age now, combined with the simplicity of her clothing and make-up choices, simply made her appear stunning, with sharp menacing edges, and erotic, sensual curves and shadows.

She had read him from the start. When they met at the Art Charity Function, they had both been observing a local artist’s splash of colors on a canvas named “Bouquet”. The colors were intense and varied, bleak-blues, ruby-reds, grass-greens.

“I don’t like it,” she said rather suddenly, without taking her eyes off the painting. Her breath of mint wafted his way and had an earthy tobacco edge.

Although his tux seemed to hold him rigid, he turned enough to look at her and said, “I like the colors.”

She moved her eyes, but not her head, toward his gaze and flicked her observation of him from knees to head with precise and expert nonchalance. Her lithe and aristocratic body was swathed and hugged by a clingy black dress, the classic “little black dress” that fashion magazines say never goes out of style. She stood in apparent comfort in six-inch black stilettos, her skin was white at her cleavage where his eyes rested now. She was ivory and ebony and stunning.

“Are you gay?” she said suddenly, “This artist is. Too much color.”

Odd thing to say, equating gayness with color. He had not taken his eyes off her, could not. “How else do you paint flowers?” he said.

“Just don’t paint flowers. I like black.” Then her head turned toward him and she asked again, “Are you gay then? I assume you are because you didn’t answer.”

He couldn’t help it. He blushed and responded, “I am not gay; I’m straight, maybe a bit crooked, but not gay. I’m sexual.” Why the hell did he say that, he wondered? The blush stayed with him and he wavered in eye contact. That was when she read him. She smiled.

“I see. Interesting response. You should get me a drink, a glass of wine, an oaky Chardonnay perhaps. My name is Alena.” And she reached out her long arm toward him.

He wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, but he took her hand and instinctively put it to his lips, and he bowed at the hip. Again, he felt silly, and he jerked his hand away while saying, “My name’s Neil, Neil Webber.”

She giggled levent escort slightly then and said, “Well Neil, I need a smoke desperately. Get me a glass of wine and bring it to the outside mezzanine just over there. I’ll be there with all my friends.” She didn’t say please.

Neil strode away with as much confidence as he could muster, stiff in his penguin suit, wanting desperately to be alone with her, not with “all of her friends”. With a glass of Chardonnay in one hand and a Shiraz in the other he walked over to where she had pointed and momentarily became confused, as there appeared to be no door to the outside, and when he looked outside to the deck there was no one there. Then he spotted the glass door and ventured out, expecting to be disappointed. She would not be there; she would have attached herself to someone else more interesting already and forgotten him. His insecurity always reared its ugly head when he met a fox.

The evening was cool, but not unpleasant, and the sun had been gone for an hour. Even if she was not there, it was good to get away from the stuffiness of the function. Besides, he now had two glasses of wine, and that couldn’t be a bad thing. Then he smelled smoke and saw her at the far west corner of the deck, leaning on the rail, staring at the faint outline of the mountains. She was alone. He paused in momentary fear.

“Alena, there you are. Where are your friends?” He said as he brought her the wine.

She accepted the wine and laughed, “That was just a sarcastic euphemism for the fact that I’m here alone. How about you?”

“Same,” he said, sipping his wine, “I hate these things really, but it’s for a good cause I guess.” Neil stared west as well, as the moon was beginning to illuminate the snowy, high altitude slopes. He smelled her perfume now. No, it wasn’t perfume; it was…what was it? She turned to him then and he heard a distinct creak of, what was it? Then it hit him; she was wearing leather somewhere, thick leather. That was the smell, as he put it all together.

“So, what do you do Neil?”

He stared at her face, white in the night, intriguing and a bit frightening…an enigma of sorts. “I…I…I’m a geologist,” he stammered, “I find oil and gas. You know, I’m one of the bad guys polluting the earth.” Jesus, he was having a hard time remaining dignified.

She smiled at him and tilted her head, suggesting she was smiling at his periodic bashfulness and finding it cute and endearing. “So, you’re sexual, you say. I’m looking for someone tonight. I think you are it. You’re kinky and submissive aren’t you?”

Without thinking, Neil raised his glass and took two gulps of wine, not sips, full gulps. How did this woman cause him to betray himself so easily?

He was now in full verbal retreat, “Jesus, you are direct aren’t you? I, yes, well, no, not…shit! Listen, this doesn’t feel right. I should go inside.”

She grabbed him by the arm then and pulled him towards her, “Put your arms around me and say this doesn’t feel right.”

His mecidiyeköy escort hand timidly touched her tiny waist and then he embraced her. He felt the corset now, and her musk wafted over him. They kissed. They drank more than one glass of wine. They talked. He shared his deepest secrets with her. She shared none with him. She had no secrets; she wore hers like clothes for all to see all the time.

So here he was now, at her home, and he had allowed her certain, umm, discretions. When she paced too far to the left or the right, he had to give up staring at her. He was restrained. That was putting it mildly. He was strapped face-down to what could partly be described as a medical operating table, but the end where his feet were held was splayed outward and downward into a “Y” shape exposing him shamefully. His head was hanging over the other end of the table, and he was getting tired of holding it up to follow her beauty. He was helpless and he allowed his head to slump.

He had allowed her to completely dominate him from the moment they entered her home. He didn’t know why; he just did. She was good. She was very, very good, and he did whatever she said. The sting of her crop reinforced her demands. The most embarrassing part of this whole scene was that she dressed him in a bra and panties, with a garter belt and stockings. She had painted his face and called him her whore. And he allowed it. Now, with the last click of the lock he was officially helpless. And it was too late to be manly.

Alena slowed her pace in front of him. “Look at me, “she commanded. She laughed now, a deliberate humiliating laugh. “So you say you aren’t gay, huh? You’re lying there helpless with women’s clothes on and make-up. So, you must be gay, or maybe you’re a woman. Are you gay, huh?” And she snapped the crop on the back of his legs, just below his buttocks. The question required an answer.

“Ow! No I am not gay.”

“I see. Okay, that only leaves one alternative then, doesn’t it? You’re a woman, and you do look it, don’t you? I’m going to use you like a woman now. Say goodbye to your manhood, my little pick-up.”

Alarmed now, really for the first time, Neil said, “Wait a minute Alena; I don’t like the sound of that. What are you going to do?”

She was out of his sight now, and she didn’t answer, at least not right away. He heard “clinks” and rustlings behind him for a few minutes and then she reappeared.

He started squirming in futility and yelling, “No! No way. That’s NOT going to happen. Alena, no!”

“What? A girl that doesn’t want to be fucked? You poor thing! Let me show you what you’ve been missing then.” And she strode behind him while lubricating the strap-on.

He yelled then, angry, shamed. He was being raped, and he had allowed it to happen. “I won’t let you do this; I just won’t,” he screamed, “Stop it! No, oh no, Jesus…stop!”

And she did. Stop, that is. Then he heard more rustling in the background, and he was relieved that she was removing the strap-on. Without warning her hand reached kağıthane escort around from behind and pinched his nose so that his mouth stayed open to breathe. The penis shaped gag was pushed in to the back of his mouth immediately and locked in place with a strap around the back of his head.

She came around in front of him then, grabbed his hair and pulled his head up so that she stared into his muted face, “Now you will be sucking cock while I fuck you.” And she disappeared again.

He tried to protest but now it was without voice and without hope. All he could muster were deep guttural grunts, as he tried to resist the pressure of the dildo on his anal muscles. She was relentless, and without a hint or prediction of release, the shaft plunged deeply into him and she stopped, allowing him to treasure the sensation of the invasion.

She knew he would like it. They all did. Once the initial pain was over, they all succumbed to pleasure. She loved that feeling, that feeling of total dominance. The return pressure of the strap-on made her wet and anxious to continue, but she waited, gloating in her power.

He waited; the shock now over, and he felt a fullness, one he had never felt before, as he lay there helpless and taken. Then she started, slowly at first, building in rhythm and intensity. She started to moan in delight. With panic he started to realize that the pounding and rubbing on his prostate was causing him pleasure as well. He was aroused again and he couldn’t help himself. This could not be happening, he thought. But it was.

She came multiple times and groaned and screamed while he tried to respond within his trussed state. Then she collapsed on his back and reached down for his cock and worked it while she worked the strap-on. She went slowly. She had things to say.

“You like the cock in your mouth don’t you sweetie? This feels good doesn’t it girlie? Do you want to cum now? Like a girl? Hmm? Ah, yes, you like it. You can’t resist me you know. Your life is about to change. Your whole perception of sex is about to change baby.”

He wanted to cum so badly, but in order to do so, it was in combination with being sodomized and sucking a penis shaped dildo. The conflict was complex and frightening. If he could have talked he would have said, “No, please, no, yes, oh yes, noo, oh God!”

He came with an intensity he had never felt before. It was like an intense buildup followed by a release of tension, in turn followed by a rush of euphoria screaming from his inside outward.

Then the guilt. He was crying. He was not gay, but he had been taken, dressed like a woman, like his perception of a gay man.

Alena smiled in triumph as she slipped the dildo out of him. “Ah, now that was good. I’m going to go get some more wine sweetie. Don’t go away. Oh, and here’s a book mark, so I don’t forget where I left off.” And she shoved a very large butt plug into him while his head shot up in shock. His sphincter held it firm.

She walked away singing her favorite Stones song, “I see a red door and I want it painted black, No colors anymore I want them to turn black…”

He laid there silently sucking the gag, tear tracks on his cheeks, immobile by design and waited for her to take him again. He moaned as he realized he was looking forward to it.

She was right. This changed everything.


Howie Hangs


Giulia ran her long dark nails up and down Howie’s swelling cock. He was hanging just above the floor with his hands tied to the rafters of the barn.

Giulia and Howie loved going up to his parent’s country place. Howie’s folks summered in Miami now, and so the farm was deserted.

Giulia shook her thick ash blonde hair and re-adjusted her sunglasses.

She toyed more with Howie’s dick, tickling the underside and rubbing the foreskin over his swelled glans.

Howie looked with love at Giulia, who had full lips and an impudent, upturned nose. He tried not to think about the night before, when she had impaled him with a big strap-on.

Howie was getting better at submitting to the strap-on, but of course now the dildos were getting bigger and bigger, as his training “progressed.”

She was thirty-six, about five years Howie’s senior, and he had nothing but worshipful respect for her. He had a submissive nature, and needed further training.

Hopefully they would marry this June, and as Howie wasn’t going to be Giulia’s first slave husband, she had a lot of expectations for him.

It wasn’t enough that he was rich and that he spoiled her, but he really needed to learn to heel.

She rubbed Howie’s penis, congealed with pre-ejaculate, just a little faster, and he moaned.

“Does that feel good, Howie, honey?” Giulia breathed.

Howie nodded. It was good to get the chastity tube off now and then, even if it was just for a little while.

She had intimated that if he could take his corporal discipline cheerfully, she might be more generous, romance wise.

Giulia had high hopes for Howie. He was rich and sweet and very devoted to her, and fascinated by her high breasts and somewhat icy demeanor.

“But you know, you have to pay the piper now.” Giulia let go of Howie’s dick and stepped away, and his penis bounced in frustration, and Howie sighed.

Giulia picked up the whippy bamboo cane from a bale of hay and waved it in the air, özbek escort enjoying her boyfriend’s somewhat startled reaction.

“Now I sincerely hope you are not going to cry like a little bitch.”

Giulia cocked her head and looked at her boyfriend, who seemed a bit truculent.

Much as Howie wanted and needed this treatment, it angered him a bit that Giulia expected him to take a thrashing in silence.

Giulia went behind Howie and swished the cane. It landed hard on his bare buttocks four or five times. Howie was gritting his teeth, but his eyes were tearing up.

She enjoyed this angle, although she’d had some interesting experiences when she’d lay Howie on the bed and tied his legs above his head. That had elicited some girly screams from the poor boy.

Giulia landed long slashes along Howie’s ankles, his back and more across his ass, and she giggled inwardly as he danced, his feet swinging just above the floor.

Giulia whacked his sensitive armpits and the tender area just under Howie’s buttocks.

But she could see that Howie was very excited. If she didn’t lock him up, he’d probably run off and beat his meat, unless they made love.

And frankly, that didn’t really appeal to her. The hitting was enough passion, really.

Giulia stopped and came up, putting her arms around Howie’s shoulders, a little awkwardly of course.

Howie’s arms were suspended above his head, so she had to snake her arm just under his now welted armpits.

Giulia breathed into Howie’s ear. “You’re going to be brave for Mommie now, aren’t you Howie?” Howie tearfully nodded.

Giulia was so hot in her overalls. They were shorts, really, overall shorts, and under the overall Giulia wore nothing and her tits bobbed under the denim straps.

Giulia stepped back and swung again and again. Howie gave up and began screaming bloody murder.

But it didn’t really matter. The farm was deserted. Howie’s folks didn’t even mecidiyeköy escort have the critters anymore as they were in Florida much of the time.

In previous years, the family had leased a meadow for the neighbor’s sheep tog raze, but that ranch had been sold and houses were going to be built around there next year.

So it was empty space that Howie’s screams of pain echoed in.

“God, you sound like such a crybaby.” Giulia mused as she hit Howie’s defenseless buttocks again and again. “My brother misses getting together with us, Howie, he liked whipping your ass while you went down on me.”

Even while dancing around, trying to avoid the cruel whippy cane, Howie felt inflamed with shame that he had allowed Giulia’s idiot brother, Sonny to give him whippings.

But it had been exciting in a way that he was such a sissy that he would take punishment like that from his future brother-in-law.

Sonny was gone now, he’d gotten caught holding up a 7-Eleven and was doing a nickel-dime upstate.

But Giulia was more than adequate in making up the difference with her caning skills.

The pain was exquisite.

The searing thin lines of fire against Howie’s unprotected cheeks were unforgiving, but Howie almost leaned in to receive them.

Howie so loved his sexy Giulia and he really wanted to impress her with his subservience and pain tolerance.

Finally, Giulia threw down the cane and came around the front and gave Howie, poor hanging Howie, a long kiss.

Giulia dropped her little white hands with the long burgundy nails to his cock again, and resumed stroking it.

It felt so good. So many days in the cruel little chastity tube, and so many frustrated, confined erections.

And now his beautiful girl was right up close, her perfumed cleavage almost hypnotizing him.

“You are learning to be a big, strong man, aren’t you Howie?” Giulia kissed Howie again.

Howie nodded happily. He wondered if she would let azeri escort him down, and if she’d take off the little overall.

It had been a bit of time since he’d seen her naked body.

Maybe they could make love on the barn floor. Howie missed playing with her little bod, kissing and holding the amazing cupcake breasts.

But then Giulia went and got the chastity tube.

“W-wait, Giulia,” Howie begged. “I thought after we went through my punishment I could, you know, we could–“

Giulia smiled and traced a nail up and down his sunken chest, grazing a nipple. How a man could have a sunken chest and yet a little pot belly amazed and revolted her sometimes.

Giulia had a lover, or really several lovers– who knew how to keep their upper bodies strong. They worked in the fields around here, picking strawberries and doing farm work.

But a girl had to eat, didn’t she?

Howie’s family was very well off, and Howie was quite generous.

But she didn’t need to have any more whining about chastity belts and fooling around today.

“No, Howie, it’s time to lock you back up. We’ve had enough playtime for today.”

Howie gasped. She called this playtime? As if it were a favor to him?

Beating the shit out of him?

But being deprived of his orgasm after all that punishment was kind of arousing.

Giulia clucked her long, pink tongue and began arranging the chastity tube on Howie’s shrinking cock.

“But-but..”Howie began feeling resentful. He tried to stomp his foot, but of course he was hanging in the air, so that was impossible.

Giulia kissed Howie’s angry, resentful face tenderly.

“Howie, do I have to get the bamboo cane, again? Should I calm your little penis’s passion with it?”

Howie’s heart stopped as he thought of the potential welting of his member.

“Because you know how you hate that.”

Howie thought fearfully of the times he’d had his cock caned and fell silent.

” I was going to cut you down so we could go to the movies together, but I think you should hang there a while and think about how you appreciate me.”

Giulia turned on her heel and poor naked Howie watched her cute little denim butt as it twitched out of the barn.

Truly, he was a happy man!


I Am My Master’s Slut Ch. 07

Big Tits

Sara laid there in her bed struggling to discern fact from fiction. Her body was hungry for the touch of her Man, and her emotions wrapped around her need like a fluffy, warm coat. She let her mind wonder, her eyes closed as her imagination allowed various sensations. It was some time before she mustered the interest to arise from her bed and begin her day.

She quickly read the email Ron sent her and replied with her, “OK” signal acknowledging her receipt of His message. He had given her the usual dress requirements for the day and for this evening, so she selected a forest greenish flowered outfit for the office. She seldom wore underwear of any sort any more unless there was a specific need. She went through her day as usual, but the day just felt out of balance and all she could think of was it was because she had not started it as she was now accustomed, with Ron. She also had a lovely sense of anticipation for the surprise planned for the evening.

She went home, her work day finished, took a long, luxurious bath. It was then that she noticed something strange. She was shaven smoothly. In fact, she couldn’t remember when her mons had been so smooth, so naked. A strange heat flushed through her. “What the heck is going on?” she thought. Quickly she stepped out of the tub and looked at her body in the mirror. Sure enough, her bottom was completely bare. Deep inside of her, anticipation grew with her feminine excitement at this discovery.

In his morning email, Ron directed her to wear a very short skirt and loose, button down blouse combination to his cabin and to arrive promptly at 6:30. This evening, as she dressed, she felt her nakedness under the short lacy skirt and it both frustrated and thrilled her. The thin fabric of her blouse caressed her luscious curves and allowed her nipples the joy of showing off through the fabric. She was enticingly sexy as she walked up to Ron’s cabin at 6:22.

She knocked and was allowed to enter. She was enthusiastically welcomed with a hug and warm kiss from Ron. They chatted for a few minutes, and Ron asked her to retire to the “Playroom”, the room on the right, and await Him there. She entered the room and was shocked to see a medical table in the center of the large room. As she glanced around the room, her nervousness grew, but there was something about this room, something strangely familiar, even exciting though she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was.

Within a few minutes, Ron joined her in the “playroom” and again embraced her and thanked her for coming. He then applied a blindfold to her face and gave her some simple directions that focused on her trusting Him.

“Do you trust me, Sara?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“Your trust will be tested this evening, my girl. It is time. You may leave at any time. You must understand that, although I hope you do not leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Ron. What’s up?” She was almost impatient at this point, and wanted more information.

“Do you trust me, Sara, to know what you truly want?”

“Ummm, sure, Ron, I think you know me pretty well.”

“Then, with your consent, I am in charge this evening, ok?”

“As always, Ron, as always! I may be a bit old fashioned, but I want you to be in charge. I like it when you give me directions and expect me to comply. I think that is the way it should be between and Man and a woman.”

“Good girl! Now, remove your blouse, please, and drop it on the floor.”

“Say what?”

He did not repeat His instruction, but waited silently for her obedience. It took several seconds, but she complied. He studied her expression and smiled. Masterfully, he cupped her breasts and gently squeezed each one. Sara stood frozen in place, her senses on overload, bebek escort her mind racing. His touch was firm, but tender. For several minutes he weighed them, squeezed them, smashed them and juggled them. He pulled on her now firm nipples, and he twisted them until she involuntarily whined softly.

“Beautiful, girl! Now, I will help you up onto the table, Sara, and you will sit straight and tall with your fingers knitted behind your head until told otherwise.”

He did, in fact, help her onto the table, and she assumed the position he required, her fingers laced behind her head, her breasts lifted nicely for His examination. He deftly attached a single clothes pin to each nipple and flicked it with his fingers. She squirmed slightly, but said nothing.

“Ah, I see my girl enjoys this, yes?” He flicked the clothes pins again and removed them. “Lovely sensation, yes?”

“Yes, Ron, I must say it hurts … in a lovely way!” Sara’s face flushed as her body temperature began to rise.

Ron rummaged through a drawer behind him and found some nipple clamps with small weights attached. He easily clamped them on her nipples and she squirmed a little more.

“Yes, girl. These have a bit more bite to them, don’t they? Looks to me like they pass your test, though. You see, girl? I know what you really want, what you’ve always wanted. Do you still trust me?”

“Yes, Ron.”

“Sara, you may release your fingers and lie back on the table, please.” She complied. She heard rustling beside her as he again rummaged through drawers. Suddenly, she felt something between her thighs. “How is your bottom this evening, my girl?”

“Please lift your hips, girl, so I can slide your skirt off.” Silently, she did as he requested. She lay naked and blindfolded on his examination table. Her mind raced and tried desperately to get a handle on her feelings … her thoughts.

A deep heat rushed through her as she began to put the pieces together, but she couldn’t answer Him. He nudged her knees apart, stroked her smoothness once with his hand then gently pushed a giant dildo into her already soaked vagina. A soft purr escaped her lips as she welcomed the intrusion.

Ron moved to the head of the table where some leather manacles hung from the ceiling. He attached them to Sara’s wrists one at a time. They held her arms stretched over her head which, again, presented her breasts like two trophies on an ornate and precious platter. He placed her feet in the examination table stirrups and parted them so they would not be in Ed’s way, but warned her to keep the dildo within her.

“Sara, it is time. It is time for your fantasies to join together with your reality. Your dreams are coming true, my girl. All of them. I know of your dreams, girl, and I understand them completely. There has been a Man in them, yes?”

“Yes …?” she replied as much in question as in answer.

“I am He.”

“Master …?”

“Yes, girl.” He released the nipple clamps and she bucked.

“Tonight, dear girl, I am claiming you publicly. You will henceforth belong to me even as I belong to you. I am Your Master and you are my girl. Your body has known this for some time, and now your mind and heart know it too. In just a few minutes, Ed will arrive with a class of 22 students or so. He is going to give a class on nipple piercing. You are his demonstration. Do you object?”

“Oh wow! Ummm, no Master. He is piercing my nipples tonight?”

“Yes, girl.”

“As long as you follow instructions, both mine and Ed’s, it will be a delightful and intimate evening. The class will be filmed for liability’s sake, but also to share with friends. OK?”

“May I pee, please, Master?”

“Of mecidiyeköy escort course, my girl, One moment, please.” He fetched a bedpan from a cabinet, removed the dildo, and slid the bedpan under her bottom. “Pee, girl.” She obeyed. Quickly, he reinserted the dildo, pumping it playfully in her wetness. A few minutes later, a knock was heard on the cabin door. He left to answer it.

“Ed, come on in,” Sara heard from the other room. Ed entered and greeted Master.

“And hello Sara. Looks like you are all ready, hmm?” Ed pinched her nipples firmly one at a time. “Yes, beautiful nipples, just perfect!”

Sara squirmed as she heard the voices of several others entering the room. She heard both male and female voices in the group, and felt so completely stripped, so thoroughly helpless and so wonderfully controlled as she felt her bound arms and feet and the dildo still within her. She was so hot!

The students were led into the room and admonished to remain as quiet as possible, and encouraged to study Sara’s face and body and make note of the changes as they occur. There were 19 males and 3 females in the group and all age groups were represented. Ed began by pointing out how nervous Sara was and how apparent on her face. Her body also showed signs of apprehension, as her knees drew together as much as possible. One observant female was overheard commenting on Sara’s obvious vaginal wetness in spite of her nervousness. Sara’s Master explained that was simply because of how beautifully and completely female Sara felt at this moment.

Sara could hear whispered comments from other students and for some reason it made her feel wonderfully desirable to know these students were observing her so closely.

“Camera is rolling, Ed,” the cameraman said.

“OK, Sam, great! Make sure to get some close ups of her.”

“Got it, Boss! She is a hot one!”

“OK, everyone can see, yes? If not, move around so you can see everything I do. I’ll try to go slowly enough that you can each move around Sara as needed. Now, note, too, that her vagina is filled with a nice, large vibrator to distract her somewhat. Not a necessary thing, but … it’s OK. It will be turned up and down by her Master as appropriate.”

Ed continued to explain what to expect both to Sara and the observant students in detail, slowly and methodically. Meanwhile, Ed caressed Sara’s breasts with great skill. The vibrator whirred on high as Ed circled her. He stopped beside her right breast, squeezed and pulled the nipple firmly, and Sara moaned audibly. Her Master smiled. Sara saw the cameraman standing at the foot of the bed, shooting as closely as possible and she trembled with arousal and anticipation.

Ed poured alcohol on her right nipple which had already puckered and hardened nicely. It stood almost an inch tall. He pinched it again, hard, as he prepared for the point of piercing. Master turned the vibrator to low as Ed marked her nipples with a pen, received the nod from her Master, and SNAP! The piercing gun shot the little steel hoop through her right nipple. She cried out softly, but secretly thrilled in the deepest parts of her being. Like consensual slaves of old, she now wore a visible sign of her Master’s ownership of her, and this brought her to the very brink of a tremendous climax. The roomful of people applauded, and Master turned the vibrator back to high. Her hips involuntarily lunged upward to the delight of all present.

“You see, class, how erotic this whole procedure can be? She will no doubt climax before it’s all over. If you do it right, it may be a multiple orgasm.” Absently, he stroked her bald pussy as he spoke. “The girls who opt for this procedure are most likely pretty highly female, anyway, florya escort which means their base nature is more free or more developed than many. You can see how her hips follow my hand automatically as I stroke her heat.”

Nods and comments around the room increased the smile on Sara’s Master’s face. He was so pleased with her, so proud of her openness and vulnerability. How deeply He needed to protect her and yet free her to serve as she so deeply needed. His heart was touched profoundly as He watched His beloved pet respond out of her beautifully female nature.

If anyone had been observant, several bulges might have been seen in the slacks of the young male students who watched with eagerness this lovely girl’s responses.

Ed moved around Sara to her left breast. Again, he spoke as he fondled her, pinching and pulling hard on her pink nipple. He playfully flicked her aroused clitoris and again, chuckles filled the room. She felt the cool drips of the alcohol running over her left nipple, and … the SNAP! Applause and loud congratulations filled the room, as they watched Sara explode in a huge orgasm, her body twitching and squirming for over a minute. Again alcohol was poured over her newly pierced nipples and her body continued to wiggle and twitch in feminine beauty for all to see and enjoy.

“You know, now, girl, you cannot wear anything for two days. No blouse or bra. Let the air heal your lovely nipples before trying to wear something. And remember, they will take months to heal completely!”

“Sir,” a student spoke, “she does have the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen. Thank You for allowing us to be present.” Again applause filled the room, and snapshots were taken by the students.

Finally, Ed and his students left the room, and Master approached His sweet girl. He softly kissed her mouth and removed the vibrator. He spoke tenderly to His pet.

“You are beautiful, Sara, and I am quite proud to own You. How do you feel, my dear?”

“They only throb a little, Master, but I already love them!”

“Yes, I knew you would. Perhaps next, we can get that hot little clit of yours pierced?”


He laughed. “Not right now, pet, but now that you are beautifully adorned, I’d like to enter you in a contest next month! It’s a pet contest. Interested? It will require some training, I’ll tell you that much ahead of time. But I think you stand a good chance, my lovely. We will just have to work on your endurance.”

“As you wish, Master,” Sara spoke softly, her fatigue suddenly catching up to her.

Master carefully released Sara’s wrists and laid her on the bed as He untied her ankles also. He helped her stand, and as she felt the small weights in her nipples swing downward, she laughed and danced with delight.

“Oh Master! They are wonderful! Thank You, Thank You, thank You …” she jumped up and down joyfully watching her breasts jump with her until Master stopped her.

“Yes, they are perfect! Sara, cum now.”

She stood tall, feeling contentedly owned. She stood openly, her charms presented freely.

“Yes, Master,” she whispered. Her head fell backward, and her hips lunged forward, knees parted fully, and she cried out, “YYYYYYeeessssssssssss, Master!” Her body thrashed and her knees buckled, but a stream of her luscious juices were now visible.

“Now, be still, girl. I’m going to drink you.” He smiled, laid Himself down on His back with His head between her ankles. “Give me your juices, girl.” She lowered herself onto His waiting tongue. Her body and soul were His completely. Every lick of His tongue made her dance for Him. He drove her again quickly to the very edge of ecstasy, again and again … three times before her legs failed her, and she collapsed exhausted.

Her Master scooped her up, and carried her to His bed. Gently, He laid her down, kissed her newly pierced nipples and then her lips.

“Good night, my precious pet. I am so completely proud of you!” He laid beside her and they slept deeply.


Household Goddess


Sebastian Brown was strange and socially awkward.

He also was a brilliant mathematician — finished high school at 16, master’s degree by 20, Ph.D. candidate by 21. While in college, he and a professor had even secured two commercial patents on some programming logarithms. One already was in wide use in gaming, and another in robotics. Sebastian’s share of the royalties amounted to an annual income in the low six digits, more than enough to pay for grad school and a house a block from a direct bus line to Bayard University where he was working on his doctorate.

Sebastian liked living alone. His mother didn’t like it though. She knew he was troubled by Asperger’s syndrome, albeit at a level of severity that left him highly functional. Still, it also had left him lonely 21 year-old. Getting him into a dorm in his third year of college hadn’t helped. All of his friends were online. That’s when Kate Brown had an idea and an opportunity. It all began with a phone call.

After the greetings and short updates were out of the way, Kate made her pitch.

“Sebastian, I know school starts next week. Judy Baker called and was wondering if you could let Cameron stay with you for a week or two. Is that possible?”

In response, he sputtered and stalled. He couldn’t think of a good excuse. The house was a three-bedroom two bath and one of the rooms he had even set up as a guest room for his mom on her rare visits.

Kate explained that Cameron hated the athletic dorm and now that her obligatory freshman residency was out of the way, she could live off campus. An administrative foul up had led to the university overbooking the dorms, including hers. They were offering a $500 monthly bonus to any student who could find off-campus housing.

After several minutes of back and forth, Kate secured a concession. Cameron would arrive in two days. The plan was for her to look for her own place while staying with Sebastian.

Over the next two days, Sebastian tried to remember her. His recollection was vague. She was a couple of years younger than he was and he had left school early. However, a day before the Friday she was due to show up, Cameron friended him on a Bayard University social media site.

“Damn!” he thought. “She’s gorgeous.”

Sebastian was an average height at a little over five feet ten inches, but Cameron had to be six feet four or even six feet five inches. Maybe that shouldn’t be too surprising given that she was a college volleyball superstar, but Sebastian hadn’t been prepared for it. Suddenly, he was nervous. Most college-age men would have been thrilled, but he was panicked. To him, this could only mean humiliation and hiding as much as possible in his room to avoid her.

“Why couldn’t she have been a pimply lesbian nerd I could have played video games with?” he moaned to himself.

It didn’t help that on early Friday afternoon when she showed up with her stuff, she was the exact opposite of Sebastian. Cameron was confident, self-assured and friendly. Sebastian did his best to be welcoming, if only so his mother didn’t give him a hard time. He helped her move in her few boxes of belongings and clothes.

“Holy crap, Sebastian,” she said on seeing the inside of the home. “This is a nice set up. Did you clean for me?”

“No, this is how I keep it.” It was, too. He was very fastidious that way.

She smiled, “Well, I’m a bit messier, but I’ll try to pick up after myself.”

Sebastian left her to unpack and get situated. Just a few minutes after complimenting himself for handling Cameron’s arrival reasonably well, a panic attack struck. He hyperventilated a bit, but didn’t pass out.

“What if she makes fun of me to her friends?” he thought. “She thinks I’m a loser geek. Shit, shit, shit.”

Social judgement awaited him, humiliation lurked. Instead of confronting his fear, he surrendered to it and buried himself in his laptop. Math and his online gaming friends were his refuge. He immersed himself in classic Doctor Who episodes. When Cameron knocked on his door and asked after him, he feigned illness. She expressed her condolences and told him she was going out with friends. Cameron even invited him to join them if he felt better.

As soon as he was sure Cameron was gone, his anxiety abated. Sebastian emerged from his room and decided to do all the things he would need to do to avoid her. He ate dinner and prepared some simple meals in advance, did some laundry and put out plenty of cat food for Tyrion, his tabby. With a little luck and good timing, Sebastian calculated he could hole up in his room for most of Cameron’s stay. Hell, he would help her by looking online for apartments. If she needed deposit money or anything else to get her situated elsewhere, he would help.

A little after midnight, he heard Cameron return. She went directly to the common bathroom and then to bed. Sebastian used the master bedroom, brushed his teeth and relaxed, drifting off to sleep while watching “Forbidden Planet” on his laptop.

From Sebastian’s perspective, Saturday was a success. Cameron had a practice match on cihangir escort campus, so her focus was on that and getting to Bayard on time. They crossed paths only briefly in the hall. He wished her luck, getting a smile and thank-you in return.

Sunday seemed to only double his anxiety. He could hear Cameron get breakfast, check out the sports news on the big flat-screen in the living room and then shower and go to her room to dress. Somehow, imagining the dark-haired version of Gabrielle Reese in just towel turned him on.

“God, I’m pathetic,” he thought.

Just after the noon hour, Cameron knocked.

“Sebastian, I’m coming in,” she opened the door.

He had been so relieved to make it to the kitchen and back while she was in the shower that he had forgotten to lock it. She sat down on the bed, and he closed his laptop and swiveled toward her.

Cameron looked around and admired all the collectibles on tables and shelves around the room and framed, vintage sci-fi posters on the walls. No one in her circle imagined she liked some of the same things as Astian, maybe not quite as passionately, but she did.

“We need to talk, Sebastian. Your mother warned me that you might hide in your room. She even urged me to assert myself because you might need me to do that to get you to open up.”

He sighed.

“It’s OK,” she smiled with compassion and without condescenion. Cameron paused in thought for a few seconds. “Would it help you if I told you what to do? At least for a day or two?”

Sebastian blushed, but nodded in the affirmative.

“Good, because I can be quite bossy,” she laughed. “After all, if I don’t fuck things up, I should be team captain next year, and it’s only gone to a junior once before. … Oh, sorry, did the f-bomb shock you,” she said as she noticed his mild expression of surprise. “I curse sometimes, especially when talking sports.” Cameron slapped him on the knee.

“Come on. You’re taking me for a burger and fries at Queen’s.”

Queen’s was an old Central City landmark restaurant famous for its hamburgers. Sebastian sometimes treated himself there, and he found himself surprisingly hungry for it.

Once in the authentic 1950s atmosphere of the place (no retro chic at Queen’s), they quickly ordered and took their seats in the crowded dining area.

“Oh, crap. I forgot,” Cameron said. “Go get us some napkins and ketchup, please.”

Sebastian told himself things were going good. Maybe this would work out. He was taken aback by the relief that came over him when Cameron suggested she take charge. She was so pretty, too. Dark hair, tall, athletic yet curvy with round, full breasts and hips.

“Wow,” Cameron chuckled on his return. “You really like bugers.” She glanced down at his crotch, pointing with her eyes.

Sebastian blushed a deep red, and she laughed harder.

“It’s OK, it’s OK,” Cameron insisted, while talking around a bite of burger in her mouth. “Sit down.”

She quickly shifted the subject. Cameron asked what he thought of Bayard, and they exchanged mostly favorable opinions. He asked her about her plans for a degree in communications and about volleyball. Sebastian confessed he was an avid gamer and sci-fi geek, no surprise. To their mutual and pleasant surprised, they discovered they liked the same point-and-shoot games. She even confessed to a massive crush on Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor Who. By the end of lunch, Sebastian had relaxed some.

Once in the car, Cameron asked.

“So, Sebbie, do you drink?”

“No, but I will if you keep calling me that.”

“Ha!” Cameron exclaimed. “Well, I’m not going to keep calling you by your full name. It’s too much. What should I call you?”

“You can call me ‘Astian.'”

“Hm,” she murmured skeptically.

“OK, Astian. Stop at the liquor store. You’re 21 so you’re buying again. I’m going to teach you to drink.”

Fifteen minutes later, they were back at Astian’s house, and Cameron was teaching him how to make frozen pina coladas with his blender, some mix and a big bottle of rum.

Both of them settled into the couch, controllers in hand and drinks at the ready to play Bloodbath and Beyond. Astian narrowly won the first game.

“Well, well, well, there’s a warrior inside that math geek after all,” Cameron said with a smile. She had noticed a fierceness and confidence while playing that he hadn’t shown since they had met.

“Let’s make it interesting, shall we?”

“How so? Money?”

“No, I don’t have my stipend yet. That’s why I am making you buy everything,” Cameron said as she downed her last sip of pina colada. “No, let’s play strip Bloodbath.”

Astian looked shocked and terrified.

“Finish your drink,” Cameron ordered. “And, get us another round.”

While he was gone, Cameron wondered if she had pushed too far, too fast. Did she really want to do this to him? Still, it might permanently break the ice if she could get him to go through with it. She almost laughed when he returned. His shorts were tented out with his hard penis. mecidiyeköy escort Cameron resolved to push on.

“We have to have an even number of clothes to be fair,” Astian said.

“No problem, but don’t move.”

After turning her back to him, she pulled her shirt off, then her bra and then put her shirt back on. The sight of her naked back and just a glimpse of side boob had mesmerized Astian. He signed inwardly at how toweringly attractive she was.

“Now, we’re even,” Cameron said with a smile and sat down. A few minutes later, Astian won the game.

“Oh, well,” Cameron said matter of factly.

She almost laughed at Astian’s slack-jawed face.

“Don’t drool,” she joked and jerked him back to reality. Her breasts were alabaster like the rest of her, milky even, and so unlike all the tan teammates she had. Cameron’s nipples were bright pink in color and erect. Astian barely lasted two minutes in the next round. He removed his shirt.

“Not bad, not bad,” Cameron said to put him at ease. “Not washboard, but I see some muscle definition in there.”

Astian lost again, although he lasted longer. His shorts came off and not only was his erection obvious in his boxers, but they had a wet stain in front. Cameron pretended to ignore it but inwardly smiled. Upset and mortified at the precum leaking into his underwear, Astian lost again.

“Take it off, bitch!” Cameron shouted in a deliberate parody of a drunk, strip club patron.

When Astian hesitated, she reached up and yanked them down. He yelped in protest, but his six-and-a-half-inch, uncircumcised cock sprang forth.

“Wow, not bad, Astian. Thick, big balls and I’ve never seen a foreskin before. Not in real life.”

Astian’s head was spinning.

“Got get us some more drinks, nude boy,” Cameron laughed.

He was relieved to escape to the kitchen, if only for a minute or two. The two pina coladas had him a little woozy, but it was easing his anxiety.

“Take a sip, but don’t sit down, Astian,” Cameron said as she took a drink from the glass. “Peel back that foreskin.”

“I don’t want to do that.”

Cameron sighed.

“Look, we agreed I would tell you what to do and you would do it, and I already can see your junk as clear as day. Peel it back. Come on.”

Astian set his drink down and pulled the skin down his shaft.

“Good, you’re clean.” Cameron’s face was just inches away from his cock. “Stand over there” She said as she pointed to a spot several feet away on the other side of the coffee table. “Keep drinking.”

“Are you a virgin, Astian?”

“No, I’ve had sex.”

“Tell me about it.”

Astian breathed in deep and confessed his short and embarrassing sexual history. His virginity had been taken by a drunk girl at a college kegger back at the state university. He admitted she had been the more aggressive of the two. Astian had had a fumbling, awkward series of dates with a cute but geeky music major a year later. It had led to some making out and heavy petting but nothing more.

Tears formed in his eyes.

“Oh, Astian, it’s OK. I’m the boss, right? I mentor girls in volleyball at Central City High, and I’ll teach you, too.”


“OK, if you play your cards right, then you’ll get to really fuck some pussy hard before the end of next week.”

Astian brightened noticeably with the promise of sex and with the buzz of rum in his head.

“You’re going to have to prove yourself though, OK?”

“Yes, boss.” He called her that because she had referred to herself as ‘bossy’ earlier.

Cameron laughed, “Good, I like the sound of ‘Boss.’ … Kneel!”

Astian dropped to his knees without a word. His ready compliance still surprised her.

She got him to tell her where his lube was, and she retrieved it for him. It was the long-lasting silicon kind.

“Stroke for me, puppy,” she ordered.

Astian applied the lube and began slowly working it in.

“That’s good. Now, you’re not to speak unless I ask a question, OK?”

“Yes, boss.”

“I’m going to tell you how it is going to be and why. You see, Astian. I’m an alpha and you’re a beta. You were born to be a follower, a servant, a slave. I was born to be a leader, a lady, a mistress. It’s just the natural state of things. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Most people are betas. Most guys think they are alphas, but most of them really aren’t. You want to please me because you want to have someone to follow. I want to lead. You’re really lucky because you’re going to avoid all that ego bullshit most guys have that keep them from learning and being good in bed.

“So, for tonight and all of the next night, you will do all your work for grad school, but after that, you will attend to all of my wants and needs. If you’re a good boy, then you’ll be receiving a big reward from me one week from this moment. Do you understand?”

Astian answered, “Yes, boss.”

“Hmmm … I tell you what: In public, you will call me, Cam. Around the house, you can call me ‘Boss.’ When you are worshipping, you will call me, kurtuluş escort Goddess.”

“Yes, Goddess,” Astian said as he kept stroking.

Cam told him to keep stroking but to let her know when he was close to coming, and then stop until he was told to resume.

Meanwhile, Cam looked at him from time to time. The room grew quiet except for the sounds of masturbation along with the occasional wimper and moan. Cam started playing with her nipples and pussy. Slowly fingering both and watching Astian. It was a wonderful mindtrip, the power she had over him. She’d fantasized about something like this off and on for almost two years when she had stumbled on a mainstream movie that had one or two scenes featuring a dominatrix. At the time, she had been so naive that she’d never really completely understood what that role entailed.

Over the next two years, the fantasy grew as her sexual experiences cumulated in frequency— losing her virginity to another student athlete, a basketball player; two one night stands her freshman year, both with men who were fumbling and more intent on their orgasms than hers. All of them had been with average men who either wanted to be dominant or merely wanted to fuck and forget her. To have the power, to call the shots, to be able to command someone who was intent on her pleasure was a wonderful and satisfying escape. The responsibility was light, and the head rush was pushing her into a glassy-eyed dream state of lust.

It was a feeling she’d only experienced a few times with Greta, the lesbian groupie of the women’s basketball and volleyball teams. God, she was a great pussy licker! Already she was devising a plan to pair her with Astian.

With Astian, it already was as powerful a feeling, too, and growing beyond any fantasy in its strength.

Astian felt his orgasm build, desperate to surge out like a cup being overfilled. He was so excited by the sight of Cam dressed only in her panties, her hand beneath them playing with her pussy. Her scent wafted toward him and doubled his excitement and expectation.

“Close, Goddess.”

Cam smiled.

“Stop, hands to your sides. Speak to your Goddess, Astian. Tell me all your dirty thoughts.”

“Oh, Goddess, I so want to lick you and worship between your legs.I want to receive your discipline and guidance, whehter it’s from a whip or your hand. I want to suck your toes and lick your ass. I want to suckle at your breasts. I want you to teach me everything.”

Cam laughed.

“Oh, I will. You’re going to get a week-long crash course in female anatomy and sexual pleasure. I am going to teach you to eat pussy, to eat ass, to worship my body, to bathe me. You are going to SO be my bitch for the next seven days.”

Quietly, to herself, she thought, “I’m going to have to do some studying of my own so he doesn’t guess how new I am to this.” Cam had read things online, fantasy stories, and watched some femdom porn, but it had been entertainment. She’d never imagined things like her opportunity with Astian unfolding so soon in her own life.

“Start stroking, bitch. … I’m going to have to come up with a better name for you though.”

It was then that Astian uttered a low wimper that sounded like a dog’s.

“Puppy! That’s what you’ll be.” She used the word earlier, but now it seemed even more fitting.

Astian bowed his head in humiliation.

“I’m sorry if that bothers you, Astian.”

He shook his head in the negative that it didn’t bother him. It did, and it didn’t. To be likened to a dog was insulting, but he found himself excited by it, too. His cock swelled to its full six-and-a-half inch length. His foreskin had almost disappeared with the growth, pulled tight by his tumescence. Cam noticed.

“You’re such a good little puppy. Yes, you are,” she said with the story of baby-talk tone people use when condescending to animals. Cam laughed.

“Close, Goddess.”

Again, he was ordered to stop and put his hands to his sides.

“Look at me, Astian.”

He watched her play with her nipples with her right hand and her pussy with her left. Somehow, she had managed to slip off her panties without Astian noticing. The trick was all the more impressive because he thought his eyes had been permanently glued to Cam. Cam’s long legs were spread wide. Astian gazed at her pussy lips and at the dark, thick, curly triangle of hair there. It was trimmed carefully so as not to slip under her bikini line, but it was full. Her legs were like roads or ridges leading up to her cave. Oh, how he wanted to go spelunking.

“Tell me what you see, Astian.”

“I see your beautiful white skin, Goddess. Your full breasts and rosy nipples. You are so tall and strong. I see your sexy bush and pussy. I smell your scent. Your form is … athletic and you have muscles but are still so much a woman.”

“That’s good, Astian. Resume.”

Astian applied more lube and started sliding his hand up and down his cock. The tugging was going to drive him insane. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold back.

“Now, I will tell you what I see, puppy. I see a dog, a beta dog who is smaller and weaker than me.” She watched as he lurched and gasped but kept control. It was as she suspected. Belittling only aroused him further. “You are lost in lust and you need someone like me to help you channel that energy. Don’t you, Astian?”


Horseroot Tea Ch. 02


Joseph fumbled with his clothes, his underwear tangled in his pants, with his hands unable to fully open. Stepheni watched as his hard on as it bounced around with each step, still fully erect even after his hour or so session as her naked pony boy. She had never felt that much of a rush before. It wasn’t just Jo’s size and physical strength, it was the feeling of power. The power to transform Jo into a lust crazed animal… Steph was euphorically high on the experience.

Jo managed to get his clothes back on, Steph hadn’t untied the bridal from around his head she had made from an old pair of panty hose, so Jo stood, still fully erect under his pants, clothed… in that head harness all Steph could think about was riding him again.

Jo remained; ready and waiting, seemingly unaware of Steph’s past actions or even where he was… He was now clearly unable to think for himself, totally captured by the combination of that tea and his long-standing attraction to Stepheni.

Steph looked him over again, she had climaxed many times in the last hour, several times just in the last time she rode him… but she was heating up again…

“Take down your pants Jo.”

Steph said, softly now, feeling something more for her human pony toy.

Jo slipped his pants down to his knees and Steph took hold of his cock, condom still attached and gave it a squeeze. It felt firm and hot, a little greasy under the lube and juice on the condom. She stripped it off to a shiver and a snort from Jo. Rolling a new one. Steph’s face so close now Jo began to shake.

Steph looked up to see Jo, burning with lust, the moment was too much for her, she fell to her knees and licked it like a rubbery Popsicle. Jo rocked forward and back in a hula motion. Steph took hold of Jo’s ass checks and took a big suck on the head.

Jo had been the picture of obedience and submission. Steph’s lips ran teasingly down Jo’s shaft. Jo’s rocking got a little deeper and a low hum escaped his lips. Step, now intoxicated by Jo’s meat really starts to suckle and gives his balls a little squeeze for good measure. Finally the stimulation is too much and Jo locks his fists behind Steph’s head.

Drawing her all the way in to his lap his massive member slides down her throat and she begins to gag. The uncomfortable feeling prompts her to struggle and honk a little out of her nose. The sound and the motion excite Jo and he pumps Steph’s head.

Steph feels the thrust and lets out a little honk each time Jo slides down her throat. She is getting a little panicked now by Jo’s power and seemingly incoherent state. Jo pumps away with a strange grin behind his panty hose bridal bit. Steph looks up and tries to tell him to stop. Pushing against him is futile and the gyration and reduced oxygen is starting to give her a head spin.

Locked on to Jo’s cock, totally enslaved by the power of his raw lust Steph is frightened but the panic is turning them both on. Starting to see stars Steph grabs at Jo’s balls but can’t get a firm grip being thrashed around and dizzy. A few more pumps and Steph was on the edge of consciousness. Out of desperation she bites down firmly hoping to discourage Jo’s intrusion.

Jo feels the rasp of Steph’s teeth through the rubber, the lube and the numbing effects of the tea. The sound from Jo’s mouth is primal, he thrusts so hard even his balls go into her mouth. Steph’s face pressed up against his lap the little amount of oxygen she was getting through he nose gone she passed out just as Jo released his load.

Steph goes limp as the condom pops off and Jo fills her with cum. Slowly he releases her, she flops onto the imitation Persian rug pattern lounge room carpet. Cum drips down on to her face and neck. She breaths in and slips between unconscious and sleep with the rubber dangling out of her mouth like a smear of mustered from a massive hotdog.

Thirty minutes go by with Jo standing over Betist Steph sleeping on the floor with cum on her face. Waking she scratches her face and smears the cum across her hand and cheek.

“Eww! What the… Oh. Right…

… Jo! You fucking bastard. Wait here.”

Steph went into the bathroom to wash her face and neck. Swearing and mumbling under her breath. Her phone slipped into the sink and picking it up she pressed the play button on the video she took of him prancing around with his cock flapping away.

Steph had the perfect revenge for Jo’s “use” of her mouth and throat.

“Come in to the study Jo.”

Ordered Stepheni as she walked down the hall and did a figure eight with the mouse to wake up the PC.

“You will behave won’t you!”

Jo looked at Steph without a hint of understanding.

“Fine! Lest see what we can do with this little video of you.”

Once again Jo looked on totally unaware that was supposed to be a threat. Steph jumped on the search engine and looked up human pony boy. Several sites popped up and Steph opened them in tabs.

She didn’t notice but some of them had pop ups. Fascinated by the images she saw Steph forgot momentarily that she was intending to post the video. She found a site that was looking for armature uploads.

The registration prompted an email address and she typed in Jo’s. The next step asked for the confirmation code…

“Jo log in to your email account”

Jo did, typing with his knuckles and Steph took note of his password and the code and emailed it to her self. Logging into the human pony play site. One of the pop ups got in the way and would not close. Steph just tabbed around it and uploaded the video. The thought of revenge was now totally replaced by reliving the thrill of Sadism and reducing Jo to a pony play toy, and fucking him senseless. The images of other pony players drawing her deeper into the headspace.

A few more minutes of pony boy and pony girl images, she found one she couldn’t look away from. A lean muscle bound pony boy, covered in fur, nipples and horse ears pierced with a horse head and massive flaccid cock.

Steph looked back at Jo still waiting for Steph’s next command patiently, flaccid and massive like the deviant art drawing… apart from the fur, hooves and horse head…

Steph lead Jo into the kitchen and ran the tap to get a drink of water. Steph took a long drink and offered the glass to Jo. His hands curled into fists he couldn’t take the glass. Steph got the idea and cupped her hand under the running tap. Jo lapped up the water from Steph’s hand giving her a huge rush.

Steph went back into the study and pulled out the craft box. There was some tape and card but nothing… …*horsy*…until she got to the flocking gun… her grandmother had been covering the bottom of her porcelain figurine collection with felt….

“Brown… perfect.

Strip off Jo. Shoes too.”

Steph’s eyes widened as she contemplated the thought of a fury brown pony boy, just like that drawing but better. While she read the instructions and thought about the glue on Jo’s skin her grandparents’ PC made some odd noises.

The pop up window had broken through the windows firewall and was now scanning for images and text documents and transferring them back to the website, along with remote desktop privileges.

Realising that covering Jo in glue and then brown felt would probably make a monumental mess Steph looked through the craft box and the cupboards in her grandmothers study and found a large plastic bag from the new refrigerator, a broken pair of platforms and a large roll of brown packing tape.

She tried to put the platforms on Jo’s feet but they were two or three sizes too small.

“Hmmm… it’s true what they say about big feet, isn’t it Jo?”

Steph quipped but Jo looked on without a glimmer of recognition. Steph Betist Giriş too and art knife and stripped off the canvas, leaving just the sole and heel of the platform shoes. The heel had been held on by the outer layer alone so the shoes just fell into two pieces. Steph thought she could tape the heel on somehow.

“Jo Lie down on the floor.”

Jo lay on his back, hearing Steph’s commands his erection now returning to full strength.

“No, no silly boy… …Oh… well hmmm… no. I want to dress you up OK?”

No response from Jo. Steph took that as a yes. She placed the platform toe under the balls of his feel and ran the shiny brown tape around many times. It looked like it would stay, but it didn’t look… …he needed socks she though. Stepheni ran the tape over his toes and wound it in a spiral up to his knees.

‘No, still something missing’, she thought. Steph looked around the room again without seeing anything to give her inspiration.

She jumped on the computer again to have another look at those human pony play images. Engrossed in her erotic human art project she had totally forgotten that Jo was playing along only as a result of the tea… …which was wearing off slowly.

The internet was frustratingly slow as Steph surfed through a few dozen images… All the while an intruder was watching Steph surf… an intruder who had used Geo-location software to single her out. This intruder was looking for a very special type of subject; the human pony player, in Western Sydney, close enough to pick up and take out to the ranch…

Steph looked up to see the light on her webcam come on. She didn’t understand the significance at first. Steph clicked on another image to open and it didn’t. A new image of a man and woman bound together popped up instead.

In the picture the man was bent over backwards under the woman, his chest against her belly. His arms bound around her waist. She was bending forward, her wrists bound under his ass. Together they made a kind of Centaur.

The image jumped and froze as it loaded. It was an animated gif. The two were bound together to make a human horse. They fell to the ground and a woman in long riding boots and breeches put a bridal and bit on the pony girl’s head. The gif repeated. Steph watched it loop over a few times before mousing over to close it. Where the close button should have been was marked: “Continue?”

Steph clicked on it and a new gif loaded. The same pony boy and pony girl bound together on the ground, a whip lash from out of shot. And then a loop again.

Steph clicked on the continue button again and a message window opened.

“Hello Stepheni, how are you?”

Steph was a little shocked by the unknown person knowing her name. She wondered if it might be an automated ad…

“Hello? You can type back if you wish… or speak.”

Stepheni was wary but curious.

“Who are you?” Stepheni asked. She wanted to ask how they knew her name but was worried about seeming foolish.

“I am the webmaster of this site. I administer the human pony play.”

Somehow the explanation calmed Stepheni.

“I really enjoyed your upload, I notice the time stamp is less than an hour old, are you still playing?”

Feeling cheeky Stepheni replied: “Yes, he’s on his back on the floor, I’m making him some tack.”

Stepheni felt giddy talking out loud to her anonymous online chatter. “Tack”, a word she had recently learned meant the gear you put on your pony, saying it made her feel a bit special.

“So why did you stop?” The normal looking text seemingly inappropriate in Steph’s mind for the nature of the conversation.

Stepheni took a moment to remember why she had come back to the PC…

“Oh. Well I… …his fee.. ..hooves didn’t seem right so I need some inspiration.”

The curser on the message box blinked a few times before the webmaster responded:

“Go into the bedroom and get some football socks.”

Steph said in a chirpy voice; “Thanks, I’ll do that”

And dashed off to look through her Grandfathers sock draw. She came back with two pairs.

The computer screen flicked ans the font on the message increased:


Stepheni dropped the white pair and picked up the scissors and cut as instructed. More text from the screen:


Steph had the tape in hand before she realised that she hadn’t mentioned the tape, the colour of the socks or that she hadn’t taped up Jo’s hands yet.

“How did you know the colour of the socks?”

Steph asked, even though she had realised that the wbecam light had been on for the last ten minuets.

“TAKE THAT BOX AND CUT OFF THE FLAPS.” The webmaster continued.

Stepheni was back to feeling wary again. She waved her hand in front of the camera and a camera window popped up. There she was on cam with Jo and his impressive erection in the background.

Steph snatched the webcam off the top of the computer and yanked out the usb cord.

The font changed back to a smaller script:

“That wasn’t very nice… I want you to plug that back in and continue.”

Steph was feeling betrayed and frightened:

“I don’t care what you want. You have no right to spy on me.”

The curser blinked a few times while the webmaster composed the reply:

“There is no need to get upset. You signed an agreement that allows me and my site to use your video. It’s in the privacy statement, didn’t you read it?”

Stepheni felt foolish, but still a little angry: “Well… I… un- agree.”

The webmasters response a little quicker this time:

“Hmmm… I see, well just put that in writing and post it in to our office and we’ll action that in the next 21 days as per the agreement.”

Steph was speechless.

“Now in the mean time, replace the webcam, tape up your pony’s hooves and lets get on with the flocking. C’mon, you know it will be fun”

Steph stood still, confused and indecisive. The screen came to life with screen captures showing her on top of Jo the pony boy naked on the floor, a few images of her from her grandparents holiday photo collection and a word document, a letter from her grandmother to her showing both their addresses.

At least the mystery of how they knew her name was solved. Stepheni plugged the camera in and the webmaster typed out instructions for her to reposition it.

The font switched over to large again:


Steph answered; “He’s Jo”

As she helped him to his feet, he made a clip clop sound, taking little steps to steady himself in his new hooves with no heels. The activity calming Steph down a little she started to enjoy the session.

More text:


Step followed the instructions. The wide brown opaque tape giving Jo a shiny new horse nose. The cardboard blocking his vision ahead and pushing on his tongue.

A brief pause as the webmaster waited for Stepheni to step back and then:


Steph complied again, Jo’s head was an elongated shiny brown mass. His lips spread wide, forced open my the cardboard and tape. The folds of cardboard making a square snout and flared nostrils. His transformation was almost complete.


Stepheni didn’t like were this was going, she continued to follow instructions, with each one, *Joseph* disappearing, *Big Jo* the horse boy emerging and Stepheni loosing her sense of reality to this animalistic fantasy.

To be continued…


His Journey Begins Ch. 3


I jogged down the street, still replaying the events of the day before in my mind. It had been an eye-opener for sure – the power I’d felt when Kelly, my neighbor and friend of so many years, was begging to suck my cock. I could still picture the look of sheer ecstasy on her face when I’d called her my slut and really taken control, fucking hard into her throat until I came…and she came with me.

I wondered what might have happened next if her dad hadn’t called looking for her. I let her leave then, giving us both plenty of time to mull over what had just taken place before discussing it. Except I forgot she was leaving the next morning on a week’s vacation with her family. I didn’t remember until I walked out after breakfast to go see her and instead saw her family’s minivan headed down the street. I caught a glimpse of her, looking back at me and waving. I could’ve sworn she licked her lips, too. I’d find out for sure later, of that I was certain.

Still, that left me with plenty on my mind and nothing to do so I went for a run to clear my head a bit. I had rolled out of bed and only put on my regular morning outfit – t-shirt, baggy sweat shorts, shoes…except I was without underwear, which was new. For whatever reason I had decided to sleep in the buff for the first time the night before. I liked how it felt, but it left me going commando on my spur of the moment run around the block, my package bouncing as I went along.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when a loud voice called my name, “John! Come here! I need your help.”

I groaned inwardly as I slowed down and looked across the street. Yep, there she was – Mrs. Evers, waiting expectantly for me to come do her bidding. I gave a little sigh and slowly walked across the street and up the driveway to where she stood in front of the garage impatiently tapping her foot.

Now Mrs. Evers wouldn’t have been too bad if she didn’t ruin everything by talking. She was an attractive woman, very attractive to be honest, but her attitude killed what would’ve been an otherwise pleasant view. I took in that view as I approached quietly, enjoying before she started talking again.

Mrs. Evers was Latina – Mexican, I think. She’d married well; Mr. Evers was clearly a lot older than she, and I figured she was already in her 40s. Marrying a fairly well off, older white guy hadn’t made her complacent though. She’d kept her figure even after having a daughter – Cristina, who was my own age.

She liked showing off that figure, too. Today she was in full-blown MILF mode – a tight, white halter top that barely held in her huge tits and showed plenty of cleavage. If that wasn’t enough, she capped it off with the shortest denim miniskirt you could legally get away with, showing her long, curvy legs exquisitely showcased by the platform sandals she was wearing. They easily added 3-4 inches to her height but that still left her at barely 5’5”. Her hair was a light brown, long and lustrous hanging down to the middle of her back in soft curls. The woman was all legs and breasts and she obviously knew it the way she dressed just to walk down the block with that amazing Latin sway of the hips that had all the men and boys stopping to stare.

That’s where the good stuff ended though. The woman thought the world was there to serve and had obviously been spoiled by her old man into believing she could have whatever she wanted, whenever it was convenient for her.

She stopped kuşadası escort tapping her foot as I looked at her and actually sneered at me, “I swear, boy, you’re just getting lower and lazier. Get in here and help me with these boxes.” She turned on her heel and walked into the garage.

I rolled my eyes behind her back but could only blame myself for following her in quietly. When I was younger, I had always been quick to help out anyone in the neighborhood and Mrs. Evers had jumped all over that. By the time I realized she took advantage of my good nature (and my wanting to see that body on display, of course) it was easier just to go along with it instead of starting anything. The thought flashed through my mind as I stepped up behind her – maybe it was time to change all that.

She pointed to a stack of boxes and gave her orders as usual, “Pick those up and follow me…and quit slacking.”

I dutifully leaned down and picked them up all at once. It wasn’t hard; they were nearly empty. Why she needed someone else to do this I had no idea. I walked behind her with the boxes in my arms, barely catching the door leading into the house with my foot as she let it swing shut behind her, not even thinking to hold it for me. I made my way inside and caught up with her in the dining room where stood waiting again in front of an open closet door with a chair in front of it.

“Come on! I don’t have all day. Get up there and put them on the top shelf.”

I was starting to seethe inside but still stepped up on the chair, just managing to hold the boxes in one arm while using the other to place one at a time on the shelf.

“No, no, no!” I stopped in disbelief as she started instructing me in the “proper” arrangement for the boxes. I looked down at her, getting a great view of her wondrous cleavage as she pointed and gestured even as I tuned her our, feeling a stirring in my shorts.

She slowly trailed off, going quiet as her eyes locked on to the right leg of my shorts where my cock was slowly pushing out, making its presence known. I don’t think she even realized she was just standing there staring as I looked down at her, growing harder by the moment seeing the look on her face. It reminded me of Kelly, and everything snapped into place for me right then. I knew it was time to get some payback from this woman.

I turned my back to her, cutting off her view even as my cock was seriously tenting out my shorts. I ignored her and finished putting the boxes on the shelf before turning around and facing her again with a knowing grin on my face. Her eyes looked up at me then flashed back down to my shorts, widening as she saw that I’d lifted one leg slightly, exposing the head of my still-swelling cock.

“See something you like, Mrs. Evers?” I finally asked, breaking her out of her spell. She unconsciously licked her lips just a bit before shaking her head and looking to my face again, meeting my eyes and trying to marshal her normal, imperious manner once more.

“Wh…what do you think you’re doing, young man? How dare you!”

I just laughed, stepping down from the chair right in front of her, only inches away then snapping right back at her, “Shut up, slut!”

She recoiled like I had slapped her but didn’t say a word, her mouth hanging open in shock. It was obvious she’d never been talked to like that before and I figured it was about time.

“That’s better. I don’t kuşadası escort bayan want to hear another fucking word out of you unless it’s ‘Yes, Sir’. Understand?”

She just stood there, starting to tremble and seeing that only made my cock jump more. I was in all the way now, no going back. Somehow I knew it would only get better anyway.

I reached forward quickly, my left hand moving just behind her head and grabbing her long hair, using it to pull her back as I stepped forward. She stumbled, stepping back quickly with me almost as if we were dancing and she was following my lead…until I had walked her back against the wall, using my grip to pull her down even further, her legs buckling as she trembled, looking up into my eyes in confusion while being forced down to her knees.

“I said…understand, slut?” I spit out at her more harshly. She moved to nod her head until I took a tighter grip on her hair and snapped her head back making her yelp, “Yesss! Yes, Sir!”

“About time you learned some manners,” I stated before chuckling softly. “Now we both know what you were looking at so I’ll give you the chance for a better view. C’mon, Mrs. Evers, pull my shorts down.”

I watched her eyes as I said it, seeing something deep inside give way. She finally dropped her gaze to the front of my shorts, seeing the bulge tenting out towards her. She swallowed hard then reached up with both hands shaking to the waistband. Taking hold she started pulling my shorts down, slowly at first until she saw just the base of my shaft. Then she yanked suddenly, freeing my hard cock to swing up, the head slapping up against her chin as she whispered, “Oh my god.”

I pulled back from her slightly, my cock bouncing as I stepped out of the shorts she’d pulled down to my ankles. Her eyes were locked onto the dark, mushroom-shaped head following its every move. My fingers clenched in her hair, wrapping it around my fist as I spoke to her again, voice low and firm, “Kiss it, slut. Show me how much you appreciate getting to see a real cock for once.”

Her eyes flashed up to me briefly, but almost immediately her head moved forward, lips puckered and lightly touching the head of my cock. It throbbed as she kissed it and she gave a low hissing moan as I pulled her back again. I took hold of my cock at the base and swung it back and forth in front of her, then drew her forward slapping my hard meat against each cheek then slowly tracing her lips with the tip of my cock as a drop of pre-cum leaked out, smearing over them like gloss.

I felt her breathing quicken as her tongue licked out, tasting my pre-cum. Her hands reached up again, moving to wrap around my shaft but I yanked her head back once more making it thud against the wall.

“Drop those hands, slut. I’m in control here.” I smiled with satisfaction as she obeyed immediately, hands moving back down to rest on her thighs as she knelt in front of me.

“Good…now let’s see just how good a cocksucker you are,” I grinned as I said it, pulling her head forward again watching as her eyes went wide. I guided the head of my cock to her lips, hips thrusting forward. Watching as her lips spread wide, pushed open around my thick meat, forcing wider and wider until she’d taken the first couple inches. Her mouth was hot and wet around me, her tongue slowly stroking the underside of my shaft as I fed it to her. Feeling her moan softly around me, the escort kuşadası vibrations running down my balls, making my cock flex and jump between her lips.

I kept my hand at the back of her head and fucked forward harder, forcing even more of my cock between her lips. I was nearly halfway in when the head hit the back of her throat and I felt her gag around me, convulsing slightly as she drooled all over my shaft. I laughed softly, pulling back just a bit so she could manage to suck on the head of my cock.. “Never had this much meat before, have you slut?”

Her eyes looked up at me, her head barely able to move as she gave a little nod and sucked harder, drawing me back into her tight, wet mouth. I thrust my hips forward again, hitting the back of her throat once more then pushing into it. My hand was tight on her head, holding her in place as I forced the head of my cock into her throat feeling it squeezing around me as she gagged again, struggling to breathe as I fucked against her face. I looked down at her, seeing tears sliding down her cheeks as she strained to take me. Her lips were stretched obscenely wide around my thick shaft that was just barely halfway into her mouth, already fucking into her throat. I held her there a few moments, enjoying the grip of her throat as she swallowed around the head of my cock. Finally, I pulled back again fully letting her catch her breath while my cock swayed in front of her face, glistening wetly in the light of the room from her drool coating my shaft.

I knew I wasn’t going to hold out much longer so I started fucking in and out of her mouth. My cock went deeper into her throat with each stroke, fucking harder and faster with my balls starting to slap wetly against her chin. She was making gurgling noises, straining to take it all, and I could feel her saliva dripping down my cock and my balls leaving her chin a wet sticky mess. The slurping sound of her lips around me as I forced the length of my cock down her throat finally did it, and I exploded just as I was pulling back out of her throat. My cum sprayed forcefully into her mouth and her eyes widened as I started feeding her my thick cream. She was making loud, gulping noises trying to swallow but there was no way she could keep up. My creamy jizz started to leak out around my shaft, dripping down her chin and splattering onto her halter top as she coughed and choked, more cum flying out…some of it leaking from her nose as I choked her on my discharge. My cock throbbed and pulsed between her lips and I held her there, making her take it all. She just kept trying to swallow, most of my cum still leaking from her mouth until the stream slowed and she was able to keep up and drink it with a whimper coming from the back of her throat.

I finally pulled her back by the hair, freeing my cock from her sucking lips. My shaft was sticky and wet with my dripping cum and her own spit. I just looked at her and she started licking up my entire length starting at my balls, cleaning every drop and savoring it. She finished up with her tongue wrapping around the head of my cock then lapping at the pisshole trying to get more. I let go of her hair and stepped back, looking down at her quietly. She kept licking at her lips, trying to get another taste of me, her face a sticky mess from my cum still dripping down her chin. She started to stand but froze as I spoke again.

“I’m not done with you yet, slut.” I grinned, my cock still hard and ready for more.

She looked at me with surprise, at my throbbing cock and whispered, “I can’t believe it…already?”

I chuckled again, “I’m not your lil old husband.”

She smiled at that and looked me dead in the eye, “No, you’re way more man than he is…Sir.”


Hiliad’s Special Gift Ch. 02


My second experience with Hiliad Fildri was far from pleasurable. Oh, no. Not in the least. And it was no one’s fault but my own. It had been almost two months since Master Daniel and I had been to Naluchra, yet the two vampires were constantly on my mind. Hiliad in one way while Liza was in another.

We had talked about my experience once, and only once, the night we drove home. He wanted to know everything I was feeling while I was their submissive: Whether I liked kissing Liza and her touching me, what I thought of Hiliad tasting my blood, how his blood heightened my experience. I don’t think he liked that very much. Master never shows his jealous side, but when he does, he knows exactly how to handle himself.

Hiliad’s blood had stayed in my system for several days, whereas I cleaned the entire house, gardened, mowed the two-acre lawn, anything that involved movement to calm my restlessness. My senses were on hyper-drive, as they had been right after I had taken a drop of Hiliad’s blood, but I was disappointed when the effects faded completely.

This particular evening as we drove to the club it was for punishment. Master never held out punishments this long; he liked to handle it right then and there so I’d not forget why I was being punished. But that time, I knew exactly what I had done wrong, and I would graciously accept my punishment, though I didn’t know if I’d be walking out the club or lying on a gurney.

Then, he laid out the rules that I was to obey while I was with Hiliad, though I wasn’t sure about Liza. “You are not to have his blood. He may have yours if he wishes and that includes him feeding on you,” He specified.

I remained silent. He knew the way I felt about the vampires having me for their meal. He was surprised by my expression and simply said, “We’ll see about that.”

“Yes Master.”

“I’ll tell you this, not that I have to, but it was entirely my fault at not telling Hiliad about the Violet Wand. I should have stopped—I apologized to him, as I now apologize to you.”

Master was there! He hadn’t been with another woman! Though, I thought He was there because as I lay with Hiliad after our scene, I hadn’t heard Liza return with Master. As a matter of fact, Liza didn’t return at all. I thought I’d fallen asleep, but I had other little signs from Master that made me wonder if He was there. Mark off one Mystery of Life for me!

“Thank you, Master.” Better late than never for an apology.

“Speaking of the Violet Wand, what are your thoughts on pushing your limits on that?”

“Oh, Master, you know how much it scares me.” Even at the mention of it made my voice crack.

“A lot of things scared you that you are not afraid of now.”

“Well, that’s true, Sir.”

“If it was on the lowest charge, would that be acceptable, not that it matters,” He snickered.

No, not in the least, I thought sarcastically. I stared out the window blankly. I remembered the electrical feeling between Hiliad and me after I had his blood and I imagined it would be similar, but I was still skeptical.

“If it pleases you, Master.” That was the only reply I could ever give Him when one of His ludicrous ideas seemed interesting.

“It will. Hiliad understands whips are out of the question. Is there anything you can think of now that I can warn him about with your boundaries?”

I thought long and hard on that one. That was punishment, not enjoyment for me. My ass was already starting to hurt, and it hadn’t been spanked in weeks. In a way I deserved it, not that I wanted it. “No, Master,” I replied. Then a second later something popped into my head. “May I ask a question, Sir?”

“Does it pertain to this evening?”

“Yes, Master.”

“You may.”

“Will you allow penetration, as You hadn’t before?”

He smirked evilly, one that I always regretted seeing. “Did you mention that as your limit?” He asked sternly.

“No Sir, but I just thought of it.”

“Did you want him to fuck you before?” He didn’t use that word unless we were in the middle of heavy-duty sex, and that one word alone made my pussy tingle.

I had that answer ready in case He asked so He wouldn’t be angry. “My body did, Master, but my heart didn’t.” I looked over His face, hoping to see that was as good a line as I could come up with to prevent His anger. It was no line. It was the truth.

He smiled and reached for my hand; I gave it to Him and He squeezed it lightly. “You do not disappoint, slave. We shall see when the time comes.”

“May I speak freely?” Oh, I loved asking that. Rarely does He allow me to speak what’s on my mind, and more often than not He does. But I still like to ask.


“I do not want him to glamour me.”

“Why?” He asked curiously.

“Because I want everything that happens to be of my own free will.”

He smiled again pleased. “I will inform him of that, although vampires erase memories similar to, but different than glamouring.”

Master’s knowledge of kuşadası escort the unknown astounded me, as I would often go to bed alone while He searched the internet on vampires till the morning hours. He would occasionally enlighten me, but I knew there was so much more that I didn’t understand about them, and I hung on every word.


We pulled into the parking lot, and it was the same as before. Even the crowd inside hadn’t changed. There were the normal, stupidly naive humans buying lame-assed t-shirts and the more moronic ones that wore the damned fangs. God, who were they kidding?

This evening, Hiliad sat in a huge wooden throne, the only word I can compare it to. Liza was at his side looking over their domain. It was quite the sight, or should I say Hiliad was. The first night with them was so unusual, for lack of a better word that I hadn’t really checked out his body. Then he was wearing a dark, Navy blue tank top that showed off his incredible broad shoulders and rippling muscles of his forearms. He had one elbow on the arm rest, his chin resting in his hand. And he looked utterly bored. That was until he saw us walk toward them and he smiled wide, sat up straight and beckoned us over. I nervously tugged at my dress, which I thought was too short but Master insisted I wear, which was proceeded with a smack on the ass.

“Didn’t I tell you how beautiful you look?” Master asked as we stepped around the dancers on the floor, who, if they weren’t dressed, may as well have been having sex.

“Yes, Master,” I replied as I stopped fidgeting. “Good,” He said as He bent and kissed my cheek.

My heart started to pound as we approached Hiliad and Liza, but I fought back my nervousness, like that would do any good. I’d only received punishment from Master; being given to another that I was unfamiliar with scary as hell.

Hiliad stepped towards us and shook Master’s hand, but Hiliad kept his eyes on me. I was suddenly self-conscious and grew even more apprehensive about the evening. Hiliad turned to me, took my free hand (the other was clasping onto Master’s), bowed slightly and kissed the back of my hand. I had a vision in my head of me swooning and fainting at this one act, but it quickly dissipated.

“Always a pleasure to see you again, slave Connee,” he spoke softly, yet there was obvious menace to his voice.

“Thank you, Sir. It is my honor that you allow . . .” While I was rambling, Master squeezed my hand so hard it hurt, and I instantly knew I’d said too much. “My apologizes, Sir Hiliad.”

“Forgiven,” he said as he directed me to and empty chair beside his, while Master sat on my other side.

I looked at Liza, who hadn’t said a word, and I wasn’t too sure what that was about. But I couldn’t ignore her skin-tightly black corset practically growing out of her skin and her breasts bulging for free themselves. But she looked more beautiful than I remembered her.

“Daniel tells me you have been a rather undisciplined slave,” Hiliad directed at me.

Undisciplined? I wouldn’t have chosen that word. Badly erred in my ways was more like it. “Yes, Sir.”

“Tell me, what have you done that deserves your punishment this evening?”

I swallowed my tongue. I hate it when I do that. I sure hadn’t expected his question as I assumed Master already told him. I had to fight back the urge to look at Master, but I didn’t. Maintaining eye contact with Hiliad, I replied, “I … moaned your name when Master and I were having sex.”

Hiliad’s eyebrows rose, yet there were no lines on his forehead. “Really? So, you wanted me that night, huh?”

This was complete torture. “May I speak freely, Sir?”

“Of course.”

“My body was yours that night, as it was Liza’s.” I could then feel her eyes burning into the back of my neck, so I wanted to acknowledge her presence. “But my heart belongs to my Master.” I said it more proudly and with more emotion than I had when I told Master.

He smiled and chuckled. Looking at Master, he said, “You have a very devoted slave.”

“That I do,” Master smiled. “Except when she’s thinking of another while I’m fucking her.”

Hiliad and Master burst out in laughter, drawing eyes from some people in the room. Apparently they hadn’t heard Hiliad laugh too many times. I wanted to die.

“Oh, please,” Liza spoke for the first time, “Let’s get on with this.”

“Hold your horses, Liza,” Hiliad said irritated. All three snickered, but for the life of me I had no idea why. “And you understand the instruction from your Master Daniel so there won’t be any … misunderstandings?”

“No Sir, er, Yes Sir.”

Hiliad turned to Master. “You will be with us?” Master only nodded, but I could tell Hiliad wasn’t happy with Him being there. “Then,” Hiliad said as he rose and put out his hand for mine, “Let the punishment commence.”

Although I was petrified, I was also becoming a little turned on, if that’s the right word for it. Getting my ass beat is not kuşadası escort bayan my idea of getting excited about.

Hiliad led me to the same door we had come to two months earlier, with Master behind me and Liza in the rear. As we descended the stairs, my heart started to pound inside my chest. I just knew it would explode any minute. What a treat that would be for Hiliad and Liza with my blood all over! Then there was music echoing in the room below, Enigma, I believed. I always loved it when Master allowed music while we did a scene, but never for punishment. I guess it had the opposite effect for Hiliad. The lighting was as low as it had been before, yet I could see all the equipment Hiliad had in his little pleasure dungeon.

There was a cross (Master owns one which we have in our basement), the bar hanging from the center of the room (the one I was attached to earlier), a sex swing (not my thing), a gyno table (might be interesting), a simple flat table (for dissecting humans, I thought then laughed to myself), and … shit! Then I realized what the three were laughing at. It was a Pommel horse that was almost identical to the one men use in gymnastics, except this one was a little shorter in length with no bars on top, only one hook underneath on the end and two hooks for the ankles.

I silently followed Hiliad, wanting desperately to get a glance at Master for comfort, but I didn’t. Hiliad suddenly stopped by the same rug that I was on after we were done. Then I could see that it was white and in the shape of . . . a polar bear. I thought it might have been a prize token on one of Hiliad’s hunts, but I didn’t think they hunted animals.

My thoughts were redirected when Hiliad stepped to me and put his hands on my shoulders, looking me directly and hard into my eyes. I inhaled through my nose sharply when I noticed how much bluer his eyes were, but they were also a little … off. Hungry, maybe? I hoped not.

“Do you trust me, slave?” Master cleared his throat loudly as he took a seat beside the Pommel horse. “Sub,” he quickly corrected, but rolled his eyes.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied, nodding quickly.

I wasn’t even paying attention to what Liza was doing until she snickered, “That’s your first mistake, honey.” Liza had taken off my heels and had been securing shackles around my ankles. She then proceeded to take my wrists and tied soft leather cuffs on each, each with a loop for tying me to the apparatus.

“When and why would you even trust a creature like me?” Hiliad asked curiously.

“When I lost … control of myself with the Violet wand and you hugged me. That told me I could trust you.”

“You are wise, except for your little faux pas.” Those were the truest words I had ever heard in my life. “Daniel, would you kindly prepare your slave for us?”

“Slave, come,” Master ordered.

I quickly went to Him, the metal chains clanging around my feet. I stopped a foot away from Him waiting for further instruction. He then padded His knee, indicating that I sit down and I straddled His leg. He looked over my face for some clue as to how I was feeling—Master can always read me very well.

“All the rules have been clarified,” He said as He raised His hand, which held something I was very familiar with. My collar, the very collar He had given me on our two year anniversary of being together. He spoke as He put it on me. “You are to obey Hiliad and Liza, and I will make sure they do not cross the line.” His eyes diverted to the two vampires as they stood beside the horse.

“Yes, Master,” I said, surprised at the fear in my voice. I hesitated a moment. “Master?” “Yes?”

“Have you instructed Dom Hiliad to use a condom if …” I sure didn’t need to finish that sentence.

“Yes, he didn’t like it, but tough shit. Thank you for mentioning it,” He said with a warm smile.

“I won’t enjoy it, Master,” I said weakly.

He took my face in His hands. “If you do, I want you to tell me all about it, every detail. You will receive no punishment.”

That surprised the crap out of me. “Yes, Master.”

“Now, remove your dress,” He commanded.

I slid off of Him and slowly, as I know He likes me to do pulled the thin cotton dress up from the bottom hem up and over my head. He told me not to wear any underwear, so I was instantly bare in front of Him. I handed Him my dress as He stood and set it on the chair.

Grabbing me unprepared, he held me tightly and kissed me hard, yet passionately. “This will hurt me more than it will hurt you,” Master told me.

That is the one thing a Master/Dom should never say to a slave/sub because all they hear is, ‘It’s gonna hurt like a son of a bitch but you deserve it!’

He took my head and walked to my doom, as I like to refer to it, His arm lovingly and protectively around my waist. When we stopped in front of Hiliad and Liza, Master told them, “She is all yours.”

I stood with my hands behind me as I nervously waited for what Hiliad escort kuşadası wanted me to do, looking at his neck, not his eyes. He looked me up and down like I was a piece of meat, but I wasn’t offended. Not tonight; any other night I would have been. Knowing Master’s punishments is one thing, but another giving it to me? The unknown scared the hell out of me, yet excited me at the same time.

Instead of a pep talk, smile or a hug, he displayed his arm out towards the horse, and I stepped to it, but didn’t bend over. It has been my experience that you follow one instruction at a time. Waiting anxiously, Hiliad stood behind me, his body pressed solidly against mine, his erection pressing against the small of my back. Although his fangs weren’t out, his action told me what I wanted to know.

I was tense, but not tense enough because when he pushed me forward by the shoulders I went down on the horse like I was a rag. Luckily I placed my hands on the horse before my face would’ve smashed into it. He leaned down close to my face, which was turned slightly to the right but not looking at him and he said, “You know why you are here.”

Hmm, that was a trick question—actually, it wasn’t a question at all. “Yes Sir.”

SMACK on the ass cheek. I sure as shit didn’t see that one coming. That damned Liza!

“Have you readied yourself for your punishment?” Hiliad asked.

“Yes, Sir,” I answered quickly.

SMACK again on the exact same spot. That one stung like hell.

“You must redeem yourself; show Master Daniel how sorry you are for your indiscretion.”

“Yes, Sir.” I waited for the hand on the ass. Nothing happened.

“Look at me, submissive,” he ordered, his voice now pure evil. I peered into his eyes. “You will get no protection from a blindfold. I want you to see what is coming at you.”

“Yes—” SMACK SMACK, one on each cheek, “—Siirr.” That time I grunted loudly.

“I want to see the look of fear in your eyes, the pain, the ecstasy. I want to hear you scream, beg for mercy as loud as you can. No one will hear you. No one will protect you.” His voice had turned demonic and I was terribly frightened—okay, that doesn’t explain it well enough. I was scared shitless.

“Liza,” Hiliad said then stepped back.

I laid my head back on the horse and prayed as hard as I could. I know—what a hypocrite I am. Sue me. Liza meticulously and slowly, making sure I watched her every move, tied my wrists to the hook underneath the horse while Hiliad hooked up my ankles. I was then laying on the horse, bent over at my waist, my arms circling the circumference with hardly enough room to move, much less having something to grab on to. My ass was now theirs, and they knew it. Closing my eyes, I prepared myself for my punishment, but that’s not how it started.

Something soft brushed against my ass cheeks with barely any pressure at all, and the intermittent scrapes sent chills down my legs. The touch was so light that I thought for sure I was imagining it. After all, I was expecting to get the hell beat out of me. But the tip of the feather, or so I assumed, continued over my ass, thighs, back, between my shoulder blades and the nape of my neck. That did it for me. Shivers coursed through my body, and I gasped with pleasure.

“Oh, don’t get too excited, little girl,” Liza huffed in my ear.

No, of course not. Forgive me, Mistress, I forgot my place and all that bullshit. Right then, all I wanted was to enjoy the feeling.

Then it started. I didn’t know how in the hell their hands moved as fast as they did, but one hand smacked one cheek while another cracked the other cheek. Again it was in perfect sync, and the two must have practiced this quite a few times to get it down so perfectly. Whenever there was a softer impact, it was replaced with a much harder one. There was no lapse of a calming, cool hand in between beating, as Master often did with me. And I didn’t know how much more I could endure.

My legs began to shake, unable to withstand the pounding that continued; the hot, searing pain surged up through my body. I cried. I groaned. I tried to stay as still as I could. I cried some more. My body shook with my sobs, but not once did I cry out in pain or call for Master. To do that would be the end of me, for sure. I was holding on to the horse so tightly that my forearms tightened up on me. I was going out of my mind with the pain but I took my punishment, praying it would end soon.

I heard Master say something, but I couldn’t understand what He said. As quickly as it started it stopped. I couldn’t even think straight to realize that they had stopped for several minutes. Tears poured out of my eyes as I continued to cry. I’d never felt that much pain before, and hoped to never again. Lesson learned very well.

I felt a pair of warm, soft hands caress my back that I immediately recognized as Master’s and was grateful to feel His touch. His hot breath blew onto my ear but I couldn’t speak. I was afraid to even open my eyes, but He ordered me to. When I did, He was blurry through the tears and I blinked several times fast the clear my vision, sniffling and trying to control my breathing.

“Slave Connee, dear one, you are forgiven,” Master said, His voice softer than I’d ever heard Him speak to me.


Her Revenge Is Sweet


It all happened whilst I was sharing a flat with a female friend. Steph was a pretty petite blond, with a body to die for. Her legs seemed to go on forever, her waist was beautifully slim, her breasts wonderfully pert, the whole package the result of tireless workouts in the local gym. Steph and I had a close friend relationship but had never crossed the border into romance, other than the occasional snatched kiss which maybe lingered a little too long, and the incestuous flirting and teasing which seemed part of our platonic relationship.

I remember that one evening the flirting had bordered on outrageous. Having downed the best part of two bottles of wine, our conversation had drifted onto sex, and we ended up discussing, in probably too much detail, our own desires and likes. When Steph mentioned that she would love to alternate from her usual submissive role to dominate a man for once, I could hardly control myself, as I had often wondered what it would be liked to be dominated. As I drunkenly blurted out that I was a real fan of her fantasy, I saw a twinkle appear in her eye. The evening done, we both retired to our separate bedrooms, but sleep was not really on my mind as I heard the low buzz of Steph’s well-used vibrator through the thin wall that separated our bedrooms. Many times I had had to endure her moans as she satisfied herself. This night however, I heard something that shocked me, I heard her moan my name at the point of orgasm…

The next day was much like most others with both of us going to work, although I was perplexed by Steph’s last comment to me as she left the flat, she said that she had a surprise for me later…

Work passed uneventfully and I arrived home kuşadası escort at about 7pm. As I entered the flat I was confronted with the sight of Steph standing in the hall wearing long boots, black suspenders, a short skirt, a tight top and a very broad smile. She raised her hand up and beckoned me to her, before whispering into my ear that “Now the fun begins…You WILL DO do EVERYTHING I say”

Grabbing me by the wrists she lead me straight upstairs, before telling me to undress down to my boxers, at which point she forcefully pushed me back onto her bed before swiftly tying my hands and feet to the bedposts.

Now at her mercy she took a blindfold and covered my eyes. My heart was racing as I heard a rustle of clothing before sensing something close to my head. Edging close to me, she pushed her pubic mound towards my hand for me to feel that she was completely shaven. I nearly came then and there..

She then whispered that as she was shaven it was only fair that I was trimmed too. I began to protest but my words were cut short by her hand being placed over my mouth. Protest over she took a pair of scissors and began to she cut part way through my boxers, then without warning she tore them clean from my body leaving me completely exposed. NOW I felt vulnerable..

I heard her shuffling through a bag I had noticed by the edge of the bed, then the shuffling was replaced with the buzz of a pair of barber’s trimmers. Soon the buzz was muffled by the sound of my pubes being gently shaved off. From beneath the blindfold I could see that she started with the wedge that left a reassuring length of pubes still attached, before reducing the size down, grade by grade, kuşadası escort bayan until only about two millimetres of pubes were left. Steph noticed that my cock was by now seeping pre-cum which she scooped off with her finger. She then whispered into my ear that she wanted me to see what girls had to put up with before forcing her pre-cum covered finger it into my mouth for me to lick off.

Next I smelt the distinct smell of shaving foam and before too long felt it being sprayed onto my pubes and being rubbed in. Steph then expertly shaved around the edges of my pubic mound before running the razor over my balls until they were completely hairless. After rinsing me she then bent down to lick alongside my pubes to feel its smoothness and took my balls into her mouth one by one to suck them gently.. The thought of me shaved bar a neat rectangle above my cock and my balls being sucked by Steph made my cock twitch with excitement.

Steph then told me that shaving me and the sight of me tied and at her mercy had made her so wet and that it was time her sensual areas had some attention. She straddling me and moved up the bed until her pussy was over my mouth. Pulling her knickers to one side with one hand, she grabbed the back of my head with the other and pulled my face between her thighs. She then ordered my to lick her sticky pus. As my tongue flicked over her clit and probed her hole she let out low moans before reaching behind herself to slowly wank my hard cock in rhythm with my licking. After a few strokes her hand was wet with my own pre-cum which she again forced me to lick from her fingers.

She stopped suddenly before edging back down the bed to above escort kuşadası my cock. Reaching down she began to rub my cock against her hard clit before guiding it to her soaking pussy and lowering herself down onto its full length. Slowly at first, she began to grind up and down onto my cock, letting out intermittent gasps as she sped up the pumping. The movement made my blindfold move slightly up just in time for me to see her reach down with one of her hands and start to wank herself as she fucked herself on my cock. It wasn’t long before I heard her let out a loud moan, grind her pussy down one final hard time and buck to an amazing orgasm, sending her juices running down my cock into the remainder of my pubes.

Having satisfied herself she then told me in a more forceful voice that she wanted to be outrageous and dirty. She untied my legs from the base of the bed and pushed them over my shoulders so my cock was now aimed directly at my own face. As she began to wank me she said that she so want to see me eat my own cum and that I would not be untied until I did so. She then started to lick around my balls right up to my arse. As the pace of her wanking began to quicken I felt something wet being smeared between my butt cheeks. Steph then told me to prepare myself before gently forcing her own vibrator into my arse. The buzz of her vibrator combined with the wanking of my cock was amazing and it wasn’t long before Steph sensed that I was close to coming. She probed for my g-spot with the vibrator, increased the speed and ferocity of her wanking and then told me to open my mouth and accept my fate. As my body stiffened she started milking my cock for all her worth then forced my mouth open with her spare hand before directing jet after jet of warm cum directly into my mouth. Once she was satisfied my balls were empty, she lowered my legs down and french kissed me to help me finish the reminder of my own cum. I lay back, totally spent, but I was already planning my revenge…


He Warned Me


He Warned Me.

He warned me. He did. Not once but three times. I chose to ignore his warnings and, instead, teased and flirted and mouthed off. I even dared him to carry through with his warning. And now, here I am. Cuffed to the balcony railing. Waiting. I never thought he’d go through with it, but he is. The doorbell just rang and I can hear Joe, Dan and Milord talking. I keep my eyes closed because it’s bad enough that they can see me, I don’t want to see them. HE is explaining the situation to them. Telling them of my disobedience, my mouthy brattiness. He knows I can hear every word because he raises his voice just a bit and orders me to open my eyes and look at him. Reluctantly, I do so. And there they are. Three sets of eyes staring up at me. I start to cry and my tears drip on the floor beneath me, close to their shoes. This isn’t the first time Milord has used others in my punishments, and it won’t be the last. He knows I hate it, but he also knows it’s effective. Joe, the quiet one, stands silently staring up at me and says, “Let’s get to it.”

Dan, one of the strictest Doms I’ve ever met, grins at me, slaps Milord on the shoulder and asks, “How long?” I hold my breath.

“Ten minutes,” HE answers. I breathe more easily. Ten minutes. I can handle ten minutes of spankings.

“Each of us.”

Oh my God.

“I’ll go first, then Joe and Dan, if you will, you last.”

Oh my God! After twenty minutes of punishment from both HIM and Joe, Dan, who knows exactly how to make me dance, will have ten minutes with my poor bottom?? I’m sobbing now, imagining kuşadası escort not sitting for the next three days.

“One more thing, just to be sure she remembers her position. After our time is up, I want her fucked. Either hole is fine. Just fuck her hard and cum over her ass. She needs to learn that I will do with her body as I want to, when I want to and how I want to.”

He looked up at me, grinned and said, “You need this, don’t you my love.”

I gulped. Here is where he’s asking permission to go through with it. Here is where I can say no and be released. Here, my punishment could end with simple humiliation and begging. Here is where I decided.

“Yes, Milord. I do need this.”

Gulping, I know that I have just accepted my punishment. The men come up the stairs and stand around me. First Milord deals with my bottom. He warmed it with his hand, bless him. Every so often he ran his finger through my slit and laughed when he noticed how wet I was. Again, I blushed at this shame but luckily no one could see my red cheeks, not that it would matter. My face, I was sure was already beet red because of my tears and the downward position.

“Belt,” He said.

I cried in earnest now and begged for mercy which was ignored.

Bless him, though, he was in no hurry. Ten minutes of constant belt whipping would have likely caused me to use my safe word. Instead, he firmly slapped his belt across my bottom and I howled as the fire flashed across my skin. Then, he pumped his finger in and out of my pussy, rubbing his thumb against my kuşadası escort bayan clit until I all but came. Then, he pull his hand out and administer another belting. By the time his ten minutes were up, I was weeping from pain and frustration.

I heard him unzip his jeans and remembered the second part of my punishment. Each man would fuck me. I could cum! HE plunged into my soaked pussy and I moaned. He grabbed my hair, leaned over me and whispered. “You didn’t think you’d get to cum yet, did you?” I moaned. So THIS was my real punishment! I’d flirted with him when he had no outlet for release and now he would do the same to me. He pulled out of my pussy and pressed against my glory hole. My head flew up and I wiggled my hips, crying out, “No, please. No.” (NOT my safeword, however!) He ignored me and, encouraged by his two friends, fucked my anus. I fought not to cum and, luckily, just when I was about to lose the battle, He pulled out and unleashed his load across my tender bottom.

Before I had the chance to recover, Milord had stepped back and Joe was in his place. How do I know it was Joe, because Joe kept up a steady, firm hand spanking. Never did he slow his pace or his power, but for ten minutes covered my cheeks, sit spot and upper thighs with unfailing slaps. By the time his time was up, I was slumped against the railing, having no choice but to accept my punishment. Joe, thank the goddess, chose my pussy. He pulled against my shoulders and silently fucked me. I bit my lip, hard, desperate not to come. Finally, I felt his hot sperm searing escort kuşadası my back.

One more to go. Dan. The invincible, merciless, but always fair Dan. By this point, I had given up squirming and shouting. I had accepted my fate and acknowledged my crime. I would take whatever Dan gave me like a good girl and I would prove to them all that Milord had trained me well. Then, Dan spanked me where I had never been spanked before. My pussy. Directly on my pussy. He cupped his hand and slapped my most sensitive area. I screamed and danced, pulling my legs together. “Gentlemen.” He said, and then Milord and Joe each grabbed an ankle and spread my legs, holding me open. Ten minutes of this I endured. The shrieking stopped after a while and I pressed my chest against the cold railing, sobbing pitifully. When the time was up, Dan chose to use my mouth. Milord unchained me and I dropped to the floor of the landing. Dan grabbed my hair and pushed his cock into my mouth. He fucked it hard and steady until he too reach his climax and covered my face and breasts with his cream. I collapsed onto the floor, a puddle of remorse and frustrated need.

Milord pulled me into his arms and carried me downstairs, kissing me and telling me how proud he was of me for taking my punishment like a good girl. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his face, swearing I’d behave now and that I loved him so very, very much.

I thought my ordeal was over, but again I was wrong.

“Now, we can go on with the evening I had planned. We are going to enjoy the game and you as well. Here’s the plan. You will be displayed for our viewing pleasure and, as we choose, we will pleasure you. Just to be sure you behave, I’m going to tie you down, but I want you to cum as much and as often as possible now, Sweet, because your pleasure brings me great joy. Agreed?”
